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Joined September 2016

INTJ. Ravenclaw. Avid reader. https://www.goodreads.com/outsmartyourshelf
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Highway 13 by Fiona McFarlane
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Promises in Death by J. D. Robb
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Titan's Tears by Chad Lester
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The Reckoning by Jane Casey
Dark Tide: Growing Up With Ted Bundy | Edna Cowell Martin, Megan Atkinson
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Edna Cowell's life was happy & fairly idyllic at first. Growing up with her parents & a brother, Edna was also close with her cousin Ted Bundy. Intelligent & charismatic, Ted was more of a second sibling to Edna, which is why when he was arrested for several murders, Edna struggled to believe it was true. Edna came to realise that the man she thought she knew had a dark side. This is a memoir which asks: can we ever truly know another person?

OutsmartYourShelf This is a really fascinating read but if you want to know about the actual murders, this is not the book for that. There are a lot of books out there on Ted Bundy but this one really gives a different perspective. It must be so difficult to wrap your head around the fact that someone you grew up with, were close to, turns out to have committed heinous crimes whilst continuing to behave absolutely normal to you. 4d
OutsmartYourShelf That moment in the car with just the two of them when Edna realises that Ted is guilty after all & slowly turns to look at him & he is just smiling at her - truly chilling!

Written in an interesting yet informal voice, I felt as if I were having a chat with the author & became really invested in her story. I absolutely recommend it.

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Post Hill Press/Permuted Press, for the opportunity to read an ARC.
DieAReader 🥳Fantastic! 4d
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One Wrong Turn | C. M. Ewan
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Abi & Ben are heading home earlier from their weekend away, arguing about the reason (Ben has unexpectedly been called into work), & driving down foggy country roads in the dark when they take the wrong turn. Having little choice but to carry on, they narrowly miss a man who suddenly appears in front of the car, Abi swerves to miss him but refuses to stop.

A short while later they come upon a broken-down car with a woman & her baby (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Abi still doesn't want to stop but Ben insists they help out. They end up offering a lift to the woman, baby, & the man from before who is the woman's husband. As they continue their journey, Abi senses that something is not right between the man & wife but can't get much information out of either of them. Abi & Ben are about to find out that no good deed goes unpunished.

OutsmartYourShelf The narrative is told from both couples' perspective (Abi & Ben/Paul & Samantha) & it's tricky to work out what is going on at first. To be honest, I was having trouble getting into this one & was thinking of DNF-ing it, when just after halfway through something happened in the plot that grabbed my attention. The last third of the book was much pacier & more intriguing than the rest & in the end I'm glad I finished it. 3.5🌟 7d
OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Pan Macmillan, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

TWs: miscarriage, kidnapping, gun violence.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6514279688
Read 17th-19th July 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳 Great! 7d
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Message Deleted | K. L. Slater
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Saffy needs a job but whilst waiting to go into an interview, she receives 3 text messages from her bestie, Leona which read “Can‘t speak… “ “don‘t text or call… “ “please just come“. The messages are deleted & leaving the interview pleading illness, Saffy heads to her friend's home but when she gets there, Leona insists everything is fine. Unconvinced but with nothing she can do, Saffy heads home, (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf but six hours later, the police call: Leona, her husband, & her daughter are all missing, there's evidence of a confrontation with blood at the scene, & Saffy was the last one to visit them.

It started off quite well with Saffy's obvious worry at the deleted messages, but once the family disappears & the police become involved everything becomes rather contrived. One major issue for me is that the police had no physical evidence which pointed to
OutsmartYourShelf Saffy - yes she was at the scene earlier in the day & her prints were there because of that, but nothing else. No concrete evidence she was involved just circumstantial, & yet they focus all their efforts on her. It works for the plot of the book but it didn't ring true for me (although one wonders when you see some forces' solve rates) & rather affected my focus on reading it.

OutsmartYourShelf The narrative is told from several viewpoints including Saffy's sister & Leona & the timeline moves back & forth between now & what happened in the past. I didn't particularly like any of the characters apart from feeling a bit sorry for Saffy. The book is set in the UK city of Nottingham which happens to be my old stomping grounds & it was nice to see some of the places I know mentioned, & bonus points for the mention of my football team, Forest. 7d
OutsmartYourShelf Overall though, I felt it didn't live up to the initial promise of the synopsis. 3⭐

TWs: mental health issues, infidelity, violent attack, death.

Thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Michael Joseph/Penguin Random House, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6587722972
Read 15th-17th July 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳👋🏻 #Next 7d
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This book looks at the roots of & rise of fascism in the USA before the Second World War. Starting off with the reappearance of the KKK in the 1910s, through the forming of the American-German equivalents of Hitler Youth, to the companies who dealt with the Nazis both before & during the war.

It was an interesting if densely packed read. There's a lot of information here which has obviously been carefully researched but (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf it does make it slightly heavy-going at times. There are lots of names I'd certainly never heard of before & I wasn't aware of the extent that Nazism & fascism managed to inveigle their way into certain areas. For all that, none of the groups were particularly successful, in fact the Nazi leadership in the 1930s seemed to be at pains to disassociate themselves from most of them which was curious. 1w
OutsmartYourShelf Overall it was an informative read although the ending was a little abrupt & I would have liked a little more summing up of the key points. 4 🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Pen & Sword/Frontline Books, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6613095087
Read 27th June -16th July 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1w
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The Wilds: A Novel | Sarah Pearse
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Following the events on Reaper Rock in the previous book, Detective Elin Warner decides to take some R&R & holiday with her estranged brother, Isaac. They head to a national park in Portugal but it's not until they get there that Isaac tells her that he wants to look into the disappearance of his friend's sister. Kier Templer has never wanted to settle down & lived her life on the road. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf After attending her brother's wedding with her boyfriend, ex-celebrity chef Zeph, she seemingly disappeared. Has Kier just gone off-grid or is there more to her disappearance? Told from both Elin & Kier's points of view, this is a dual narrative storyline with Elin being present-day & Kier relating the events that led up to her disappearance a couple of years before.

