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Heloise & Abelard
Heloise & Abelard: A New Biography | James Burge
3 posts | 1 read | 6 to read
New Revelations about One of the Greatest Romances in History Peter Abelard was arguably the greatest poet, philosopher, and religious teacher in all of twelfth-century Europe. In an age when women were rarely educated, Heloise was his most gifted young student. Their private tutoring sessions inevitably turned to passion, and their moments apart were spent writing love letters. Astoundingly, a few years ago a young scholar identified 113 new love letters between the pair which, combined with the latest scholarship, present us with the richest telling yet of the couple's clandestine passion -- a story that is erotic, poignant, and at times even funny.
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Absolutely loved this book based on letters between them later on in life. Heloise is extremely intelligent & wilful, whereas Abelard comes across as rather self-absorbed.

It is a fascinating read for anyone who (like me) loves reading about enclosed orders & the Church in medieval society. 5🌟

tournevis I mean, he was a full adult and she was twelve, so.... 6y
OutsmartYourShelf @tournevis That‘s not true according to this book. Heloise was likely in her late teens, early twenties. 6y
tournevis @Deangirl Medievalists lose their cool over this book, you know. 6y
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OutsmartYourShelf @tournevis I‘m not an expert in the period and I am by no means an Abelard fan. I think he was, at the very least, selfish in what he did, but do I think she was as young as 12? 18-20 seems to fit her actions and descriptions of her as a scholar of repute. (edited) 6y
tournevis @Deangirl She was twelve when her uncle hired Abélard. That part is well-known. The exact timeline after that is a bit muddled. 6y
tournevis @Deangirl This has been studied to death. 6y
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“God is my witness that if Augustus, emperor of the whole world, thought fit to honour me with marriage and conferred all the earth on me for ever it would be sweeter and more honourable to me to be, not his empress, but your whore.” (Heloise, First Letter)

Wow! From lusty words to writing about daydreaming about sex during Mass, this book is turning out to be a surprise.

[Painting by Edward Blair Leighton, 1882]

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Playing catch-up for #12DaysOfChristmas

#TwoTurtleDoves Heloise and Abelard ... two of history‘s most tragic lovers. 😭

mjdowens Oh! This is one I️ really need to stack. Thank you 7y
SandyW Me too! 7y
LeahBergen @mjdowens @SandyW I read a work of historical fiction about them and became fascinated! Have either of you read 7y
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SandyW I haven't, but I've put it on the list. It sounds interesting. Did you like it? 7y
LeahBergen @SandyW I read it YEARS ago but I do remember enjoying it. 😀 7y
mjdowens @LeahBergen No I️ have not, but there is always room on my TBR 7y
batsy I would love to read more about them! There's a small section on them here and I loved it 7y
LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓🎅🏼🎄 7y
LeahBergen @batsy That looks like an interesting read (and I liked your review 👍🏻). 7y
TheLudicReader Love this story...and there was a beautiful movie too... can't remember what it was called... maybe something with stars in the title... 7y
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