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The First Family
The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
11 posts | 6 read | 4 to read
The Presidents teenaged son is threatened by a potentially fatal illness that is rooted in dark secrets from a long-buried past. President Geoffrey Hilliard, his wife, and son Cam, live in the ever-present glare of the political limelight, with relentless scrutiny of their daily lives. The White House is not an easy place to grow up, so when Cam, a sixteen-year-old chess champion, experiences extreme fatigue, moodiness, and an uncharacteristic violent outburst, doctors are quick to dismiss his troubles as teen angst. But Secret Service agent Karen Ray, whose job is to guard the president's family with her life, is convinced Cams issues are serious. Enlisting the first ladys support, Karen summons her physician ex-husband for a second opinion. Dr. Lee Blackwood sees something amiss with Cam, but his concerns are dismissed by the president's team...until Cam gets sicker. Summoned by the first family once again, Lee must make a diagnosis from a puzzling array of symptoms he's never seen before. His only clue is a patient named Susie Banks, a young musical prodigy who seems to be suffering from the same baffling condition as Cam. Hospitalized after an attempt on her life by determined killer, Susies jeopardy escalates as Cams condition takes on a terrifying new dimension. Is someone trying to murder the Presidents son? As Lee and Karen race for a cure to Cams mysterious and progressively deadly disease, they begin to uncover betrayals that breach the highest levels of national security. In The First Patient, Palmer captured the intense atmosphere of the White House, raved reader Bill Clinton, the 42nd President. Now in the same Washington, DC setting, the impossibility of a normal life for the First Family is amplified to the extreme in a riveting new medical drama from acclaimed novelist Daniel Palmer, crafted in the grand tradition of his late father, New York Times bestselling novelist Michael Palmer.
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The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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Just finished at the airport...This is the third book my husband and I read together during our 2 week honeymoon! It was by far the best! It kept me guessing, on the edge of my seat and I loved the unique story line. I was reading this one every chance I could get. Now we have about 4 more hours until we board... 🛫

Side note: I love the feature on the Kindle now that shows what books you have read!!

cherinium Is that a new feature on the kindle? I am poorly organized and sometimes get overwhelmed looking through my kindle titles trying to remember what I have read. The little banner that tells what percentage of a particular book has been read is nice, but I've noticed that it is not always right. I've had some books with 0% that I absolutely remember reading. I don't know if has anything to do with moving to or from cloud storage. It's frustrating! 5y
kstadt929 @cherinium Yes, it is new and I LOVE it! I have often wished I could sort the books I have finished, but still have on my kindle. It is a great feature! 5y
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The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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9 hour flight from Rome to Detroit - now we wait in the airport for 8 hours before our second flight home 🤣 Hoping to finish this one during our layover! The first thing we did when we landed was go to Starbucks for a strawberry refresher 🤣🤣

The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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Reading on the train to Rome! I love the feel of real books, but I am LOVING how handy it has been bringing only our Kindles along on our 2 week honeymoon. Easy to carry lots of stories with less weight to haul around 😋

TheEllieMo I‘m off on holiday next week, and I know Kindle is the way to go, but I want to take physical books! 5y
lover.of.the.classics Real books ARE the best. But sadly sometimes we HAVE to be practical. 5y
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The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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This is our last night in Manarola and I‘m so sad to be leaving in the morning!!!! Enjoying some relaxing time tonight reading on our patio after dinner ❤️🍴

The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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Starting another new one before bed 🛌
Reading at the same time as my husband 😁

The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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Good suspense book. I enjoyed the info about a mysterious disease. Great first chapter that drew me in.

RJHowe Daniel has carried the banner of his late legendary father's work forward with skill and respect. I am glad you enjoyed this one as much as I did. 6y
InnerSavvy I want to read more. 6y
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The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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Every now and then I pick up a book that isn‘t historical fiction. I do like this thriller about someone out to kill the President‘s son. I also love my coffee cup. This quote will be my 2nd tattoo in celebration of my retirement. #SheBelievedSheCouldSoSheDid

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The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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This wasn‘t one I‘d normally pick up, but I was told by a patron that it was really good and I did enjoy it! Always good action through male writers like this!

The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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Thanks to The House Bunny, I think my favorite word is dapper.. and here it is! 👏🏻 😂

Alfoster Because I love the concept of “dandy” as well!😍 6y
guinsgirlreads @Alfoster 👏🏻 😜👍🏻 6y
Alfoster Shows my age🤪😫😫! 6y
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The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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The tagged book was recommended by a library patron, so I always have to try them out! I‘m going to try this 2 at once thing again since I started the Koontz earlier at camp!

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The First Family | Michael Palmer, Daniel Palmer
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I‘ve started a new book and Bueller has wore himself flat out from too many zoomies. This is what rainy days are for.

sprainedbrain So cute!! 😍 6y
AmyG Omg 💕 (edited) 6y
JoScho This makes my heart happy 💖 6y
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Reecaspieces 😂😍 6y
readinginthedark 😂Love it! 6y
Bronte_Chintz 😍😍😍 oh wow 6y
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