I‘m about to start this one. I loved its first installment
Although this book was written at a time when type writers were prevalent the information presented about how to present a manuscript, copy and proofing, copy editing, etc... are still very much relevant and important even if you are going to self-publish.
This is my obsession reading pleasure.
I am curious about a lot of things in this book like Copy-editing style and topography
I got the second book in this series in my OwlCrate box. I know the two stories are not connected and I don‘t have to read this one to be able to read the second one but I am weird like that lol.
I have to be completely honest, while I read the books in the series as soon as they came out the last few books were not my favorite. However, this book we see the return of Nalini Singh‘s previous interesting sweet but interesting stories. I‘m not sure what happened with the previous books but she is definitely BACK with this one.
This is a good book with excellent essays. Some essays I will be returning too time and again while others I‘m glad I read to learn something interesting but not in the scope I‘m interested in. Parts of them will probably be something I return too though.
I really enjoyed this installment of the Addison Lockhart series. The story kept me guessing til the end and the side stories were good.
This was basically a list of words and English language concepts that have been misused by people and a witty explanation of them.
This is my guilty pleasure non-fiction read
This is an author I will always read when ever I have a book by her in my TBR pile
This was something that I got in a subscription box so I‘m looking forward to re-reading some of these old stories.
3.5 this was a good book though at times very confusing. Some concepts were explained well but others were not. All in all, there was some good information there but some of it needed a better explanation.
This is the last book I have by Darcy Coates. I don‘t know if I‘m buying more of her books but for now I‘m just going to read this and see where things go
Now that I have stopped focusing on whether the story was spooky/scary or not, I can say that I enjoyed the plot of the book. I did find it predictable in places but over all it was okay
I‘m on page 145 and learning a lot, but I‘m also getting a little confused. I‘m not sure if the story in my head really fits into the steps that this book is explaining.
Yep, slooowly reading and working through the exercises.
I‘ve decided not to judge based on how scary the story is but by how well the story and characters are written.
I‘m beginning to think that I am no longer afraid of scary stories. This book had a good premise but...I hated the heroine. She ruined it all for me. 2/5 stars
I liked the story and the characters but it wasn‘t really spooky.
It wasn‘t a bad read just wasn‘t as good as others I have been reading lately.
I seem to be on a horror kick these days...
I just finished chapter one and got some interesting notes out of it.
I‘m excited to start this book. I hope to learn a lot from this book to improve my stories...
I‘m so bad, I actually read this at work by sitting 2 hours straight reading. It was a good installment that finished one chapter of this story and left room for more if the author wants to revisit the story.
When I finally sat down to read the book I finished it in one sitting, that is how easy it was to read. It was full of common sense information that you might think you know but you really don‘t or at least need to focus on. The book also had some good sections that I will be referring back too from time to time.
So since I already have this book I might as well read it next 😬
This is the second book in The Ghost of RedRise House Series. I read the book in two sittings mostly because I had to go to bed last night. I loved everything about the story so far and I feel like this installment was actually better than the first. It moved quicker and the story was smoother.
Just started reading the second book in the series, I wonder how long it will take me to finish it 🤔
After the first chapter and a half everything went down hill. The other gave descriptions of other methods in the remaining chapters...or was it a continuation of the Snowflake Method...I honestly couldn't tell and didn't care. So why didn‘t I completely bail? Welp, after reading the first half of the second chapter I got an elevator pitch for my novel, a one page synopsis and character outlines...er sort of.
This book is tiny, but even so I‘m reading it at snail pace because I‘m doing the work it is asking. How do I feel about it? Not sure yet...