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Egyptian | Mika Waltari
First published in the United States in 1949 and widely condemned as obscene, The Egyptian outsold every other novel published that year, and remains a classic; readers worldwide have testified to its life-changing power. It is a full-bodied re-creation of a largely forgotten era in the world s history: the Egypt of the 14th century B.C.E., when pharaohs and gods contended with the near-collapse of history s greatest empire. This epic tale encompasses the whole of the then-known world, from Babylon to Crete, from Thebes to Jerusalem, while centering around one unforgettable figure: Sinuhe, a man of mysterious origins who rises from the depths of degradation to become personal physician to Pharaoh Akhnaton."
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The Egyptian | Mika Waltari
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This was the bestselling book in the US in 1949. It's about an Egyptian physician and close friend to Pharoahs Akhenaten and Horemheb. Attention to historical detail is remarkable, but so is readability, with colorful characters, cynical humor, and a recurring theme of the dangers of good intentions. There seem to be allusions to contemporary politics, with occasional jokes and jabs I just don't get, but it worked pretty well for me anyway.

The Egyptian | Mika Waltari
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Probably my favorite fiction read of the year. It‘s the autobiography/memoir of a court physician in Egypt, from the end of the reign of Amenhotep III through part of Horemheb‘s. I love historical fiction, stories about Ancient Egypt, and an intense first-person narrative. Definitely worth a read!

The Egyptian | Mika Waltari
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All the school kids so sick of books
They like the punk and the metal band
When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh)
They're walking like an Egyptian🎶

#walklikeanegyptian #wanderingjune @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Cinfhen 🎶 Foreign types with the hookah pipes say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Cinfhen 👂🏼🐛 5y
BarbaraBB I never knew the lyrics. They are cool! 5y
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The Egyptian | Mika Waltari
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I really thought I'd love this book but although the plot was nice, the characters were too plain , lacked some vivacity. I really can't point exactly what I dislike the most. I read 56% and just couldn't.

The Egyptian | Mika Waltari
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I've been wanting to read more of our national classics and today I found this one from the used bookstore. I know it's a bit strange to have a national classic that tells about historical Egypt. But it is regarded as one of the most famous books from Finland. I've been wanting to read it for ages and now I get a chance!

Egyptian | Mika Waltari

Does anyone have an recommendations for a fantasy that‘s based on Egyptian mythologies? I‘m surprised that there are not more

jfalkens Reawakened series is a YA about a girl who meets and falls in love with a mummy(the mummies look human for the most part) and has to help him save the world. 6y
the.bookish.valkyrie I haven‘t read this series yet, but my friend is always telling me to read 6y
AmberJoy Thanks @jfalkens I‘m adding to my TBR 6y
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jfalkens I haven't read this series yet but I read his Percy Jackson series(Greek mythology) and loved them. It's on my to-read shelf(first 3 books were a Christmas present from my husband). 6y
AmberJoy @ValkyrieAndHerBooks oh these are good and you should read them lol! This series is why I want more 6y
jfalkens @ValkyrieAndHerBooks 😂 I was too absorbed typing I didn't even see yours pop up til after I posted 6y
jfalkens @AmberJoy no problem 😊 she does have another series but it's Indian mythology if your interested. 6y
the.bookish.valkyrie Oh! And there‘s a steampunk novel that touches on Egyptian Mythology, though it takes place in London. 6y
sprainedbrain Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I thought it was fun 😃 6y
Dragon This is a rather fun YA fantasy 6y
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The Egyptian | Mika Waltari
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Hey, guys! I've recently bought "The egyptian", by Mika Waltari. It's definitely on my TBR list for this summer 'cause the synopsis sounds very interesting.
Did you read this book? If yes, how was it? If not, do you want to read "The egyptian" or other books from Mika Waltari?
#book #tbr #books #theegyptian #interesting #booklover #read #reader #summer #bookaholic #bookworm

MrBook I'll give it a go 🙌🏻. 7y
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The Egyptian | Mika Waltari

...we have been born into strange times. Everything is melting...like clay on a potter's wheel. Dress is changing, words, customs are changing, and people no longer believe in the gods - though they may fear them. ...perhaps we were born to see the sunset of the world, for the world is already old, and 1200 years have passed since the building of the pyramids. When I think of this, I want to bury my head in my hands and cry like a child.

LeahBergen I loved this book! 8y
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The Egyptian | Mika Waltari

Uno de mis favoritos. Para mí, imprescindible

Egyptian | Mika Waltari
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The Egyptian was a fascinating book! A day in the life of a poor Egyptian.

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Egyptian | Mika Waltari
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I ended up DNFing this book after finally getting around to picking it up. I absolutely love ancient Egypt and find it so fascinating but, strangely enough, many topics I love don't often translate into books. I've yet to read a great book set in ancient Egypt.