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Dead Gods: The 27 Club
Dead Gods: The 27 Club | Chris Salewicz
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Robert Johnson. Brian Jones. Jimi Hendrix. Janis Joplin. Jim Morrison. Kurt Cobain. Amy Winehouse. They were inspirational, controversial, talismanic and innovative. They lead lives full of myth, scandal, sex, drugs and some of the most glorious music that has ever heard. Though each of their lives were cut tragically short at the age of 27, they would all leave the world having changed it irrevocably. Chris Salewicz tells, in intimate detail, the stories behind these compelling figures. From Robert Johnson and his legendary deal with the devil, to Jimi Hendrix appearing like a psychedelic comet on the London scene, through to Amy Winehouse's blazing talent and her savage appetite for self-destruction.
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Dead Gods: The 27 Club | Chris Salewicz
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They say only the good die young, and this book tells the story behind the the lives of the music stars whose lives were cut short at the age of 27: Robert Johnson. Brian Jones. Jimi Hendrix. Janis Joplin. Jim Morrison. Kurt Cobain. Amy Winehouse.


KarenUK This sounds really good..... stacked📚 5y
Cinfhen I saw an amazing piece of street art (in Tel-Aviv) which was a tribute to the 27 Club♥️so much talent gone too soon 💔 5y
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Dead Gods: The 27 Club | Chris Salewicz
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#NovemberByTheNumbers My son & I were discussing this phenomenon the other day. The staggering amount of talented artists who lost their lives at the young age of 27. #Forever27Club #27Club 💔

BarbaraBB 🎶💔🎶 7y
TrishB Good pick 👍🏻 7y
Cathythoughts 💔💔💔 7y
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BookBabe Yes indeed. 💔 7y
Ms_T 😞 7y
Suet624 Breaks my heart. 7y
Reviewsbylola So tragic. 7y
DivineDiana I was unaware of this. 😮Fascinating! 7y
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