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The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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As promised, the other side of my Lego set, the Unexpected Party. I enjoyed this reread, though I was not very good at posting, apologies for that. One thing that made this one extra fun for me is my son, who is 20 & has a reading disability so doesn‘t usually read novels. We are currently training to walk a 1/2 marathon so go on training walks several nights a week. Each evening I tell him what has happened in the book since last time & we ⬇️

Chrys Discuss the events, character development, and what he thought would happen. He was not very familiar with the story before this, and has not seen the movies. So thank you for hosting this, it has led to fun conversations while walking trails through the woods #LOTRchapteraday (edited) 11mo
dabbe Your story just gave me goosebumps. 💙🖤🩵 11mo
hannah-leeloo Love this! 11mo
JazzFeathers This is so beautiful 😍 11mo
Daisey This is great! 11mo
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Untitled | Untitled

Is anyone else still missing pictures in their Litsy? I tried logging out and back, and I am not missing any updates.

TheBookHippie I can‘t see them either 12mo
dabbe Yep, still down. 12mo
DivineDiana Having the same problem! 12mo
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Chrys Good to know I‘m not alone I guess, hope they fix it soon. @TheBookHippie @dabbe @DivineDiana 12mo
Chelleo From @TimSpalding If you're using the app, please visit the Onward Litsy group to tell if you're seeing images. If you're not a member of the group, tell me here:

Tamra I‘m not seeing pics either. 12mo
Monica5 Can't see them on app, but can on webpage 🤷 12mo
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The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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I haven‘t had time to post much, but I have been enjoying this reread of The Hobbit. I was in the first read along years ago, but life got hectic and I wandered off the trail. This time I intend to see it through at least the Father Christmas letters. In this chapter I always feel bad that Bilbo was going to go back for the dwarves, but they wanted to leave him. Thank goodness for Gandalf staying true to his friends. #LOTRchapteraday

wordslinger42 I always feel bad for Bilbo there, too! Also, that is the coolest Lego!! 12mo
dabbe And they eat him out of house and home in Ch. 1, and he runs around like their slave. ARGH! Did Tolkien ever draw a society-chain of who's on top and who looks down on whom? And if he didn't, what order would you put everybody? I can't even get past Wizard-->Man or Man--> Wizard. 🤔 12mo
dabbe @wordslinger42 Ditto! 🖤💙🩵 12mo
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Blueberry LEGOS 🩵 12mo
Daisey @dabbe I tend to think a lot of Tolkien‘s message is that some groups think they are higher or more important but that really there is no hierarchy. For me, the theme of The Hobbit is the ability of the “smallest” act or person to change the world. 12mo
Daisey @Chrys Agreed and ❤️ the Legos! 12mo
JazzFeathers @dabbe l agree with @Daisey And also, don't forget that the Dwarves did send Bilbo to the trolls, but then they went after him because they didn't see him back or heard him hoot. They carried him on their shoulders as they fled from the goblins, and actually, they almost come to think of him as their leader, later on. I'd argue that Tolkien advocates respect through knowledge and the smashing of hierarchies through respect 😁 @wordslinger42 12mo
JazzFeathers @Blueberry Totally agree. I want that Lego too!!!! 12mo
dabbe @JazzFeathers Totally agree with you and Daisey, especially when looking at the book as a whole. At the beginning, though, these groups do not all get along and some think they are better. Only through the quest will most of them change for the better. 12mo
Chrys @dabbe @Daisey @JazzFeathers I agree with all above. I think in his works most races seem to consider the others lesser until they actually interact with and get to know them, then personal experience overcomes prejudice and they learn respect everyone‘s abilities. 12mo
Chrys @wordslinger42 @Daisey @Blueberry @dabbe The Legos were a pandemic project to help me relax after work, next time I will try and post the other side, I love the indoor details :) 12mo
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I read this for a trip I will be going on next year. Some parts were poorly phrased, but overall I found it informative. He covers some history along w/culture around religion, eating, gift giving, & group mindset as opposed to western individualism. Etiquette is complicated for someone not raised there to master, but he assures the reader that if you are respectful & trying that is enough during your stay. If I were to actually move there or 👇🏻

Chrys Do business with them I would want a more in depth guide. I did read a new edition, someone had reviewed an older one and was very negative about it. I did not see much of what she spoke of. While he does talk about separation of inside and outside (home/family etc) he does not say they are dishonest. And while he says the trains are dirty he says the people themselves are very clean. (edited) 1y
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This book was a quick and fun read, I was literally chuckling out loud at some of it. The title character isn‘t really suited for the family business, but he is willing to try and ends up making some friends as he does.