OutsmartYourShelf I should have known better really. The first two books were so-so for me but I was pulled in again by the synopsis & the book cover. A book like this should take me 2 days to read tops, but this took a (seemingly very long) 4 days. I think much of it is down to the main character Elin Warner - one of the most frustrating characters ever. Does she actually do any investigating or does everything just happen around her? I'm feeling it's the latter. 2w
OutsmartYourShelf When work partner Steed tells her that she is one of the best detectives he's ever known I laughed almost as loud as when someone told Carrie Mathison in Homeland that she was the best agent they'd ever seen. LOL, no! On the good side, the plot itself is well worked out even if it meandered on too long. 3⭐

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Little, Brown Book Group UK/Sphere, for the opportunity to read an ARC.
DieAReader 🥳Fantastic! 2w
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A biography of Emma Darwin (née Wedgwood), the wife of naturalist & evolutionist Charles Darwin. Both Charles & Emma (they were first cousins) came from impressive backgrounds with Emma being the granddaughter of Josiah Wedgwood of the Stoke potteries fame, whilst Charles was the grandson of Erasmus Darwin, one of the key figures of the 18th century. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Both families had their fair share of academics but they were also passionately involved in campaigns such as the abolition of slavery, & animal welfare.

Before reading this book my knowledge of Charles Darwin was rudimentary at best, & I hadn't realised that he suffered so much ill health. I also hadn't heard much about his wife & children at all.
OutsmartYourShelf The book first goes back to those well-known grandfathers & traces the lives of their descendants. I thought it was mainly interesting but there were occasions where it became a little difficult to keep who everyone was & who was married to whom straight in one's head - even with the family trees at the start. It also became a little dry in places. Overall I did enjoy it though. 3⭐

DieAReader 🥳Great! 2w
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I really can't shorten my review to fit here so I'm just going to put the link to my GR review. 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6649692194
Read 7th - 9th July 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#ReadYourKindle @CBee

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 3w
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After the events of previous book, The Sanatorium, DS Elin Warner is called to the scene of a death on Reaper's Rock - an island off the coast of Devon. The death might have been an accident Warner is unsure as yet, but the island itself has a dark past as the hunting grounds of a serial killer. The island has recently been developed into an eco-wellness retreat called LUMEN - which just happens to have been designed by Warner's bf, Will. (cont'd)

OutsmartYourShelf The island has recently been developed into an eco-wellness retreat called LUMEN - which just happens to have been designed by Warner's boyfriend, Will. As Warner & partner, Steed, investigate they realise that there is more to the case than first glance suggests & a second body confirms their suspicions. Is there a copycat killer or was Creacher actually innocent & the real killer back to claim more victims?
OutsmartYourShelf An isolated island, a serial killer, & a storm cutting them off from the mainland - this should have been a slam dunk, but at times I nearly gave up as the pacing was so slow. Looking back at my review for the first book, my main issue was with Warner & it's more of the same here There are obviously issues that she is working through but I find her lack of confidence & insipid character very frustrating for someone leading a murder inquiry. 3w
OutsmartYourShelf Otherwise, the storylines are quite good & there's dual plots running here with the investigation itself & the dramas of members of one family who visit the retreat for a holiday. Overall, decent plot but slow pacing & the MC lowers my rating. 3⭐

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4665677191
Read 5th - 7th July 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
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Crazeedi I have The Sanitorium on my shelf, have not read, since I've read conflicting reviews of it. 3w
OutsmartYourShelf @Crazeedi With hindsight, I wouldn't chose to read it over other books I wanted to read more. Other readers have loved it though🤷‍♀️ 4d
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On a warm evening in July 1994 on a quiet cul-de-sac, two ten-year-olds, Ethan & Billy, go about their usual Friday night routine of camping in Ethan's parents' backyard. They fall asleep but in the morning, only one of them is still there. Ethan wakes up to find their tent sliced open & Billy is gone. Now Ethan will be plagued by nightmares & what-ifs about what could have happened to his friend. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Thirty years later, Ethan returns to Hemlock Circle when his parents retire South. The same neighbours all still live in their homes except for Billy's family who moved away. Now that Ethan is back, it seems as if something has been stirred up & strange things begin to happen - like the yard lights coming on at each of the houses in the middle of the night one by one, as if someone or something is circling the street. Has Billy finally returned? 3w
OutsmartYourShelf I've now read 7 out of the 8 books published by this author & the split is currently 5 really great reads & 2 not so great reads. Unfortunately this one falls into the not so great reads for me. It starts off well but it meanders a bit too much & I found my attention wandering a bit at times. I also managed to work out who was behind Billy's disappearance & usually Sager's a master at misdirection. 3w
OutsmartYourShelf It's still a decent read but it's not quite as good as the author's best work for me.

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Hodder & Stoughton, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 3w
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DI Ridpath is back & working on a cold case. In May 2020, fourteen-year-old Andrew Golding went out for a walk during the height of the Covid lockdown & was never seen again. Ridpath finds that the investigation was rather shoddy (to say the least), & it all seems linked in some way to unusual deaths at a local care home, but even he is not anticipating where the case will lead him.

OutsmartYourShelf I really do enjoy reading this series. The author has created some great characters that the reader can get to know & become invested in what happens to them, whilst the plots are well planned out & executed. I thought this one was a little bit slow at the start, but it built up to a tense, fast-paced ending. Great series that maintains a high standard.

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Canelo, for the opportunity to read an ARC.
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3w
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Untitled | Untitled
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List for July's #ReadYourKindle. Read one in June, so hoping for two in July.


