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Joined September 2016

I read for pleasure. theludicreader.com
Distant Sons | Tim Johnston
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This is my third novel by this author and I gotta say, he's fabulous. This novel features sons from his two previous novels (but knowing that or not knowing won't impact this story) who meet at random ten years after their own stories from those books. That fateful meeting sets off a chain of events that is part decades old mystery, as well as a story about friendship and family. If you have never read this author, I can highly recommend.

BarbaraBB Thanks. I have this one on my shelves: 4d
LiteraryinLawrence What a cool way to revisit your previous characters without writing a traditional sequel. 4d
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BarbaraBB No I haven‘t read any book by him. Where to start? 4d
BethM Great mug! 4d
TheLudicReader @BarbaraBB I would read them in this order: Descent, The Current, Distant Sons. Descent is fantastic. The Current is a slow burn. Distant Sons is somewhere in the middle. They are all excellent, though. 4d
BarbaraBB Thank you so much. I will do as you suggest! 🤍 4d
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You Are Here: A Novel | David Nicholls
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Loved it. Marnie and Michael end up walking from one side of England to the other. He‘s unhappily separated from his wife; she is divorced. They have a mutual friend who thinks that meeting new people would be good for them both. I love the way Nicholls writes and this book is laugh out loud funny…I think Nicholls wrote the book on witty banter…but also heartfelt and romantic. My kind of romance.

dabbe #stacked! 🤩 1w
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Untitled | Untitled
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs tagged by @dabbe
As always, I am late.
1. I HATE spoilers. I never flip to the end. Ever.
2. If the character was exactly as I imagined him, maybe; choosing a fave author would be hard.
3. Romance for sure…but a good one, not a sappy one.
4. Maybe sci fi, in the hopes that the future is better than the past. Or send me to Bridgerton, exactly as Shonda imagines it.
5. Skip the last because I never finish series. 🤣

AmyG Hahahaha, I never finish a series either….only LOTR. (edited) 1w
dabbe #5: #metoo! I'm lucky if I even get to the second one--even if I love it! Sherlock is the exception. 🤩 1w
Eggs Thanks for playing!! 1w
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I read it pretty much in one sitting, if that tells you anything. Ruth, the daughter of an evangelical preacher, and Everett, son of an abusive alcoholic, become friends because of a horrific act of violence. Their friendship and loyalties are tested by the corrupt and suspicious backwater town in which they live. Lots of elements I really loved, including the main characters.

Balibee146 I really enjoyed this one too 2w
JenniferEgnor You may enjoy The Serpent King by Jeff Zenter…that one really got to me. 1w
TheLudicReader @JenniferEgnor I have that one in my classroom library. I will pick it up in September. 1w
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Theme Music: A Novel | T. Marie Vandelly
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Well, not scary, I can say that. It‘s really more of a mystery than a horror novel. The main character was annoying and that sort of undermined her story. As a toddler, her father hacked her mother and brothers to death and then slit his own throat, but left her untouched. 25 years later, the house where it happened becomes available and she decides to move in. As you would. 😬 The story had potential, but didn‘t live up to its promise.

Swaps | Sherree DeCovny
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Deblovestoread Thanks for sharing! 💜 2w
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Mayflies | Andrew O'Hagan
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❤️😭 a beautiful book about the friendship between Tully and James which captures one weekend in 1986 and a life-changing phone call 30 years later. I loved everything about this book from the music references to the setting (Glasgow) and the book was both funny and also made me cry more than once. 5🌟

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2w
ShelleyBooksie Adorable pic ♡ 2w
AmyG The music references were my favorite parts. And your cat looks absolutely thrilled. 2w
TheLudicReader @AmyG , I loved them too. I thought the book was really evocative of a time and place and in just that one weekend I came to know those characters because they reminded me of me at that age. 2w
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I read this in a day. It‘s almost 600 pages long, but the chapters are super short and it‘s mostly dialogue. Whitaker‘s super power is writing characters you fall in love with and there are several of them in this book, particularly Patch and Saint, besties who save each other again and again. There‘s also a solid mystery and some good twists. It wasn‘t the sucker punch of We Begin at the End, but I did love it.

