My writing group is doing the Truby Challenge this year. Each week we're assigned a chapter with its exercise. I'm so excited! Can't wait to refine my writing.
My writing group is doing the Truby Challenge this year. Each week we're assigned a chapter with its exercise. I'm so excited! Can't wait to refine my writing.
My non-fiction tbr-pile. I want to read (and learn) more about writing.
Do you have any #recommendations for books about writing?
3.5 this was a good book though at times very confusing. Some concepts were explained well but others were not. All in all, there was some good information there but some of it needed a better explanation.
I‘m on page 145 and learning a lot, but I‘m also getting a little confused. I‘m not sure if the story in my head really fits into the steps that this book is explaining.
Yep, slooowly reading and working through the exercises.
I just finished chapter one and got some interesting notes out of it.
I‘m excited to start this book. I hope to learn a lot from this book to improve my stories...
"Everyone can tell a story. We do it everyday."