So, how is everyone doing on the #MountTBRchallenge?!? I feel like I‘m making little progress, but I think that was a book hangover. I finished a big book and had a hard time moving on. Does that happen to you?
What‘s your total completed #MountTBR books? What‘s your goal? Overall total books read? Whatever the numbers, I‘d say you‘re doing great! Keep it up!
DivaDiane My totals are: 5/40 TBRs read. Total books read: 8. 7y
Amandajoy Terrible. I‘ve only read a total of 4 books this year. Two were BOTM picks, one was my postal book club, and one was off my TBR. Right now life is interfering with my reading in a big way 😠 7y
Velvetfur Oh yes it sometimes happens to me that I can't move on from a book right away as I'm still in that world and don't want to leave! It happened with all the Song Of Ice And Fire novels years ago, and happened again in January when I finished 'Golden Earrings', I couldn't accept that the story was finished!! 7y
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Velvetfur Oh and in #MountTBR news, I'm only on my second one out of 25! But I'm doing 2 other challenges as well so have read one from each of those, as well as finished the book I mentioned in my previous comment. So I've read 3 so far this year, after finishing the other one. So, 4, technically. But I only read 8 books in total last year, so I'm doing great! 😀 7y
Andrew65 Would like to get to 52 (one a week) but behind as only just finished my fifth today. 7y
Smarkies February has been a slow month for me. Just finished a book club book so will now need to get back onto reading those stacks of other books. 😂😂 7y
Chrys I was trying to do a sort of unofficial mounttbr. No numbers attached, just try and read what I own. Not going so well at this point, keep finding good library books. Maybe I need to not allow myself any holds until I read a couple of owned 🧐🙃 7y
CareBear I‘ve read 14 so far but I don‘t have an official goal. Just trying to clear up some bookshelf space...so I can buy more books lol. 7y
Pamwurtzler I‘m bogged down in Brideshead Revisited. Parts of it are just so slow. I‘m hoping to read about 60 books for this. Fingers crossed! 7y
Ash.on.the.line I‘ve only finished 2 books this month but a chunkster is slowing me down. gotta read the big books too I guess! 😂 No major goal, just read as many as I can! I hate book hangover! Here‘s to us trimming the mountain down! 🥂 7y
mrp27 Haven't completed one yet this month. Good news is I have my book picked and it will cover a couple of challenges once I read it. 7y
DivaDiane @Chrys Great that you‘re joining us! That sounds like a good plan with the library books. They can wait. 😜 7y
AnneCecilie I've read 7 books so far and 3 have been from my tbr 😀 slow on the reading due to all the sport on TV ( world championship in handball for men, chess and the Winter Olympics) 7y
SconsinBookyBadger Last week's insane and stressful work days has left me exhausted😴, but I pulled through to finish the 7th book off my TBR pile. Looking forward to a 3 day weekend off to get more reading accomplished! 😃 (edited) 7y
SleepyDragon I'm almost done with #4 out of 10-18 TBR, which will be the 5th book read so far this year. That's alot for me. Lol Later this week I have a derm appointment, and I usually have a long wait there. I'm looking forward to that chunk of time to read a small book I have on the back burmer. 7y
DivaDiane @Amandajoy @Velvetfur @Andrew65 @Smarkies @Chrys @CareBear @Pamwurtzler @Ash.on.the.line @mrp27 @AnneCecilie @anansigirl @NeesyBeth You are all stars ✨ and doing so well! Keep on Truckin‘! 7y
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