Well that was fun. Definitely falling in love with some of the characters.
Well that was fun. Definitely falling in love with some of the characters.
Her books start off a little slow but by the end I couldn‘t put it down. Like the ACOTAR series, I love the side characters so much.
This book picked op the pace and now that it‘s over I need to know more. I need to know what‘s going to happen. Sarah J Maas is skilled at giving you just enough info and then turning it sideways so you never really know what‘s going on until the end.
This wasn‘t a great book but it wasn‘t a terrible book. Parts were interesting and some parts not so interesting. I‘ll keep reading the series because I‘m a completionist at heart.
I really enjoyed this book. I felt transported back in time. It was funny, spooky, atmospheric and definitely had me on the edge of my seat. It still does.
This is one of those books that is "just fine." Carys is an interesting character and by the end of the book I got really curious as to where the 2nd books is gonna go. Her brother was not as solid a character.
I flew through this in two days. I fell in love with Michael and Stella almost immediately! Such a wonderfully sweet and romantic book.
Once I got everyone sorted out I really it. Can't wait to read the rest of the series.
Well that was anti-climactic. This never really got its feet under it. I didn't feel like I knew the characters at all. The ending was abrupt. Frankly my favorite character is the main's best friend. She had much more of a personality.
Great great book!!!!
There were parts I enjoyed but in the end I feel like there was so subtlety. While I appreciated the message I felt like I had been hit over the head with it.
While it was good, i didn't adore it like so many people do. For whatever reason I'm not super connected to the characters. We'll see what book 3 brings.
Met the absolutely lovely Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman on the last stop of their Obsidio book tour.
It was a little slow going at first but by the end I couldn't put it down!
I've read so many rare reviews that I was surprised to not enjoy this book. I just didn't connect with the stories or characters.
I wanted to read this before the movie comes out next year. Not only did I read it, I read it in about two days on my phone. It was so good, so sweet, so earnest, just so wonderful.
This is a sweet book, pure and simple. Yes there are some cliches and it's often easy to figure out what's gonna happen but that is overshadowed by the heart of the story: Dimple and Rishi. It was the perfect book to finish the year with.
More bookmarks!! Thanks @TheDaysGoBy !! I love them!!!
It took a while to get settled in this book since all I've ever read of Kevin Hearne is the Iron Druid series. Once you get going though it's very immersive. The story is told in a very creative way with intriguing characters.
Check out these amazing bookmarks from @Bostonmomx2 !!! I love turtles and Sarah J Maas is one of my favorites! Can't wait to use these!! #BookmarkSwap
Got these lovely bookmarks as part of the #BookmarkSwap! Can't wait to use them!! Thanks @Leigh0906
"The mourning of a loved one never ends at the funeral. It comes back every so often like a stage performer eager for a curtain call and expects you to be loud about it."
"'Do you wish to talk or simply be warm and welcome? I will give what comfort I can.'"
This is such a beautiful line.
There's just something so wonderful reading a mystery from an Irish Wolfhound's point of view involving one of my favorite characters:Atticus. Another joyful book.
This beauty came in the mail today!!!
So I'm about 1/4 of the way through and I'll be honest, it was a slow start. The style takes some getting used to. At the point I feel like I have a good sense of the characters and the story is starting to pick up. I'm super curious where it's gonna take me.
"The future always waits until the present to reveal its plans. But the past can clarify our goals for us sometimes, help us say goodbye to those we haven't let go, even realize we need to change. That is the magic of stories."
This small collection of Grisha fairy tales is both beautiful and haunting, familiar and utterly unlike anything you've ever read. And then there are the illustrations: gorgeous additions to each story.
I've been staying up past my bedtime to read and finish this book. It sucked me in! While there were some moments I saw coming there were others that completely caught me off guard. I've really enjoyed the series!
Got to meet one of my favorite authors today!! Kevin Hearne is so awesome and I can't wait to read his new book. The last Iron Druid book comes out next year...
I get so nervous for the characters that I have to put the book down. Then of course I pick it back up again because I am so invested in the story. I would be heartbroken if something happens to one of the core characters.
The end of the book took me on a roller coaster ride that I was not prepared for. It was so good. I actually put off reading the last couple chapters because I was scared for some characters and because I didn't want it to end.
So at the school I work the students have 20 minutes of silent sustained reading in between 2nd and 3rd periods. I often read during that time too. Today I read the infamous chapter 55...
Well that was a weird book and definitely not what I expected. It doesn't help that Vonnegut's writing is herky-jerky. I know a lot of people love it but I will not be recommending it.
Where do I even begin? This book is funny, emotional, sad, poignant and beautiful. You fall in love with Ari and Dante almost immediately and you get so invested in their journeys. The payoff is totally worth it!
About 1/3 of the way through and I'm pretty sure this book just broke me. I don't want to keep reading but I do because I already love these boys so much. This book is going to break me, isn't it?