Skipping ahead in the series with another Nancy Drew, also featuring whirlybirds & Ned gets kidnapped!
Skipping ahead in the series with another Nancy Drew, also featuring whirlybirds & Ned gets kidnapped!
A solid mystery (if some of the science/technology bits strain credulity). Ned has been kidnapped! And Nancy must save the day - though for some reason he‘s surprised when she solves it.
#5 for #MiddleGradeMarch @megnews @sblbooks
I don't know if this huge glowing eye is an #allseeingeye , but it sure is creepy! 😳 Look out, Nancy!
I love finding older copies of books. I prefer the 1940s Nancy Drews, but these are 3 finds from the library book sale yesterday. 1967 Agatha Christie, 1973 Nancy Drew, and 1974 Robert Louis Stevenson. They were 50 cents each. #thesuicideclub #endlessnight #oldbooks #allhallowsread #booktober