German and ltalian edition of the same book. I posted many illustration from it sometime back. Extremely classi Tolkien illustration and kind of weird at times.
German and ltalian edition of the same book. I posted many illustration from it sometime back. Extremely classi Tolkien illustration and kind of weird at times.
If you're a Tolkien fan and this doesn't weird you out, l don't know what will
Apparently, readers were already pestering about Tolkien's female characters role (please read more Tolkien's story and you‘ll be pleasantly surprised). Here Arwen joins the Fellowship
Yes, yes, fine. I love the way the Rohirrim look in the films, and l'll be probably always close to them a bit too much. But this is Eowyn, Theoden and Grima.
The Green Havens.
Yes, the one on the left is indeed Galadriel. The way the Hildebrandts depicted Elves is kind of shocking 😂
Can't fit all the Fellowship in the pic, but please check this out online. I was weirded out 😲
Took me some thinking before realising the guys partially hidden by Gandalf is Aragorn.
And the guy dressed in white is Legolas.
I like Boromir, instead 😊
And this is the Balrog of Khazad-Dum
For example, how about Rivendale? 🤔
This illustration of Bilbo is one of the most relatable for today's Tolkien fans. There are some very different visualisation of places that are still interesting. There are some illustrations like this that are relatable. There are some illustrations that you think, what the Hell??? 😨
I promised to post photos from this book and now l'm fullfilling my promise.
The Hildebrandt brothers were active in the 70s and when l started getting into fantasy in the early 80s they were still quite popular.
Many of the illustrations in this book are well familiar to me, but it had been many years since l saw any Hildebrandt illustrations for Tolkien.
Today, after Lee and Howe and the film trilogy, some look very weird
Hildebrandt #bookmail and my library book sale from yesterday.
I had forgotten how strange the Hildebrandts' Tolkien work is, especially seen today. Most of these illustrations are familiar to me, but today they look very weird.
I'll post some of them later.