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A memoir from Jo Ward of BBC‘s 'Forensics – the Real CSI' a programme I am yet to watch, therefore, I read this with no preconceived ideas about the author. I was intrigued to read about their experiences seeing as, if things had been different, I would have loved to work in an adjacent forensic field as a Forensic Archaeologist. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf I thought it was a really interesting read offering insight into both how CSIs carry out their jobs in the real world as opposed to the very glamourised depiction on TV & film, & the aftermath of being exposed to the very worst of human nature day after day. Ward is unflinchingly honest about the difficulties in balancing work & family life, & in dealing with PTSD. It's a vital aspect of the job & yet as Ward writes, 1mo
OutsmartYourShelf cutbacks mean that this side of things is often not given the attention it needs. I would recommend this to anyone interested in learning more about working in forensic science. 4🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Quarto Publishing Group/White Lion/Aurum, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6442360327
Read 22nd - 24th June 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader Wonderful!🥳 1mo
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The Last Hunt | Audrey J Cole
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Following on from the first book, Cameron Prescott (now Jenkins) is living in Tok, Alaska. As well as working as the town's new dentist, Cameron is now neighbours with BF, state trooper Dane. It's a new start but it looks as if the past might be catching up with Cameron once again when a new murder takes place which has similarities to those committed by her late husband, John Prescott aka the Teacher Killer. John is dead though. Isn't he?

OutsmartYourShelf I really rather enjoyed the first book so I was eager to read the sequel & it was not a disappointment. Fast-paced with a few brutal scenes, the story grips the reader from the start & doesn't let go. Again, yes after a certain point partway through, it's fairly easy to work out what is going on & Cameron on occasion makes questionable decisions, but it doesn't really matter. Overall verdict: a tad predictable but a truly riveting thriller. 4 🌟 1mo
OutsmartYourShelf TWs: violence scenes, murder, stalking.

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, BooksGoSocial, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6406159152
Read 25th-26th June 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 1mo
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The Island | M A Bennett
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Main character is insufferable. DNF @ 30%.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Reckless: Sex, Lies and JFK | Douglas Thompson, Mike Rothmiller
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There has been a flurry of new books about the Kennedys recently & I, for one, am all for it. This book is a look at the seamier side of the Kennedys & there's plenty of material. With all the rumoured affairs & trysts, I'm surprised JFK had any time left to devote to Presidential duties! (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf I found the first section the most difficult to read as it mainly concerned patriarch, Joseph Kennedy, & I can't stand him. Later sections were mainly about JFK (& RFK to a lesser extent) & how their father's rumoured earlier entanglements with the Mafia came back to haunt them. It's a very interesting book & well-written but it's probably not for you if you think the Kennedys could do no wrong. 4.5🌟

OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Ad Lib Publishers, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6200253485
Read 15th-22nd Jun 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 1mo
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Camp Slaughter | Sergio Gomez
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It‘s exactly what you would expect from a slasher read: a group of college kids, a creepy isolated cabin, & a cannibal killer nearby. Mayhem ensues.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4611497148
Read 21st-23rd June 2024

OutsmartYourShelf Obviously don't read this if you are of a sensitive disposition, there's a lot of killing going on. Heads & legs chopped off, spines broken, that kind of thing. The beginning is very much like the start of a particularly scary Criminal Minds episode (& I love CM) so it grabbed my attention straight away. It's a quick read but brutal in parts. 3.5🌟

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#ReadYourKindle @CBee
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1mo
CBee Oof, freaks me out just reading your review 😨😳😂 1mo
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booklover3258 It was a great book. I'm going to order the next one eventually because our library doesn't have the sequel. 1mo
willaful @CBee I know, staying far away from this one! 1mo
OutsmartYourShelf @CBee It‘s not my usual type of read tbh, I‘m more into crime fiction rather than horror. 1mo
OutsmartYourShelf @booklover3258 I may read the next one in Oct especially if Scarathlon is happening this year. 1mo
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The Curse of Penryth Hall | Jess Armstrong
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After losing her family in the sinking of the 'Lusitania', American heiress Ruby Vaughn has made a life for herself in Exeter, England running a rare bookstore alongside Mr Owen, her octogenarian employer. When Mr Owen asks her to deliver a box of books to a Cornish village, Ruby finds herself back in the one place she swore she‘d never return to. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Her once closest friend, Tamsyn, married Sir Edward Chenowyth after the end of the Great War & Ruby has not seen her since. The Chenowyth's family seat is Penryth Hall in Cornwall & after a chance meeting, Tamsyn asks Ruby to stay with them whilst she is in the area. All plans are upset though as next morning, Sir Edward is found dead & Penryth‘s bells ring for the first time in thirty years. Has the Penryth curse returned & who will be next? 1mo
OutsmartYourShelf Overall - enjoyable storyline, lovely cover, but feels a little anachronistic to the time period setting. 3.5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publisher, Allison & Busby, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6496733682
Read 18th - 20th June 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳Great! 1mo
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The Night Before | Wendy Walker
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Laura Lochner is always choosing the wrong men & they always leave her. After the breakup of her latest relationship, she goes to her sister, Rosie's, home in the Connecticut suburbs where they both grew up. Rosie is married to their childhood friend, Joe, & they have a young son, & Laura takes up residence in their attic room.

She decides to take a chance on a date with an older man, Jonathan Fields, & borrows Rosie's car. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Rosie is concerned that Laura is jumping back into dating far too soon & when Laura hasn't returned by the next morning, her concern seems justified. Rosie delays in calling the police though as she is less worried that a man has hurt Laura, & more worried that Laura has hurt him. After all, it's not the first time.

