Oh man. I didn't expect to love this book. I thought I was in for a generally entertaining ride. Nope! This book is amazing. It's filled with emotion and tension and a major cast of fantastic characters. Must read!
Oh man. I didn't expect to love this book. I thought I was in for a generally entertaining ride. Nope! This book is amazing. It's filled with emotion and tension and a major cast of fantastic characters. Must read!
This is my third time reading through A Game of Thrones. It's still one of my favorite books. I'm so glad I decided to get the illustrated edition. I love it so much that I've ordered A Clash of Kings illustrated as well.
N. K. Jemisin is totally incapable of writing a book I don't love with all of my soul. Whether it's a fantasy involving gods, a dystopian post-apocalyptic nightmare, or a city literally fighting to be born, she is the Master of creative world building and deep, moving characters. I cannot stress how amazing this book is. Go forth and get it now!
I've been struggling to read lately. My focus is off. Anxiety high. But a few nights ago, I picked this one up from my TBR shelf and cracked it open. Little did I know, I would burn through it. I expected dry, informative science. What I got was a rollercoaster of drama, humor, frustration and lots of fascinating information. Highly recommend to fans of science and astronomy.
Another excellent book in the Expanse Series. I actually like that the books and the show diverge. The characters are amazing on both sides and the story is still basically the same.
WOW. So this book is an amazing hidden gem that every sci-fi fan should read. Fun, emotional, thoughtful, and perfectly paced. The consequences of creating artificial intelligence and the moral implications of trying to control it. Very highly recommend!
A wonderful, tragic story leading up to the events in Picard. I love Una McCormick's style and ability to make her characters come alive.
"If you could look at desperate people, refugees who were fleeing their homes and could never return, and simply turn away, then there was, in La Forge's opinion, something not quite right about you."
The first half was intriguing. Good hook. Liked the voice. But.... Honestly I just cannot drag myself through another chapter. The run-on sentences, the constant repeating, and neverending whining just kills me. For once the show is better than the book.
The perks of being a bookseller. This copy came in a little damaged, so it went home with me. I don't read many thrillers, but I enjoyed the series so much that I decided to give this one a try. So far it's pretty good.
Finally got around to reading the 3rd in the Expanse Series. Loved it. I'm actually enjoying the differences between the books and the TV series. Both are solid with great characters and wonderful world building. Great books for any hard Sci-fi fan!
There is nothing better than beautifully written hard sci-fi.
"She ran across the skins of the ships, leaped from one to the next like a nerve impulse crossing a synapse. Like a bad idea being thought by a massive, moonlit brain."
Thoroughly enjoyed Embers of War. The story begins with a terrible choice and ends with a a satisfactory conclusion that leaves you wanting to immediately know the rest of the story. Recommend!
Martha Wells is, by far, one of my favorite authors of all time. I love her characters so much! Murderbot is constantly growing, learning, and becoming its own person with every book. I love how complex its relationships with other beings are. How it struggles to find balance between its tendency to prefer isolation and its need for social contact. Network Effect is the perfect next installment of this series.
I loved this so much. It's a beautiful love story wrapped in murder, betrayal, and time travel. And the narrators were amazing at portraying their characters. Highly recommend!
I had no idea what this story would be about. And even some chapters in, I was asking. But it kept me turning the pages, wanting to know more about this planet and the people both human and gelet. Once I really understood what Anders was conveying, I was utterly in love. Wonderful book.
I didn't enjoy this one nearly as much as I did Gilgamesh, but it is still a beautiful and deeply powerful story.
This book began as a curiosity and ended as a kick to the gut. The characters are deep and complex. The story is rich and poignant. 5/5!
"... And they were not one of the orders whose sole mission was to follow the black foot of pandemic as it strode across the systems, leaving footprints of phlegm and bile and blood in its wake."
Holy shit. What a fantastic line...
This was a wonderful story following Monica, a journalist whose life has been one amazing event after the next, leading her to one eye-opening moment. It takes returning to her roots for her to wholly understand an inevitable end to everything she knows. The Undefeated is about exploring both the inner self and the world around us while forcing the reader to consider things we accept simply as the way things are meant to be.
Tor finally sent the books they promised, but instead of just ARCs, I got finished copies! I'm thrilled to say the least!
Wow. I wasn't really expecting The Epic of Gilgamesh to be so beautiful. Honestly, I wasn't sure I would understand it. But the author of this version has pieced the story together in a way that even the non-reader will understand and fall in love with. The narrators are more like performers, emotional and passionate. The author also includes an essay that goes deeper into the story, looking for deeper meaning. Loved this so much.
