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Aurora's Pride
Aurora's Pride | AnneMarie Brear
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Aurora Pettigrew has it all, a loving family, a nice home, a comfortable life. She's waiting for the right man to offer marriage and the man for her is Reid Sinclair, heir to the Sinclair fortune and the love of her life. But, Reid's mother, Julia, is against the match and her ruthlessness unearths a secret that will tear Aurora's world apart. Unwilling to bring shame on her family and needing answers to the allegations brought to light by Reid's mother, Aurora begins a long journey away from home. She leaves behind all that is familiar and safe to enter a world of mean streets and poor working class. Living in the tenements of York, surrounded by people of a class she'd never mixed with before, Aurora struggles to come to terms with the way her life has changed. By chance, she reconnects with a man from her past and before he leaves with the army to war in South Africa, he offers her security through marriage. Aurora knows she should be happy, but the memory of her love for Reid threatens her future. When tragedy strikes, can Aurora find the strength to accept her life and forget the past?
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Aurora's Pride | AnneMarie Brear
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@slategreyskies here is an Aurora rainbow for you.

🌈 This was over my house a few weeks ago. I couldn‘t see it with the naked eye, but the colours only became visible when I took the picture. There is more colour and joy and support than we could ever know.

BarbaraBB 😍😍😍 4mo
BarbaraBB I hope you are doing well! 4mo
Oryx Wow. Hope you are keeping well ❤️ 4mo
slategreyskies Thank you for this. It‘s so incredibly beautiful. Sometimes when life is just too much for me, I find that nature is a sort of healing balm for me, that it provides this space for me to just breathe and recharge and feel like maybe I‘ll be okay after all. This pic so perfectly illustrates this. It feels like a snapshot of beauty and love and peace all rolled into one. Thank you for this. 🌈💕 4mo
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