I thought it started off well - the first 100 pages were riveting, but it soon turned pedestrian.
OutsmartYourShelf Laura (who seemed like she might turn out to be a bit of a badass at first) was revealed to be a drip who kept saying that she was going to leave the date as he was not being truthful with her, but kept talking herself into staying. Truthfully Rosie was a more intriguing character. If I had to sum up this book in two words it would be 'daddy issues'. 3⭐ for the good beginning. 1mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 1mo
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Slow, dull, & the main character is a condescending snob. Couldn't care less what happens to any of the characters tbh. DNF'd at 45%.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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The Final Hunt | Audrey J. Cole
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2024 Review

Have re-read this one as I'm going to read the follow-up soon. Just over 2 years between reads & there's not much to add to my original review below. 4🌟

Link to 2022 review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4530112566
Read 14th-16th June 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Great! 1mo
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Whatever Happened to Rosemarie? | Vera Christa Doederlein Hastie
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This is a fictional account of the heart-breaking true story of the disappearance of 14-year-old Rosemarie Doederlein in Montréal, Canada in 1954. Although her family never stopped looking, it took almost 70 years for them to get answers. Written by Rosemarie's younger sister, this book grabs hold of your emotions & doesn't let go. The family's pain in losing their daughter & sister comes off the pages as does the love they had for each other.

OutsmartYourShelf My one (minor) quibble is that it looked as if it was going to be mainly about Rosemarie's disappearance, whereas in fact, that was quite a small part of the book. A great many of the chapters dealt with the family's experiences as a German family in & just after the Second World War. It was very interesting to read but not quite what I expecting from the synopsis. 4🌟

OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to NetGalley & publisher/author, Vera Christa Doederlein Hastie, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6578795558
Read 12th-14th June 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1mo
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ZZ Top were not a band I knew much about but were instantly recognisable for their look. I remember 'Doubleback' being the title song for Back To The Future III (great film), & I've heard their music on classic rock stations but I was too young to be a 'fan'. More recently, Gibbons has become known to viewers, such as myself, of forensic science show 'Bones' as the father of one of the characters where it seems he basically played himself.

OutsmartYourShelf This book is an excellent overview of the band as an entity, their tours, & record deals, but scant on actual personal detail. Even after reading this, Gibbons remains an enigmatic figure, whilst Hill & Beard are so lightly sketched in they are practically transparent. Interesting read though. 3⭐

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Global Pequot/Backbeat, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1mo
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The follow-up to the first book 'Come Find Me in the Midnight Sun', set in the wilds of Alaska, this book sees a resolution to the cases from that first book. Officer Louisa Linebach, in a joint operation with the Feds, fakes a move back to Anchorage but really she is hiding out at a remote hunting lodge in Kenai Fjords National Park, Can Louisa get enough information on Mr Drew to shut him down for good?

OutsmartYourShelf Again, this is a fairly slow-paced book until the last third, but the characters are the most important aspect of this series. Louisa's on/off relationship with medical examiner Anna Fenway is part of the story, but the most interesting character was Dolly - a member of one of the indigenous peoples of the area. Dolly's previous experience with the police force is not the best as when her granddaughter went missing several years before, 1mo
OutsmartYourShelf it was perfunctorily investigated before being filed as a runaway teen. Louisa & Dolly's journey to actually learning to trust one another is a big part of the story. I did think, however, that the actual resolution of the case was a bit of an anti-climax in many respects. 'Baddie' Mr Drew barely featured in the story until the last third & it was all over very quickly. A minor quibble though overall. 4🌟

OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Bold Strokes Books Inc, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6532195324
Read 9th-11th June 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳Great! 1mo
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5 years ago, Ryan's girlfriend, Ali, was kidnapped from their date & has never been found. Ryan has had suspicion hanging over him for all this time, & hasn't been able to put the past behind him. On a summer trip, Ryan gets a call from his father to say that Ali's car has been found submerged in a lake in their hometown of Leavenworth. No sign of Ali, but the car contains 2 dead men & a cryptic note saying “If something happens to me“. (cont'd)

OutsmartYourShelf Meanwhile back in Leavenworth, new deputy sheriff, Poppy McGee, has the discovery of missing teenager Ali's car happen on her first day in the job. Asked to follow up on any leads or tips, Poppy finds that most of them are as unhelpful as expected, but the investigation takes a strange turn which has Poppy suspecting her own family of being mixed up in Ali's disappearance.

OutsmartYourShelf This is a multi-strand plot where the reader hears from both Ryan & Poppy's point of view, alongside a third narrative which deals with the aftermath of a school bullying incident. I was a little perplexed at first how the three were going to dovetail, but the author pulled it all together nicely. It's all a bit improbable, yet extremely readable & it kept my attention well. 3.5🌟
OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Head of Zeus/Aries, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6406172546
Read 4th-7th June 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
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Going Dark | Melissa de la Cruz
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Amelia Ashley, social media influencer, goes missing on holiday with boyfriend, Josh. Josh arrives back home without Amelia & says he had no choice but to leave after she abandoned him during their last meal in Rome & won't answer her phone.

Harper Delgado sees #WhereisAmeliaAshley trending & looks into the case. None of Amelia's bank accounts or cards have been used, there are no sightings, & her social media presence is dead. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf She has gone completely dark, but as Harper looks further, certain things make no sense & does Amelia's disappearance have anything to do with the disappearance of another girl two years ago?