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I love the Victorian era, so was not surprised that I enjoyed this. It was a good look at the life of a couple in this time period in London. I really found myself getting attached to Jane through her various writings.
This is also my first #Persephone book, the quality is very good, it was a pleasure to read, I see a growing collection in my future 💕

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This was a pick, but not as strong of one as Christie‘s other works for me. I enjoyed it overall, but there wasn‘t much in the way of clues for the actual final reveal. A couple of things also felt just a bit too much of a coincidence to be believable. The overall skill in writing and likable characters kept my interest though, and I will probably reread at some time in the future.

Chrys One other thing that sort of seemed odd was the repeated reference to Miss Marple “twinkling” at people. It was a bit overused, and didn‘t quite match what I thought I remembered of her personality in prior books, but it has been a bit. 1y
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This is my first completed Jane Austen, and I loved it. Lizzie is great fun to read. Darcy‘s rapid change seemed a bit unbelievable to me, but that did not detract from enjoying it. And it may have been more gradual, except that we did not see him while he was going through it, just the results from Lizzie‘s POV.
Before I had tried reading Emma and dnf as I couldn‘t stand her. What Jane Austen would be good to try next since I loved this one?

wordslinger42 Sense and Sensibility is one of my favorite Jane Austen novels 😊 I haven't read Emma yet, but it's on my list for this year! 1y
FlowerFairy Such a lovely cover 🥰 1y
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Once again I am a sucker for a fun cover. This book is a soft pick. It covers a large number of topics, and the pictures are wonderful. However each topic only gets a one page brief overview. A good coffee table book for reading for a moment here and there.

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I generally enjoy zombie related books, but while this one was entertaining in parts, it was also very dry in others. I did finish, but it took a long time to get through as it was too easy to put down. Finished last week but just now posting #Jumpstart2023

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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This is my first book by any of the Brontë sisters, how I made it this long without reading them I don‘t know. I know you aren‘t supposed to judge a book by its cover, but it is what made me buy this copy-the photo doesn‘t do it justice.
As for the book itself, I really enjoyed it. I loved how Jane gave Rochester trouble even while staying technically proper. The fact that she is talking to us as her reader helped me feel connected early on.

Liatrek My favorite book ❤️❤️ 2y
Chrys @Liatrek It is now one of mine as well💙 2y
Chrys #Jumpstart2023 Afraid I am a bit slow, but still reading on (edited) 2y
Clwojick Such a stunning cover! 😍 2y
dabbe One of my top 5; JE is probably my favorite female character of all time!❣️ The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (by Anne) is also one of my top faves. 2y
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Gothic Tales by Mary Shelley | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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First post in around 2 yrs, it‘s been a long slump where I started books but finished very few. Pictured here are most of a couple of recent book hauls. My goal this year is to make time to read, and actually finish the books. I am not setting a number goal as then I would just feel pressured.
The titled book had a short story written like a note from an accidentally immortal man. There was also an essay on ghosts and our belief in them

Chrys I enjoyed this quick read, and it was a good one for #jumpstart2023 for me 2y
Clwojick 😳 I love that cover! 🖤 2y
Lizpixie That skull is adorable!💀 2y
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Opened my #jolabokaflodswap to find not one but two of one of my favorite types of chocolate along with a historical novel that I have been wanting to read. Thank you again @WriterAtHeart And thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing the swap

Untitled | Unknown
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It came!! @WriterAtHeart @MaleficentBookDragon I am glad his made it through the system and got here safe, and I will actually have more reading time today than I would have Christmas Eve. #Jolabokaflodswap

WriterAtHeart I am so happy it finally got to you! It has been stuck in the ether for weeks now and I was getting worried. I hope you enjoy!!! 4y
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This book is a collection of ghost stories from the various publications that put them out during the Christmas season in Victorian Britain. Some were of course better than others, but I really enjoyed reading them and the concept of ghost stories as a Christmas tradition (not surprising as Halloween is my favorite holiday)

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This book would be an excellent reference for anyone doing Victorian costuming, helping to know exactly what would be “in fashion” for each decade, including hairstyles. There were a good number of illustrations, though I wished there were more. Someone with more sewing experience would probably not have had to use Google as much as I did. Overall a pick

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It took me a while to find a copy of this, but I am glad I kept looking. It starts out going through the decades and discussing the changing fashions and supporting garments.
On an unrelated note, I forgot to post that I sent out my #Jolabokaflod package, but I see that it got there !