BarbaraBB Great review. I just purchased a copy of it. 3w
Deblovestoread Great review. I‘m anxiously awaiting my BOTM box for my copy. 3w
Cathythoughts Great review! I loved We Begin at the End. I have this one lined up 👍🏻❤️ 3w
ShelleyBooksie I've heard that this one is excellent! 6d
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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I dunno. I was all in for the first half and then something happened. We‘ll be discussing this book at book club later this month, so perhaps I will have a better handle on my feelings after that discussion. I will say this: it was easy to read.

Lesliereadsalot It‘s been sitting on my shelf for 8 months! 3w
TheLudicReader @Lesliereadsalot it‘s definitely divisive, but honestly it was easy reading (if a bit grim). 3w
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dabbe #compulsoryactivity 💙💚💙 4w
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Look at this fun surprise which arrived on my doorstep. Thank you, @LeahBergen . Litsy friends are the best!

LeahBergen Oh, it arrived! You‘re so welcome. 😘😘 1mo
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I am giving this a so-so because I just don‘t think I am the right reader for straight up romance 101 for twenty somethings. This is my third book by this author and I have the same complaint about all of them. This one was slightly more irksome because of all the ridiculous PEI references. I know, it takes place on the island but do we have to hear about Cows Creamery butter every time someone makes toast? Probably lots of readers will love it.

Sisters | Daisy Johnson
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I am not sure how I feel about this book. The accolades are numerous, the writing is fabulous but I felt sort of distanced from the story. It‘s about two teenaged sisters, July and September, who have left their home in Oxford to live in a crumbling cottage by the sea after some sort of “incident”. It‘s been called everything from a “gothic mystery” to a “highly disturbing shocker”. Despite those descriptors, it wasn‘t a page turner.

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Small Things Like These | Claire Keegan
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I mean, sure, I buy too many books, but I doubt anyone here is going to call me out on it. You're my people. #bookhaul #sorrynotsorry

dabbe #score 🤩 1mo
LeahBergen We support you. 😆 1mo
Hooked_on_books You buy “too many books”? I don‘t understand what that means. 1mo
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TheLudicReader @LeahBergen support. Enable. Potayto. Potahto. 😂 1mo
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Whisper Down the Lane: A Novel | Clay McLeod Chapman
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This novel is based on the McMartin preschool trial/Satanic Panic of the 1980s. Some of it was creepy, but mostly it was just weird. Soft pick.

LeahBergen I love your little heart dishes. 😊 1mo
KathyWheeler It was such a weird time. I remember not knowing what to believe. 1mo
TheLudicReader Right? @KathyWheeler and then it all felt sort of anticlimactic. Thanks, @LeahBergen I love anything with hearts. 1mo
KathyWheeler @TheLudicReader Yes! It did feel all anticlimactic. My library has this book, so I might check it out. 1mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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1. There are probably loads. I mean, can I call myself an English major if I have never read Virginia Woolf?
2. Hello, Beautiful; A Little Life; The Midnight Library; anything by that hack, Colleen Hoover
3. Flowers in the Attic

dabbe #1: Can I? For some reason, Woolf has always scare me with the stream-of-consciousness writing. I'm horrible with that. And #3: YES! 😱 1mo
JuniperWilde Your #2. 👏 1mo
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Shiner | Amy Jo Burns
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My first 5 ⭐ read of the year. This is 15-year-old Wren's coming-of-age story. She lives with her parents in the mountains of West Virginia. Her father is a snake handling preacher; her mother has been beaten down by life. It is a stunning novel and I will definitely read anything else this author writes.

dabbe With that recommendation? #stacked 😘 2mo
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The Inheritance: A Novel | Joanna Goodman
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We will be discussing this book tonight at book club. I enjoyed this story of a woman whose husband‘s recent and completely unexpected death throws her life into chaos…and then she has the chance to inherit millions of dollars. Messy, funny, heartfelt…this book tackles mother/daughter relationships, aging, and $. I enjoyed the read.

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A little pre-summer #bookhaul for my tbr pile. How quickly will I actually get to any of these? 🤷‍♀️
Do I care that some might languish for a while? Also 🤷‍♀️.