This is a fast-paced, quick read. The reader gets to hear from Josh, Amelia, & Harper along the way & the timeline skips around quite a bit. I can't give it full marks as it was obvious which way the storyline was going to go from fairly early on,
OutsmartYourShelf but the journey was a gripping read. I couldn't put it down. 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5178904479
Read 6th June 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader ❤️‍🔥🥳Awesome!!! 2mo
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George Mallory & Andrew 'Sandy' Irvine climbed into the history books when they set off on their attempt to summit Everest on 8 June 1924 - an attempt that was to claim both their lives. It was 75 years before Mallory's remains were found, Irvine has not been located as yet, & there is no first-hand record of what transpired that day. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf In this book, Dr Robert Edwards looks at contemporary evidence, accounts of the climbers who followed in their footsteps over the years, & technical information using the latest modern technology to try & piece together what may have happened. Did Mallory & Irvine realise their aim of being the first people to summit Everest? 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6424491200
Read 1st-5th June 2024
DieAReader ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 2mo
27 likes3 comments
Virch | Laura Resau
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In 2154, society is even more fragmented than at present. Virtual reality holds an escape for those privileged enough to afford it, but for people like sixteen-year-old Liv, whose home is a contaminated coastal bay, reality is all they have. Liv's younger sister is desperately ill & needs treatment that only the richest can afford, so Liv applies to do an internship on an island owned by the world's most powerful man, Casper. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf The cure for her sister is available there & Liv plans to steal it, but when she arrives, Liv realises that something isn't right on the island paradise. A fellow intern, Wolf, turns out to be Casper's prodigal son, but he has no intention of reconciling with his father, rather he is there to right the wrongs that have been happening on his father's watch. Wolf & Liv are attracted to each other but can they trust each other?
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 2mo
25 likes3 comments
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Earth is on the brink of collapse, so when a message from a long-extinct alien race called the 'Undying' is intercepted, it seems like the perfect solution. The message leads to a now uninhabited planet called Gaia where it's rumoured that the temples hold tech worth a fortune. Mia Radcliffe is hoping to make enough money scavenging to buy her sister back from an illegal contract but she will have to compete against faster & stronger competitors.

OutsmartYourShelf Meanwhile Jules Addison is headed to Gaia to look for the evidence that proves/disproves his dad's theory once & for all. Addison Snr was the foremost scientist in decoding the message from the 'Undying' but a short while ago, he started saying that there was a hidden warning in the message & that the tech may not be the salvation Earth is hoping for. Now he is under arrest, & Jules & Mia may be his & humanity's only hope.
OutsmartYourShelf This has been sitting on my TBR shelf for several years, so I finally dusted it off. It was really quite good. It's YA so there's the enemies-to-lovers thing (it's usually either that, a love triangle, or insta-love), but the actual plot itself was very well thought out. The temple bit is very Indiana-Jones-The-Last-Crusade-but-in-space with the different puzzles to solve. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf Plus Jules & Mia are interesting characters & it was easy to become invested in their story. Overall it was a fast-paced adventure & there's a sequel to check out too. 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2619395136
Read 28th - 31st May 2024

#ReadAway2024 #192025 (2017)

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
Librarybelle It‘s nice to pick up a book you‘ve had for years! Glad you enjoyed it! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
19 likes5 comments
No Cure for Love: A Novel | Peter Robinson
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Read three chapters & guessed who it was as soon as they appeared. Moving on.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
20 likes1 comment
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The book contains twelve short stories based on Jane Austen's 'Pride & Prejudice' & 'Emma'. There are nine based on P&P, & three for Emma, but I enjoyed the P&P ones the most. They were all rather good, but two stood out to me: the one from the view of 'Hill', one of the servants at Longbourn, & the story based on what happened to Anne de Bourgh following Darcy's rejection.

OutsmartYourShelf I've read one or two retellings or reimaginings of P&P by different authors & they do vary in quality quite a bit. With regards to these stories, I thought that the author captured Jane Austen's style of writing for the new characters rather well in most cases. It was a diverting, if short, read & a complete change compared to my recent reading choices. I very much enjoyed reading the stories. 4 🌟
(edited) 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publisher, Warleigh Hall Press (IBPA), for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6514278146
Read 29th-31st May 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
28 likes3 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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My June list for #ReadYourKindle. Managed to cross off two books in May, both DNFs but at least it's progress.


CBee Looks good! 2mo
23 likes1 comment
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Self-styled 'Indian Herb Doctor', Francis Tumblety, has long been considered one of the suspect pool of people rumoured to have been Jack the Ripper. This book looks at Tumblety's life in both America & the East End of London, & finds that there is circumstantial evidence that suggests that he may have been involved in both the assassination of Abraham Lincoln & the Ripper killings. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Flamboyant & the consummate hustler, throughout his life Tumblety was in trouble with law for his 'confirmed bachelor' lifestyle (he was gay), yet mostly managed to skate on the charges thanks to his connections to the great & powerful. Despite Tumblety's later denials, one of the conspirators, David Herold, worked for him, & Tumblety had supposedly been seen in the company of John Wilkes Booth. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf Over twenty years later, Tumblety was known to be in England around the time of the canonical five Ripper murders. Indeed he was thought a possible suspect yet disappeared before he could be properly questioned.

I thought this was a very interesting read, with a lot of information about both the assassination & the Ripper murders that I had not read before. Tumblety has always been a peripheral suspect - mentioned but usually quickly discounted,
OutsmartYourShelf & yet there are intriguing connections between him & both cases. The most compelling evidence to me is the collection of uteri that Tumblety was inordinately proud of alongside his noted hatred of women, & the two small brass rings which were similar to the ones reportedly removed from the body of Annie Chapman, one of the Ripper's victims. Alas, neither of these proves anything beyond conjecture. (edited) 2mo
See All 6 Comments
OutsmartYourShelf There's not a great deal of actual evidence of Tumblety's involvement in either case, but it is a very readable book. 3.5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Cameron Publishing & Marketing Ltd, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6514276203
Read 25th-29th May 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
Crazeedi Hmmm, interesting ! 2mo
DieAReader 🤓Great! 2mo
29 likes6 comments
They Never Learn | Layne Fargo
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TWs: infidelity, attempted sexual assault, violence, murder, misogyny, sexual content.