Bunnicula (Anniversary) | Deborah Howe, James Howe
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Peace has been restored , now both boys have their own copy. I‘m glad they still had some signed ones left this morning

Bunnicula (Anniversary) | Deborah Howe, James Howe
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Today I was at Barnes and Noble with one of my boys and got him this signed anniversary edition Bunnicula. My other son is jealous and jokingly threatening to steal it. Looks like I am going to be heading back first thing in the morning to see if any are left. I should add that my boys are 17 and 20 😅

Chrissyreadit That‘s awesome! 4y
Texreader 🤣🤣🤣 4y
JoeMo Heck, I‘m 41 and almost opted for the anniversary edition. Instead I picked up a different version and read it this past Halloween, and the story was still pretty solid after reading it for the first time since the 3rd grade! 4y
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Just got this for my airport read and already dented the cover ☹️. Oh well, it‘s just an example of why I should buy myself a book sleeve. Looking forward to the mystery and my trip

Bklover I like to think that the damaged books are the cool books! It shows they‘ve been read ❤️ 4y
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Brought this to read during downtime at work, I am getting some odd looks from my coworkers ☠️

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This was extremely well researched, lots of medical reports & court cases included as examples.The descriptions of the effects of arsenic on the body were...thoroughly described. It is almost unbelievable how difficult it would have been to avoid arsenic entirely during the time period with it being everywhere from patent medicines to price tags on items. This book could be a little too in depth at points, dragging just a bit, but overall solid.

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This was a fairly short but interesting look at 2 serial killers here in my home state (actually within 100 miles from where I sat reading it) Both used arsenic on their victims. One a black widow collecting on husbands, the other would “nurse” sick family and neighbors-and be the first to help at their funerals. The book was well written and I had not known about either of the ladies before now.

Devolution | Max Brooks
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I am having a hard time focusing lately, but attempting to start this book.
My point total for #Scarathlon2020 so far is 205.

Clwojick Good luck 🖤🔪 4y
Grrlbrarian If you‘re into audiobooks, Nathan Fillion reads this one 👍 4y
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I am not able to keep up with what was her workout right now, but it is a goal.

Read last weekend as part of #CYOReadathon I completely failed to post anything at the time. Working on catching up. Total of 8 hours read during it. 80 points readathon, 5 for this book, 1 for posting. So 86 total #TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon2020 @Clwojick

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This is a book of different fairy tales told in modern English, & a couple were similar tales from slightly different regions combined. Some I knew but many I didn‘t as they were specific to only from England. It took me a little bit to get used to the fact that the language was more modern compared to what I am used to in this genre. That said the illustrations by Arthur Rackham are of course stunning.

Chrys The notes at the end of the book went over the origins of each tale and stories with similar themes. I enjoyed some of the notes as much as the stories. 4y
Clwojick Awesome! Go #TeamSlaughter!! 🎃🖤👻🎉🔥🔪 4y
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Over the last year or so I have slowly been discovering my love for Agatha Christie. This book was a fun one with characters all telling short mysteries and trying to guess the endings, with Miss Marple of course in the lead for most correct.
#Scarathlon2020 #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick
16 points

Clwojick Same! I‘m really starting to get more into her stories as well💀 4y
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This is my initial tbr stack for #scarathlon and #screamathon, I am sure I will be adding others @Clwojick #TeamSlaughter 26 points

Clwojick Awesome! 4y
alisiakae I read the lace reader a few years ago, I need to go back and read Barry‘s other Salem books! 4y
Andrew65 I love the Railway Detextive series. 4y
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Happy #HobbitDay and Happy birthday to Bilbo and Frodo. #FellowshipofTolkien

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This was hysterical and informative. I was unaware that radioactive suppositories had been a thing 😳. A large number of supposed cures were covered, and if they had led to anything modern ( current use of radiation for example).

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His book was on the stronger side of so-so. The information was interesting and it wasn‘t poorly written. The problem I had was that the author seemed to be trying too hard to fight against people glamorizing the games and gladiators, as a result he went a bit overboard describing and focusing on how horrific the battles were. I kind of wanted to say Ok, I get it. It also would have benefited from illustrations of some of the weapons and armor

Chrys Book 6 #Mounttbr 4y
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The group meets people inside the golden castle and find out Senshi‘s backstory, while of course continuing to eat the various monsters they fight on their way to saving Falin.

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“Expose to a quick heat which immediately coagulates the albumen”. Mmmm, yummy 😂I think she means sear the meat. I read this on my kindle and will admit to skimming through a lot of the actual recipe sections. However reading the child rearing advice and medical sections was interesting (not sure how we survived all the purgatives and leeches). There were also sections on the duties of various servants in the house and how to clean things

Chrys Book 5 #MountTBR 4y
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This was between a so-so and a pick. The writing was good, the notes from the translator excellent. Unfortunately I found many of Ovid‘s attitudes towards women off-putting, which I suppose I should have expected given the time period.
Book 4 #MountTBR