Sace I have some that have been languishing since the 1990s 😂 2mo
Crazeedi Looks like a pile I "might" have 2mo
AmyG Wow! 2mo
dabbe 😲😍🤗 2mo
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Chlorine Sky | Mahogany L. Browne
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One last #bookhaul for the 2023-24 school year because 🤷

The Butterfly Garden | Dot Hutchison
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This is a soft pick about a girl named Maya who is kidnapped and kept in a garden with several other young girls for the express pleasure of the “Gardener”. Maya‘s story is revealed bit by bit and it is disturbing, but somehow it was sort of ‘meh‘ too. You have to suspend a little bit of disbelief, for sure.

The Birthdays | Heidi Pitlor
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Thanks to everyone who took the time to send cards, gifts, and messages for my birthday. I appreciated every single one of them!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎊🎉🎈🎁🩷 2mo
AmyG Hope it was a lovely birthday! 2mo
LeahBergen I hope you had a lovely day! 2mo
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JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 2mo
dabbe 💙💚💙 2mo
marleed Happy Birthday 🎂 2mo
Anna40 Happy belated birthday! 2mo
UwannaPublishme Happy very belated Birthday! 🥳🎉🎂 2mo
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Chasing the Boogeyman | Richard Chizmar
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Could this be the book that finally breaks my interminable slump? I dunno. I read it over the course of two days. It‘s a novel that reads like true crime with the author recalling a string of murders which happened in his hometown the summer he was 23. I thought it was excellent and a total page turner and it‘s been a l-o-n-g time since I‘ve said that about a book.

catiewithac I sent you a little birthday gift but it will likely arrive a few days late. Happy pre- and belated birthday! 😂 😍 2mo
merelybookish Huzzah! Maybe it's all the 🌞 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
Crazeedi I hope your slump is over! Been there a few tines! 2mo
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This is a pick, kinda sorta. Norma has never felt like she fit in. Joe has spent his whole life running away from his guilt. This is a story about family. It took me forever to read. #theslumpisreal
Hopefully we will get a chance to chat about it @ShelleyBooksie & @dabbe

dabbe I read chapter 1, and it bummed me out. I don't know if I'll finish it this May. I'm bummed out on bummed out books right now. And I hear ya about the slump, too. #bumslump 2mo
dabbe #lovelylily 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
ShelleyBooksie I think I'm at chapter 4 on audio and I just don't have a desire to listen to more. I think either you or @dabbe should choose a new book for us @TheLudicReader - mines a dud!! 2mo
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#WoundrousWednesday @Eggs
1. birdsong
2. April was a terrible reading month for me. If I had to pick, I‘d say my reread of A Little Princess for my school‘s student book club
3. It‘s a busy month at school and also my birthday month. 😀

Crazeedi Hello Christie! I've had a crazy April. I hope to write soon 3mo
Eggs Happy Birthday-Month 🌺🎉😍 3mo
TheLudicReader My April has been sort of crazy, too, @Crazeedi ! 3mo
TheLudicReader Thanks, @Eggs ❤️ 3mo
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Familyhood | Paul Reiser
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I started to write a #LitsyLove letter today, and then thought….I am going to have to say this hard thing over and over and I don‘t want to- so I will just say it here once, mostly for all the lovely pen pals with whom I share the minutiae of daily life. My Aunt San passed on April 19, with my brother Tom & I at her side. She had critical congestive heart failure, which she downplayed for several weeks before it got the best of her. ⬇️

