I'm signed up and paid for! I can barely wait for August!! Check out Fiction Readers Summit on Facebook so you can sign up today.
I'm signed up and paid for! I can barely wait for August!! Check out Fiction Readers Summit on Facebook so you can sign up today.
I I feel so lucky to have been a part of Susie Finkbeiner's A Song of Home launch Team! What a special little girl Pearl Spence is and what a wonderful ending to her story! Read my review here... https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2176409757
And pre-order your copy today! You won't regret it 😉
The last in the Dust Bowl series, A Song Of Home does not disappoint. Pearl and her family walk through one of the most difficult years of their family life. At one point I gasped and closed the book, I just never saw that twist coming! I absolutely fell in love with Pearl all over again and I know you will too. I am honored to be a part of the launch team for this book and highly recommend spending some time with the Spence‘s. #asongofhope
Started this Jam last night, the third book in the Pearl Spence series by @Susie_Finkbeiner ... Love love love Pearl and Aunt Carrie is an angel! Opal is a true gem as well 😉 I can't wait to get home from work and continue reading this story! Book release is November 28th, I've already pre-ordered my hard copy 😊 #ASongOfHome! #BookLaunch