I am loving this much more than I expected. The narrator is fantastic. Such a great story.
1. Risk
2. Greece
3. Not great. Life has been hectic and I've been in a reading slump.
4. I haven't finished reading it yet, but The Iliad by Homer. I was so intimidated by it at first. Poetry isn't my strongest reading material. But it's just so beautiful. I'm in love.
5. What's your favorite book based TV series or movie?
Really enjoyed this book, though the first half much more than the second. His expertise obviously being much more in 20th century history, he didn't spend a lot of time discussing much earlier disasters. Still a solid book though. Recommend to fans of apocalypse theories and history.
When I see you, for a moment,
My voice goes,
My tongue freezes. Fire,
Delicate fire, in the flesh.
Blind, stunned, the sound
Of thunder, in my ears.
I'm so excited! Tor quoted part of my review and posted it on Instagram!. I feel so legit! Lol
Finally finished my Sieh tattoo!! My artist is amazing.
Ok. I enjoyed this story, but I had trouble with how distant it all felt. It was as though I were a drone watching it all unfold and only able to hear part of the real story. I understand that this is based on actual historical figures, but it's fiction. I feel like she could have taken more liberties. I'm hoping the next book is better.
Totally new to Philippa Gregory. But I fell in love with the Starz miniseries. All three of them. Now I have to read the books.
Becky Chambers has become the top go-to for me when I'm yearning for characters full of depth and complex emotions. And this book didn't disappoint. And beyond that is her ever present message of the joy of curiosity, exploration within and without, and the moral implications of every action. I absolutely adore her books.
We celebrate the tree that stretches to the sky, but it is the ground we should ultimately thank.
I love novellas. Quick reads with so much packed in. I've read two today and started this one.
Imagine one day all your problems could be solved with a thought and anything you wanted could just come into existence. It's a lot less fun than you'd think. This book serves as a reminder that some problems are worth working out on your own. Loved this one.
This was a hard read. Full of anger and fear and unheard truths. Fantastic world building. Deep, meaningful characters. Loved it.
Wow. I am so glad a friend suggested I read this one. I furiously turned pages, laughed, and got a little teary eyed. Such a fun book. Highly recommend!
Loki is one of my favorite Marvel characters. And Mackenzie Lee has captured the not-quite-villain/not-quite-hero perfectly. Here is a young man torn between loyalty and personal desire; caught between his overbearing father Odin and The Enchantress Amora. This tug of war highlights Loki's own shifty personality while showcasing his witty humor and mischievous nature. I love what Lee did with this origin story.
Had an ugly white bookshelf that was driving me crazy. So my daughter and I made a project of it. Introducing my new space-themed sci-fi shelf! It came out awesome!
Felt like I needed to add to my Star Trek and vintage sci-fi collection. 😀
**this is an ARC but...**
"...shimmering and changeable as a flame for those few seconds before she settled into her own skin, an eagle landing with its wings unfurled."
"In response, Loki's return to his form was more like the flight of an awkward pigeon."
Read it again, I said. It will be fun, I said. It won't make you cry again, I said.
This just moved a little too slow for me.
I've been in a bit of a reading slump lately. Between house shopping, ducklings hatching, and moving, things have been stressful. But at least I had my priorities straight when I started organizing after the move. Lol
Absolutely loving this series. Where I expected a basic space travel science fiction, I got a Greek Tragedy in space! Every character is unique and complicated. The story is emotional. And the settings are magnificent.
Oichi is out for revenge, but then she finds herself mixed up in a much bigger plot than she could ever imagine. Great characters, beautiful scenery, and I enjoyed the references sprinkled throughout. Think Battlestar Galactica meets The Matrix. A little confusing at times but definitely worth the read. 4/5
So my mama duck had a surprise for me today! It's so stinking cute I could die! 🥰😍
This has been a good year. Just met Claudia Gray for the second time. She's such a great, fun person. Love her! Also this book is amazing.
Did I enjoy this book? Well, I deprived myself off an hour of sleep each night before work, and I was up until 3 AM determined to finish it last night.
At first I really couldn't empathize with Tau, the main character, but as the book went on, it became harder and harder to do anything but. His development is painful and thorough, and he drives the plot forward, barreling into any desire to put the book down and go to sleep. 5/5. Awesome book.