Dr Scarlett Clark, English professor & serial killer. Every year, Scarlett kills the worst man on campus at Gorman University & makes it look like an accident or suicide. With her attention to detail, she's gotten away with several murders, but when something goes wrong with her latest target, Scarlett finds the cops in charge of the investigation closing in.

OutsmartYourShelf Meanwhile, Carly Schiller has just arrived at Gorman for her first year. Withdrawn & isolated, Carly is taken under the wing of her more gregarious roommate, Allison. Carly quickly becomes enthralled & when Allison is sexually assaulted at a party, Carly decides to make the perpetrator pay.

OutsmartYourShelf This is a fast-paced read with an ice-cold killer at the heart of it all. Scarlett never wavers in her belief that she's right to deal out her brand of justice to these men. Makes her an interesting character but I would have liked to have seen some introspection as I got the impression that Scarlett's sense of justice was rather self-serving at times.
OutsmartYourShelf The second storyline involving Carly & Allison evolves just about how you would expect. Overall it's a gripping read &, yeah we know murder is wrong, but it's kind of satisfying to see some creeps pay. Even if it's only fictionally. 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3588008779
Read 15th-17th May 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
25 likes1 stack add4 comments
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It's that 'difficult second book of a series' time but the author mostly manages to avoid the main pitfalls. The book is surprisingly light on actual vampires considering the theme, & Sir Percy Blakeney is absent for three-quarters of the book. What we do have is Eleanor's growing frustration that she isn't fully accepted as a member of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel & her yearning to play an active part in what is happening. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Alongside this, Eleanor still carries the secret of 'Anima' (ancient mage) in her mind & she wonders how she would be viewed even by those on her own side if they knew she can perform magic. Overall it was a really enjoyable read with action, historical detail, & just a smidgen of romance, although it is a little slow-going at times. 4🌟

My thanks to NetGalley & publishers, Pan Macmillan/Tor, for the opportunity to read an ARC.
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
28 likes3 comments
The Forgotten Garden | Kate Morton
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I've bailed from both my fiction reads for #ReadYourKindle this month. This one is interesting but too slow moving, & I'm finding myself making excuses not to read it so moving on.


dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
CBee On to better books (and faster moving ones 😉)! 2mo
23 likes2 comments
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These are the true stories of five women living very different lives, under varying circumstances, even living in different decades, but who who all have one thing in common - one moment they were busy living their lives and the next moment … they were gone. From the New York heiress who disappeared in 1910, to a 1940s contemporary of Elizabeth Short (aka the Black Dahlia), five women vanished & were never seen again.

OutsmartYourShelf This was an in-depth look at the final days in the lives of Dorothy Arnold, Anna Locascio, Agnes Tofverson, Jean Spangler, & Simone Ridinger. I'd never heard of any of the cases so I was intrigued to find out why these cases had fascinated the author.

I thought it was a very well-written & well-researched book, but it leaves you feeling very sad for these women & their relatives who have died without any closure.

OutsmartYourShelf Great read if you like learning about historic unsolved cases.

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Globe Pequot/Prometheus, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6492055837
Read 18th - 21st May 2024

#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! Stacked📚😏 2mo
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The Guests | Nikki Smith
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The Hamilton family (Zach, Cara, & teenage daughter Alexa) arrive at the Asana Fushi resort in the Maldives for a luxury holiday. The resort prides itself on being luxurious yet environmentally friendly, & Skye Elliott, a 'Green Influencer' is also there to provide an in-depth review. Add in a professional rival of Zach's & the stage is set. Beneath the gilded exterior, everyone has their secrets & some might kill to keep them hidden.

OutsmartYourShelf I thought this was quite an absorbing thriller with a small cast of characters. The strong points included the plot having lots of different strands & no-one seems to be quite who they say they are. Nor are they very likeable & it made it a tense read. I also really liked the eye-catching cover. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf Weak points though were that the characters were rather stereotypical (i.e. moody teenage daughter, menopausal mum, etc) & I think the ending let it down a little for me as it was too open-ended. Overall it was very readable & kept my attention well but the character tropes & ending mean that I rate this one 3.5🌟& it just sneaks in as a 'Pick'.

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Penguin, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

See All 8 Comments
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 2mo
dabbe There was a tv adaptation of this book in 1981, and Jane Seymour played Cathy. She was absolutely magnificent. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf @dabbe Is this comment on the wrong post? 2mo
dabbe @OutsmartYourShelf It totally is! My phone kept glitching in and out when I was trying to post this. Thanks for catching it and for the laugh! 😂 2mo
33 likes8 comments
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An informative book about the case that brought together Doctors Joseph Bell & Henry Littlejohn, along with colleague, Dr Patrick Heron Watson, who between them were the inspiration for Conan Doyle's 'Holmes & Watson'.

In 1893 on a Scottish estate called Ardlamont, twenty-year-old Cecil Hambrough was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head. The two men who were hunting with him at the time, 'mentor' Alfred Monson & Edward Scott (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf (aka Edward Sweeney), both claimed that Cecil had accidentally shot himself, but circumstantial evidence such as insurance claims & Monson's actions following the incident raised suspicion. A court case was held which used early pioneering forensic evidence & the testimony of the doctors above were used by the prosecution to try & prove their case. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf What an intriguing case & characters in Bell & Littlejohn. The era of early forensic science & the technological advances of the Victorian era have always fascinated me & this is no exception. I felt the author did a great job of providing all the information about the case without it becoming too academically dry. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf Well-researched & well-written, this is a must-read for anyone interested in either early forensics &/or the inspiration behind Sherlock Holmes. 4🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Michael O'Mara Limited, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6424490749
Read 12th-18th May 2024

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
dabbe Put this on the TBR! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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The Big Four (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Hastings returns from South America to see his old friend but arrives to find Poirot in the midst of packing. Poirot is about to leave for overseas on a case, but plans change when they both become embroiled in the latest scheme masterminded by a group called 'The Big Four'.

