Ch 9: meet Van Helsing #minamarrieskeanu #lucyisntgettingbetter #artcallsdoccallsvanhelsing #vanhelsingknowswhatsup #renfieldisstilltryingtoescape #butonlyatnight #thatbatiseverydamnwhere 🦇 #interesting #lucytakesaturn #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9: meet Van Helsing #minamarrieskeanu #lucyisntgettingbetter #artcallsdoccallsvanhelsing #vanhelsingknowswhatsup #renfieldisstilltryingtoescape #butonlyatnight #thatbatiseverydamnwhere 🦇 #interesting #lucytakesaturn #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: love the Austen reference #idontthinksydneywouldliketobecomparedtocharlotte #anyway #miltonlikessydney ⁉️#heseemsintriguedwithronnie #interesting #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 12: party time #themailboxisuseful #timeforapicnic #kateissomethingelse #croquetgetsheated #brookstellsafairytaleaboutthemarchgirls #interesting #bethcomesoutofhershell #nedflirtswithmeg #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9.5: more interrogating #dmitryisdigginghisowngrave #theshovelishuge #butwait #coulditbeSmerdy #sayyesDmitry #dumbass #ahhhhnowwegettothemoney #itwasNOT3k #interesting #wherediditcomefrom #theplotthickens #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
A fun little collection of odd historical events. Mason brings to light how each event had a much larger impact than the event initially appeared to have.
A quick read.
#Nonfiction #historical #history #facts #interesting
>>Forgot to post yesterday's #bookstagram. Here's a book on #MountTBR, about one of my passions: coffee!! I imagine coffee has an interesting history ☕️
Status: TBR
#tbrpile #coffee #history #microhistory #paperbacks #booksiown #world #worldhistory #instabook #interesting #booksandcoffee #booksarelife
🤯 Wait, What?! #very #interesting #read can‘t wait to talk to my doctor about this...
I think this book is very interesting and the story is very elaborated... I really don‘t understand why it‘s so underestimated! #AgathaChristie deserves more than this, and this book‘s story ether.
I really recommend this!
#tenlittleniggers #great #interesting
Finished this in 1 sitting. Though I have mixed feelings about the ending... It was an incredibly interesting read. Especially for an Austen fan. #JaneAustenforever #singlesittingread #interesting