TheLudicReader It was very difficult to watch her during the last two weeks of her life, and very difficult to lose her as she was the keeper of all the family stories…but we were lucky to have her for as long as we did and it was only recently that her health failed her. 💔 (edited) 3mo
slategreyskies I‘m so sorry for your loss. Sending a hug. 🫂 3mo
Deblovestoread I‘m so sorry for your loss. Sending love. 3mo
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kezzlou85 So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you. 💔 3mo
TheBookHippie Sending love & light. 3mo
Read4life I‘m so sorry to hear this. Sending love ❤️ 3mo
CBee Sending you lots of love ♥️♥️ 3mo
Librarybelle So sorry for your loss 3mo
Ruthiella You have my condolences. ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
quietjenn I'm so very sorry. 💙 3mo
dabbe What a beautiful face! Just looking at this picture I know she was the light of your lives. She's now the twinkling part of the ✨. Holding you and your family in my thoughts. 💙🩵💙 3mo
Lesliereadsalot A smile that lights up her whole face. 3mo
JessClark78 So sorry for your loss. 💔❤️ 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so sorry for you loss 💔🙏🏻 3mo
Suet624 How wonderful for her that you were with her. 3mo
MaureenMc Very sorry for your loss 💗 3mo
BookmarkTavern I am so sorry for your loss. 💖 3mo
CarolynM I‘m sorry for your loss💙 3mo
Jari-chan Sending strength and love 🕯️🙏 3mo
Eggs So sorry dear😣 That‘s how my Mom died. Sending ((((hugs)))) and prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻 3mo
merelybookish Just seeing this now. My condolences! 😔 2mo
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The Darkest Corners | Kara Thomas
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When Tessa and her best friend Callie were children, their eye witness testimony sent a man to prison for a string of murders. Ten years later, Tessa returns to her hometown to visit her incarcerated and dying father and the truth about what happened that night starts to unravel. A complicated, cut above YA mystery.

When I Was Ten | Fiona Cummins
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Dr. and Mrs. Carter were stabbed to death twenty years ago, and now a documentary about the murders has sparked renewed interest in their children, Sara and Shannon, who were ten and twelve at the time. This is a twisty thriller about friendship, family secrets, the bonds of sisterhood, and journalism. It was a page turner, especially the second half.

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Spring's Sprung | Lynn Plourde
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Ahh, yes, spring in the Maritimes. 😂

KadaGul @TheLudicReader In Chicago, we are experiencing a beautiful spring, the snow ❄and snowflakes ☃ blooming. 4mo
TheLudicReader It‘s crazy, @KadaGul as we haven‘t had any snow all winter. 😩 4mo
dabbe Yowza! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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merelybookish Indeed! 🙄 4mo
Bookpearl Ohhh! I‘m so jealous!! 🤩 4mo
BarbaraBB On my timeline your post is right below a similar one by @Suet624 … who can still deny climate change?! 4mo
TheLudicReader @Bookpearl , if you are jealous, you must be someplace warm! I‘ll trade you. 😂 4mo
TheLudicReader @BarbaraBB we have been known to get snow in April, and I remember years and years ago getting in May…but all the wacky weather is definitely climate change related and people who don‘t believe that are idiots. There. I said what I said. (edited) 4mo
Bookpearl @TheLudicReader I‘m in good old central Virginia where it doesn‘t seem to snow as frequently as I would like. 😩 4mo
BarbaraBB 💯 ❤️ 4mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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If I had to pick between historical or SiFi, I would pick historical although it isn‘t necessarily my favourite.
Thanks for the tag @Eggs

Eggs 🩷💜🩷 4mo
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Unbearably tense story about two brothers, Jonah, 16, and Simon, 14, who have left home for Arizona where they hope they will be reunited with their older brother, Matt, who has been fighting in the Vietnam War. Unfortunately, they get picked up by Mitch and Lilly and things start to go horribly wrong. I really liked the main characters and their predicament was nail biting.

tpixie Hitchhiking can be dangerous ⚠️ 4mo
ShelleyBooksie Do I see kitty ears in the background? 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 + ARIZONA! 🤩 4mo
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Spinning | Tillie Walden
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#bookspin and #doublespin for April @TheAromaofBooks
This is the “books that have been neglected on my tbr shelf for a long-ass time” edition. I think #18 has been on there for 20 years. 😂

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I have a few of those too 😂 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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15 year old with bi-polar disorder (thus unreliable) attends private boarding school and finds herself in the crosshairs of a mean girl. It was painfully slow & nothing much happens until the last 50 pages. Ward had a weird and distracting writing tick...she started sooooo many sentences with 'As'. Like multiple instances per page. Just...no.

CoverToCoverGirl I love her writing, but I avoided this one. So glad I did. 4mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 Hi, Lily! 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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Velocity: A Novel | Kristin McCloy
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A day late and a dollar short, as usual.
1. The tagged book is my most often re-read book. You can read my thoughts about its impact on my life here: https://theludicreader.com/2015/07/01/velocity-kristin-mccloy/
2. Books for school: Gatsby, TKaM, Salt to the Sea, Our Town
3. The Little Princess. ❤️
Thanks for the tag, @ShelleyBooksie
@dabbe for #ThreeListThursday

dabbe 1: Has been on my radar since you first mentioned it in your letter. A definite will read! 2: YES! What's your favorite book to teach? 🤩 3: even more than THE SECRET GARDEN? On the TBR! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
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Blue Horses: Poems | Mary Oliver
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I was awake early this morning, so I did I little internet troll and came across this beautiful poem. I love Mary Oliver.