This book is a series of short stories arranged into a narrative which revolves around 'The Big Four'. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Chases, set-ups, disguises, misdirection, & Hastings going undercover all feature. I found it a little bit of a let-down after 'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd' & some reviews said it was rather over the top & ridiculous, but I found that I enjoyed reading it. Hastings was not quite as irritating as usual although he still can't help doubting Poirot's methods. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf Overall it was action-packed for an Agatha Christie book. Not sure I can quite envisage the famously rotund Poirot climbing down ivy on the side of a house though! 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6018108122
Read 12th-14th May 2024

#ReadAway2024 #BacklistReadathon #SeriesLove2024 #192025 (1927)

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
@clwojick @thearomaofbooks
@TheSpineView @Librarybelle
Librarybelle Glad you enjoyed this one! This one is not one of my favorite by Christie, but I still like to read it! 2mo
See All 6 Comments
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
30 likes6 comments
#MurderFunding | Gretchen McNeil
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This one wasn't quite as gripping as the first book, but it's still a pacy read with bodies dropping left, right & centre. There's also an enemies-to-lovers subplot & the original survivors pop up in several chapters which was nice as I didn't warm to the new characters in this one. 3.5🌟

TWs: graphic violence, death.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5666283810
Read 10th - 12th May 2024

30 likes4 comments
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“To look like a human woman is to be ugly.“

Just think about that sentence from the book for a second. To look how women naturally look is to be viewed as ugly in today's image-obsessed world. What a f***ed up world that is!

This book treads familiar ground but is updated to encompass the additional pressures that girls & young women face from the 'digital gaze.' All I can say is that I am glad I was a teenager before smartphones, & Instagram.

OutsmartYourShelf I read through this incredibly well-written & interesting book, wanting to cry at times at the thought of what we as a society are doing to women & girls.

At the end, there are lots of suggestions as to how we can make the world a more welcoming & safer place for girls & women, & I'm just.... This is in no way a reflection on the author or the book, it's a great read that all young girls & women should peruse,
OutsmartYourShelf but it just seems like I've read this so many times before. I've read similar books from every decade from the 1970s on & it never seems to get any better for us. Every generation of girls has to grow up & reinvent the wheel so to speak & I'm just not sure how & if we can ever get through to the next generation early enough. I hope I'm wrong & I hope this book helps to get the message out. 5🌟

See All 7 Comments
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 2mo
Eggs Agree 💯 Social media is rampant with it—ugh. I‘m praying that my 9 yo granddaughter will not be exposed to that stuff anytime soon 🫣 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf @Eggs it‘s insidious & relentless. As a society we need to do better. 2mo
Eggs @OutsmartYourShelf Not to mention how women who age w/o Botox or surgery are shamed Grrr 2mo
34 likes7 comments
The Grand Illusion | Syd Moore
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June 1940 & Daphne Devine is working as assistant to stage magician Jonty Trevelyan, aka the Grand Mystique. One evening they are called to a hush-hush meeting with the secret service who ask them to join the war effort. They wish to exploit Hitler's belief in the occult & halt his planned invasion of Britain (Operation Sea Lion) by means of deception & misdirection.

OutsmartYourShelf Loosely based on the planned but hastily called off invasion of Britain by the Germany army, this sounded really interesting. The first chapter was definitely intriguing as the reader is dropped headlong into the clandestine meeting between Jonty, Daphne, & the secret service. Unfortunately after that things slowed down a bit & for such an interesting subject, it took an age to actually get going again 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf as Jonty & Daphne went from one place to another without much actually happening.

Overall, although the plot itself was nicely done, it was quite slow paced for most of the book & the ending was quite abrupt. It seems that there may be more books to come but I am undecided as to whether to read the next. 3⭐

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6289864078
Read 5th-9th May 2024

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 👋🏻Next! 3mo
33 likes3 comments
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Following the events of 'Nightshade Academy', this novella travels back in time to when boarding school tutor Dr Blimmery Owding was a pupil at the academy. After his uncle wrote a seditious book, Blimmery joined Nightshade Academy to revive his family's fortunes. There he befriends roommate, Wick, whilst competing for the five coveted spots against his fellow candidates including Maelin & Taig.

OutsmartYourShelf Taig seems to dislike Blimmery for being a 'city boy', but although they are never close friends, there is a friendship of sorts (or maybe even more) between Maelin & Blimmery. After graduation, their paths continue to converge until Maelin crosses a line which has fatal consequences. Blimmery & Taig put aside their differences to launch a rescue bid, but will they succeed? 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf Mel Torrefranca does it again! This novella set several decades before the events of the first book in the series is nothing short of wonderful. The perfect mix of action, friendship, loyalty, courage, & betrayal in under 200 pages. Both Maelin & Blimmery draw you into the story & even though you know the outcome, it doesn't lose its poignancy. 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf If you haven't read the first book in the series yet, personally I would advise reading it before this novella as it gives you all the background information needed to really become invested. 5🌟

My thanks to the author, & publishers Lost Island Press, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6383820684
Read 4th-5th May 2024

#AwesomeApril #ReadAway2024
@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3mo
33 likes4 comments
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What links the suicide of an old lady & the death of a charity fundraising manager? That question (& more) is puzzling Det Sgt Washington Poe & analyst Tilly Bradshaw & their investigation leads to Poe being literally on the hook, at a meat packing plant.

