This MF chapter book is packed with vivid pictures on every page. It is great for an IR and will keep students interested. The third grade mermaid must take a journey to discover Narwhals and gain writing inspiration. #UCFSU19
UDL: 3.2
EL: detailed illustrations on every page & background knowledge activated
Kayladvazquez This sounds like a cute book. I agree this should be read independently because of what interest some children might not interest others. I feel this would be a good book to introduce to students if you feel a child is stuck in their writing or does not feel comfortable with their writing. I think it will help and give students ideas on what to write. 6y
gergana08 Third Grade Mermaid and the Narwhales, is an interesting picture book. This is a book that provides illustrations on every page. The visuals will be great for EL students. This book will be great to keep the students engaged and to teach them about the ocean life. 6y
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