Texreader This is lovely 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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When We Were Vikings | Andrew David MacDonald
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#Two4Tuesday (on Wednesday) @TheSpineView
Tagged by @egg and @dabbe
1. Where to start. Many of the things that should be taught at home (personal hygiene, respect, work ethic etc) are now, apparently, part of our domain. I think everyone should be required to take a cooking/nutrition class, $ management, and how to ferret out fake news.
2. Tagged book is sooooo good with a beautiful main character and wonderful supporting characters.

TheSpineView Never too late to play! Great answers. Happy Wednesday 4mo
dabbe Your #1 is fabulous. I got a big too snarky. #oops 🤩 4mo
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The History of Jane Doe | Michael Belanger
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Fabulous YA debut about mental health/depression, friendship and love, family and our place in the cosmos.

dabbe Hello, lovely Lily. 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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I made it just past 100 pages and the thought of 200 more pages of ridiculous characterization just made my heart sink. Amber and Tyler have been besties since they were 14. Tyler has harboured more romantic feelings for Amber. A thing happens which causes Amber to take him at gunpoint to a remote cabin. Sexual assault is a serious topic…and so is Amber‘s eating disorder, but the whole thing reads like something on Wattpad. Blech.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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The Doll's House | Katherine Mansfield
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Tagged by @dabbe for #tlt
1. Tagged. Makes me teary every time I read it.
2. Mrs. Turner Cutting the Grass by Carol Shields
3. Anything by Alice Munro. I mean anything, not a story with that name. Lol.

dabbe You've given me 3 more for my TBR. Thanks for playing, m'dear. 💚💙💚 4mo
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Rovers | Richard Lange
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A straightforward revenge thriller featuring a cast of vampires known as Rovers. I do love vampire tales and this is a pick only because it was easy to read and some of the characters were sympathetic, but it certainly wasn‘t the best story about blood suckers I have ever read. #bookspin for March

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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The Realm of Possibility | David Levithan
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A YA novel in verse, which depicts the relationships of 20 different high school students. I didn‘t always know the gender of the person speaking and I certainly didn‘t always get how these characters connected to each other, but I enjoyed this book nevertheless.

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I moved this book up the food chain because a student in my YAL class called it “disgusting” and I had to know what in the heck she was talking about. This is an excellent coming-of-age story set in 1930. 16 year old Thea is sent to the riding camp for some offence which is revealed in fits and starts. She is a girl coming to terms with her own power and I loved spending time with her. Not YA and not disgusting in any way.

LeahBergen I liked this one and don‘t remember anything “disgusting” about it at all? 🤔 4mo
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A Reading Diary | Alberto Manguel
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#bookhaul from my time in Halifax

AmyG Ooooo…Lolita. Very very good. 5mo
TheLudicReader @AmyG a student wanted to read it and my original copy was ruined, so I had to replace it. 5mo
dabbe A ruined book is a well-read book. 💚💙💚 5mo
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The World Cannot Give | Tara Isabella Burton
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Despite the fact that the main character is 16, this dark academia is not YA. Laura Stearns begins a term at St. Dunstan's where she falls under the thrall of Virginia Strauss. I found this book well-written (although the author had some little quirks that did start to grate a little) and interesting. Not much happens, but it was strangely compelling.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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Bookstores: A Celebration of Independent Booksellers | Horst A. Friedrichs, Stuart Husband
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Agricola Street Books is not in the database, but this was on today‘s stop.