Yet another good book in this series. There's not really much more I can say without giving anything away, except that the only thing wrong with this novella is (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf that the reader doesn't get to spend enough time with Poe & Bradshaw in such a short book. 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5859521205
Read 10th May 2024

#192025 (2022) @librarybelle
#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
Librarybelle I‘ve not read this series - I may have to look into it 3mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3mo
34 likes3 comments
The Girls Beneath | Ross Armstrong
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Tom Mondrian is just coasting at life really but it suddenly veers out of his control. His worklife as a PCSO is unfulfilling, whilst in his personal life his girlfriend tells him that she has been having an affair & is about to leave him. Later that morning, a stray bullet leaves Tom with a brain injury. Weeks later & back at work, he realises that the injury has given him a new perspective on life including the cases he works on.

OutsmartYourShelf Tom has trouble remembering faces, but now sees things & makes connections that others don't & decides he & PCSO partner, Emre Bartu, are about to solve the cases of several missing girls.

This is a slightly unusual police procedural crime fiction read. Tom's character changes after the shooting & he now has no filter with how he speaks & it can take him a while to think of the correct words.
OutsmartYourShelf He also visualises smells as colours & musical notes, a condition known as synesthesia. It's a different take compared to the usual 'maverick detective' trope, but it can be difficult at times to follow his thought processes. Also some aspects of it are just too far out of the bounds of reality & the 'baddie' was also easy to spot which was a little disappointing as I was hoping it would be a little more involved than that. 3⭐
(edited) 3mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3mo
Librarybelle Sounds like there is a lot going on in the story and for the main character 3mo
30 likes5 comments
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At a time when film studios seemed unable to appreciate the future historic value of the film industry, Marc Wanamaker set up Bison Archives which has tracked down & archived thousands of photographs, maps, & records of buildings, sets, & LA hotels, nightclubs, & theatres which no longer exist or have been redeveloped. This book showcases just a few of these remarkable photographs & documents from the old-school days of Hollywood.

OutsmartYourShelf Wow, this was a real treat! I've always been interested in the history of film-making, especially in Hollywood, from the silent films of the early twentieth century to today. After a short biography from Mr Wanamaker himself, there are lots of gorgeous photographs from over the years. From film studio sets, via the Ambassador Hotel & famous Coconut Grove nightclub, to the iconic Hollywood sign itself, the book gives 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf a great snapshot of how much LA has changed. It's not an in-depth written history but the authors let the photographs do the talking. It is quite sad really to think of some of the lovely old buildings which have been demolished & that's why an archive such as Bison is such an important thing. Really enjoyed reading it. 5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Globe Pequot/Lyons Press, for the opportunity to read an ARC.
DieAReader 🥳😏Sounds interesting for sure! 3mo
Andrew65 An excellent review 👏👏👏 3mo
32 likes2 stack adds5 comments
The Magus of Hay | Phil Rickman
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When a man is found drowned below a waterfall, it looks like it could be either suicide or an accident until the police search the victim's home. What seemed like a simple case becomes a twisted tale involving paganism, magic, & Nazi history. In nearby Hay-on-Wye, Robin & Betty Thorogood decide to open a bookshop & inadvertently rent a haunted home.

OutsmartYourShelf Meanwhile with her holiday plans spoiled, Merrily is rattling around Ledwardine feeling a bit like a spare part - daughter Jane has gone on an archaeological dig with boyfriend Eirion, whilst Merrily's partner, Lol, is on a music tour.

I found this a better read than the previous book, probably due to the absence of the very-irritating-at-times Jane Watkins. Less of Jane's antics meant that there was more time to concentrate on Merrily
(edited) 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf & her working relationship with DI Frannie Bliss, plus the return of the Thorogoods from an earlier book. The storyline itself was interesting, teased out very slowly in the way the reader comes to expect from these books. 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/744132560
Read 27th Apr - 03 May 2024

#ReadAway2024 #BacklistReadathon #SeriesLove2024

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
@clwojick @thearomaofbooks
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
DieAReader 🥳Great!! 3mo
26 likes4 comments
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A look at the use of magic in England from the fourteenth century onwards. So-called 'cunning folk' were used throughout these centuries to provide services such as finding missing items or people, providing love or fertility charms, curing illness, & even the odd get-rich-quick scheme. They were viewed as different to witches, as witches were viewed as practising magic to do harm, whilst cunning folk were mainly thought to be trying to help.

OutsmartYourShelf This is an interesting & informative read with a lot of information packed into its pages. Personally, I felt that it became a little dry to read in places - the curse (pun intended) of academic work - but it always keeps the reader engaged enough to continue. The crossover with Catholicism & calling on the saints for aid was particularly interesting to me as was the evolution of the laws & societal viewpoints 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf on magic which gradually shifted into something more malevolent & culminated in the witch trials. One slight let-down (which is not the author's fault) is that the records so often don't tell us what happened afterwards to the people involved in the cases discussed. Overall it was a very enjoyable read. 4🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Random House UK/Vintage/Bodley Head, for the opportunity to read an ARC.
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 3mo
32 likes4 comments
Salvation in Death | J. D. Robb
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As the family & congregation gather together for a funeral, all eyes are on Father Miguel Flores as he starts to perform the funeral mass. All seems normal until he drinks the communion wine & falls down dead. Detective Lieutenant Eve Dallas is on the case & quickly confirms that Flores was poisoned. Who would want to poison a priest?

OutsmartYourShelf Apparently I've read this book at least once, which is news to me as it didn't seem at all familiar when reading it. Religion is an unusual topic for this series to tackle but it was done well. The plot is complicated but not convoluted, & there is the usual humour & banter between the recurring characters. I did find that it didn't quite hold my attention like the previous books in the series though & I'm not sure why. 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf Also, it would be nice to see one of the books involve Summerset a little more. He's a shadowy background character & I think making him & Dallas have to set aside their mutual antipathy & team up for once would be something just a bit different.
4 🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/570430685
Read 23rd-29th Apr 2024

See All 7 Comments
TheSpineView Fantastic! 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3mo
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 3mo
29 likes7 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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CBee 😊😊 3mo
16 likes1 comment