Happy #LaborDay all!Hope if you are working today you want to , & if you‘re not , you get to do something you enjoy, like read maybe?😃This Book is still on my Everest of a #mountainTBR
Happy #LaborDay all!Hope if you are working today you want to , & if you‘re not , you get to do something you enjoy, like read maybe?😃This Book is still on my Everest of a #mountainTBR
Picked up this new read at a Yellow Submarine themed LFL in my neighborhood. #littlefreelibrary #yellowsubmarine
#todayinsj in 1834, our first dictator president, Andrew Jackson, becomes the first president to use federal troops to break up a worker's strike.
Workers building the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal rebelled because of persistent poor working conditions and low pay. Jackson's action set a dangerous precedent that has carried through to this day.
Baby Christian Bale and his atrocious Noo Yawk accent wish all Littens a happy Labor Day! Remember- even though we ain't got hats or badges, we're a union just by sayin' so! (P.S. Read this book by Philip Dray.)
OTD in 1935, after decades of labor unrest, FDR signed the Labor Relations Act, which asserted core values of American trade unions, including the right to strike. I'm a proud union member, and underrated historian Philip Dray tells the story in this great, dense book!
This book is greatly informative while still being entertaining. It reinforced everything I believe in unions while giving insight in to current problems.