Just checking in...
Does everyone have their own books back?
Are we ready for another frightening round? 😈
@MaleficentBookDragon @jillannjohn @BookwormAHN
#HGPBC #TeamCthulhu
Just checking in...
Does everyone have their own books back?
Are we ready for another frightening round? 😈
@MaleficentBookDragon @jillannjohn @BookwormAHN
#HGPBC #TeamCthulhu
We NEED to get these for our group.
Pinsanity H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu Lapel Pin https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018RMQV2S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_0XPbDb1W715XK
@jillannjohn @BookwormAHN @TheReadingMermaid
Ladies and gentlemen I have fabulous news! The one and only Tristan Hunt has agreed to do a live reading for us next Thursday the 20th at 9 p.m. EST!!!!
I want this to be a big LIVE EVENT so let's share this as much as we can and get our friends and family involved!
Tristan Hunt has narrated over 30 audiobooks and authored over a dozen, including 3 USA Today Bestsellers✨🌟✨
Okay girls here's the rotation, let's do me a gigantic favor and share our emails and addresses all over again so I make sure that I have all the right information okay?
Everyone please shoot me an email to:
Please include your mailing address 💌📦📬
I will make up a master email and send it out to all of you guys so we have all of our info 😁
@MaleficentBookDragon @jillannjohn @BookwormAHN
#HGPBC #TeamCthulhu
@jillannjohn @MaleficentBookDragon hey girls I just wanted to share with you an update. PirateJenny and InBooksILive have dropped out from the book club Round 2 and I was wondering if you guys wanted to do just us three for the next round or if you wanted me to find a 4th member?
What do you guys think? 😃
#HGPBC #TeamCthulhu