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Don‘t read this for a riveting story with amazing character development and beautiful prose. Do read it for the book equivalent of a mindless horror/comedy film. I actually enjoyed it, though I don‘t know that I would reread it. I didn‘t realize it was the second in a series, and not having read the first really didn‘t hurt my understanding. In fact, I think I liked it better without it. Book 3 for #Mounttbr

The Woman on the Orient Express | Lindsay Jayne Ashford
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Just received my final #sfmbc package from @MaleficentBookDragon , thank you so much for all the extras! I am looking forward to coffee and cookies while diving into these books 😊

MaleficentBookDragon I'm glad you like everything. Sorry it was so late. 5y
Avanders 🥰🥰 yay! 5y
Chrys @MaleficentBookDragon no problem, I think most of us ran late on this last round, I know I did 😊 5y
Avanders Hey! I have not forgotten about you & shipment $$.... how do you feel about Amazon or other online bookseller... Or do you prefer a check? ♥️ 4y
Chrys Amazon is always welcome 😁 4y
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Oh, was #MountTbr not intended as a challenge to add more books to the shelf? I must have misunderstood 🤗
I bought myself this Tolkien box set to celebrate getting hired for a new job, of course any reason is a good one to add to my Tolkien collection.

JazzFeathers I think this is absolutely the most sensible way to celebrate a new job 😌☝ 5y
Kenyazero Congratulations on the new job! 5y
Linsy Beautiful ✨ and congrats! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Couldn‘t find this in the database, but it is a pick. I got this book on vacation last year. It gives historical information about various ancient sites in Rome along with pages that have overlays to lift up to see current photos of the sites compared to what they would have looked like when built. Book 2 for #MountTbr #MountTbr2020

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Your manual for joining the legion, entertaining to read. The author put a lot of humor in the way he presents the information so you don‘t get bored with it. And one down for #Mounttbr #Mounttbr2020

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So this year I decided to sign up for the #MountTbr challenge. I have seen the tag before but never really looked into it. I am trying for Mt Vancouver, which is 36 books. This is the first “normal” sized one I am working on. #Mounttbr2020

Catherine_Willoughby How was this book. Looks interesting 5y
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The Atrocities | Jeremy Shipp
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Cookie says that the real atrocity is that there is a closed door between herself and my son.
I enjoyed this book and felt it was true to the older gothic novellas I have read. I understand not explaining everything so that it is as creepy for the reader as the governess. That said I would love to see a prequel/sequel explaining it all since the explanations didn‘t come at the end

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Meddling Kids | Edgar Cantero
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I did enjoy this, but I wanted to love it and just didn‘t. I was a big Scooby-Doo fan as a kid, and I love Lovecraft‘s works, so this should have been perfect. But parts just made me cringe, and the author has a weird habit of suddenly switching to screenplay type conversation and breaking the fourth wall in ways that do not blend with the rest of the book. I did finish it, but kept putting it down for other books in between.

PatriciaU Cantero is a quirky writer. I always feel like I'm in a carnival fun house when I'm reading one of his books. Completely agree with you on this one, though. 5y
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I love the cover on this! 💕 Checked it out from the library but wondering if I can find a copy of this edition to keep

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I recommend reading this with a pen and paper nearby, my tbr grew substantially while going through this book. 😸. Each chapter was a small bio of a female author, also including what type of stories she wrote that shouldn‘t be missed and similar writers.

Zoes_Human Same here! Loved the little art in it as well. 5y
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Ravina the Witch? | Junko Mizuno
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The artwork is gorgeous, the story is all over. I was surprised by some of the turns it took, kind of like an over the top adult fairy tale written while drinking.

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I got an early Christmas present!! Major brownie points for my son‘s boyfriend, this edition is gorgeous! Hardback and illustrated, I recommend it for Lovecraft fans

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Untitled | Unknown
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Sorry for the delay in posting, had a rough week here. Thank you so much for the beautiful card. And I can‘t wait to try the recipes, especially the pie. My card to you went out on Saturday, so should be there soon. Merry Christmas 🎄
@Lynnsoprano @AprilMae #holidayrecipeswap

Tamra That is a gorgeous card! 5y
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This book is a somewhat dry read, but if you really want an idea of how very particular people were about all the details of the house this book will give it to you. And you may even pick up some helpful tips, though I don‘t believe I will be using the section on how to iron a newspaper 😅

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Somehow I don‘t think that would help me during a hangover. But to be fair, I‘ve never tried it.

ItsAnotherJen Whoa! 😂 That sounds like something that would make me throw up. 5y
rubyslippersreads @JenFowler That was my first thought just before I read your comment. 🤢 5y
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#Nightmareswap Thank you so much for the books and goodies, I am wearing the socks now 🐈🎃
@LibrarianRyan @Pogue

LibrarianRyan I‘ll be interested what you have to say about the Attrocities. 5y
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