ShelleyBooksie That looks beautiful!!! Find any gems? 5mo
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Looks gorgeous! I used to live just off Agricola years ago but this bookstore wasn't there I don't think! 5mo
ImperfectCJ Okay, so Nova Scotia is on our list of possible travel destinations for this summer, and your bookstore posts are really edging it upward in my personal ranking of the options. 5mo
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dabbe Are there bunks/cots so one can just sleep there overnight and continually browse? 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
KadaGul Who would ever want to leave this little piece of heaven #BOOKSTORELOVER 5mo
SpellboundReader Wow, what a lovely store! 5mo
TheLudicReader @ShelleyBooksie I found a couple books, but nothing on my tbr. Typical! I just like visiting. 5mo
TheLudicReader @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian I lived on Creighton back in the 90s…back when that area of town was more scary and way less hip. My son lives on Gottigen, in Victoria Hall…if you remember that building. 5mo
TheLudicReader @ImperfectCJ NS is worth a visit…there‘s lots of things to do in Halifax, and a drive along the south shore to Lunenburg is a must. If I can help at all, let me know. 5mo
TheLudicReader @dabbe I am sure a cot can be arranged for VIPs 5mo
TheLudicReader @KadaGul that is a problem…🤣 5mo
TheLudicReader @BeeCurious I believe they told me the first time I was in that the owner‘s husband did all that woodwork. 5mo
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Bookmark II | Halifax, NS, Canada (Bookstore)
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No. 2.

Crazeedi I want to browse!!! 5mo
ShelleyBooksie @DinoMom - we need to find this our next visit to Halifax! Looks like a great spot ◇ 5mo
DinoMom @ShelleyBooksie I know where it is located and have driven by it but haven‘t been yet! Next trip for sure 5mo
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TheLudicReader @Crazeedi this is a great spot to browse…lots of great bookish merch, too. 5mo
TheLudicReader @ShelleyBooksie @DinoMom this is a great spot! You‘ll definitely have to go the next time you are I. Halifax, although you now have your very own Bookmark. 5mo
ShelleyBooksie I'm loving this bookstore tour! The only bookstore I've been to in Halifax is Venus Envy. Which is super cool but I've only been once as it's downtown. @TheLudicReader - I hope you are not driving home today in this snowstorm!! 5mo
TheLudicReader I arrived home safe and sound yesterday, @ShelleyBooksie 5mo
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Trident Booksellers & Cafe | Halifax, NS, Canada (Bookstore)
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The first of many bookstores I am likely to visit while visiting my kids in Halifax.

AmyG Enjoy! 5mo
dabbe That‘s my kitchen floor! Have fun! 💚💙💚 5mo
LeahBergen Oh, fun! 5mo
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Crazeedi Love! Lucky you 5mo
TheBookHippie Fun!!! 5mo
TheLudicReader @AmyG @dabbe @LeahBergen @Crazeedi @TheBookHippie luckily I was with Connor at that point and he is always down for a bookstore visit. 5mo
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Spinning | Tillie Walden
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March Break #bookspin
Yes haw!

ShelleyBooksie That is a very diverse range of choice! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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1. Lilac, rugosa, sweet pea, lily of the valley…the real flowers, not perfume. Remind me of my grandparents‘ property.
2. Being in the woods
3. Clothes fresh off the line

Thanks for the tag @dabbe

dabbe One of the hardest smells to duplicate is clothes fresh off the line. Some candles have tried, but it's just not the same. 💚💙💚 5mo
Eggs Clothes off the line-that is priceless!! Climbing into bed at night with fresh wind blown sheets - heavenly🩵🩵 5mo
Eggs @dabbe Absolutely 💯-great childhood throwback🩵🩵 5mo
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dabbe @Eggs 💚💙💚 5mo
ShelleyBooksie Ahhhh - lilacs and clothes on the line - I can smell spring! 5mo
Crazeedi O my goodness YES!!!! On all!! I l9ve my sheets when they dry on the clothesline!! And real flowers! 5mo
Crazeedi Dang, 'love' 5mo
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I mean, it‘s whackadoodle, sure, but I also had a lot of fun with this story of an estranged brother and sister who are tasked with cleaning out and selling their parents‘ house after their sudden deaths. It‘s often laugh-out-loud funny, squirm inducing and also surprisingly poignant, but the puppet-adverse should beware.

LeahBergen Pupkin! 😆 5mo
TheLudicReader I couldn't help but imagine a demonic Casey, @LeahBergen . 😂 5mo
LeahBergen No!!! 🤣🤣 5mo
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