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Joined May 2016

LibraryThing member carebear10712

“So many books, so little time.” Cat guardian. INFJ. Ravenclaw. Beach bum. Disney fan. 💕
The Bone Houses | Emily Lloyd-Jones
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First readathon in a long time! I‘m ready! #deweyoct

Liz_M Welcome back! 2y
CareBear @Liz_M thank you! 💙 2y
AmyG Enjoy! 2y
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My Waterstones edition arrived today and it‘s swoon worthy 😍

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This month‘s FairyLoot box has prompted me to finally start this! 🐉

GondorGirl You'll be strong by the end of it, because holy cow that book is heavy! 😆 3y
Nute Is that foil or a metal bookmark? It‘s way cool! 3y
ReadingOver50 Really good book. Long but entertaining. 3y
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CareBear @GondorGirl I know this is one I should have gotten on kindle or Audible! 😝 3y
CareBear @Nute thanks! It‘s metal! 3y
ScientistSam I have this book too, bought on my Litsy CT meetup! Hope you are well! 2y
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I ultimately enjoyed this although it was a slow start for me…but can someone smarter please explain the ending?

AmyG Ha! I have read a few books where I just didn‘t get it. I am left thinking…what? 3y
MaGoose Been there, done that with certain endings. The Mage by John Fowler comes to mind, which I read about 35 years ago. The last few lines are in Latin!!! And this was well before Google Translate was a glimmer in anyone's eye. I just about threw the book out the window. 😁🤣 2y
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Apeirogon: A Novel | Colum McCann
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I am about halfway through...just finished Bassam and Rami‘s speeches and I am devastated. 💔

McCann is a master of his craft.

radhikeey This is such a beautiful cover. 3y
kspenmoll Just saw that we share the same 5 year #litsyversary date, May 15. And here we are... 3y
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Ring Shout | P Djeli Clark
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Mark Twain House presents an interview with P. Djeli Clark (a CT resident!), and one of my absolute favorite contemporary authors. If you haven‘t read him yet, do it!!

kspenmoll Sorry to miss this! 3y
litenthusiast I just started reading Ring Shout tonight. I'm sorry to have missed this. 3y
SamAnne Loved Ring Shout! 3y
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Salvage the Bones | Jesmyn Ward
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This was heartbreakingly beautiful. I loved it.

I don‘t know if I‘ll get to Men we Reaped and Sing, Unburied, Sing in April but I own both and will definitely be bumping them up the TBR.

EmilyM You have to add Where the Line Bleeds , also by Ward. It takes place in the same setting as Salvage and Sing! 3y
CareBear I will, thanks for the suggestion! @EmilyM 3y
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Bookzombie 💕🐈 3y
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Listening to Lauren Groff, Colson Whitehead, and Jacqueline Woodson. Disappointed it‘s not in person but the pizza and beer makes up for it a little 🍻

Ncostell That must have been amazing! 3y
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Snow day snuggles ❄️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks How are you? 💛 3y
CareBear @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m hanging in there, Misty! How have you been? 💕 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CareBear I‘m doing the same ❤️ 3y
ScientistSam How did you enjoy this book? I liked the first one 3y
CareBear @ScientistSam I enjoyed it! My BFF loves this series and it‘s up my alley so I‘m enjoying it also! 3y
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My book bean can also serve as a cat pillow 😻 I‘m not sure that‘s what book beau had in mind...

AmyG Ha! And your cat looks so comfy ❤️ 3y
kspenmoll 😹😹 3y
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On Beauty | Zadie Smith
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These are the 4 Zadie Smith books I have on my shelves. I doubt I‘ll get to all 4 this month but I will try...anyone have any favorites from this stack?

Cathythoughts Loved On Beauty ❤️ 3y
readordierachel I really enjoyed NW and have heard great things about On Beauty. 3y
CareBear Thanks @Cathythoughts @readordierachel I think I‘ll start with On Beauty! 3y
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City We Became | N K Jemisin
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Aurora and I finished this on audio tonight. I loved the book and the audio narration was amazing. Jemisin is so ridiculously talented. All the ⭐️‘s


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My new favorite Bernie meme 🤣🤣🤣

kspenmoll This is great!!! 4y
Ruthiella 😂😂😂These memes continue to crack me up! 4y
Gissy 🤣 4y
BiblioLitten 😂 3y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Sunday morning snuggles

Cats, books, and coffee...life is sweet.


BethM Purrrfection 4y
kspenmoll Just the right way to start a Sunday!🥰😻 4y
UwannaPublishme Sweet! 😻 4y
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Oh, I loved how everything came together and ended in this final book of the trilogy. All the ⭐️ s


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Working on finishing this series curled up with one of my girls 😻#catsoflitsy #authoramonth

AmyG 💕😻 4y
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Celebrations | Delicious Magazine
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With a couple days to spare! 🥳

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Reggie Congrats!!!🥳 4y
Karkar Congratulations 4y
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Jas16 🙌🏽 4y
Deblovestoread Congrats! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 4y
Amiable 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 4y
Ruthiella Congratulations! 🥳🥳🥳 4y
PurpleyPumpkin Awesome!🙌🏽 4y
Nebklvr Great job in a not great year! Double points! 4y
Gissy Congratulations 📚📚📚🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👏 4y
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Completely wrecked by this series and suffering from a massive book hangover.

LazyOwl Such a great series 💕 4y
Hollie What a gorgeous cover! 4y
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Sweet Tooth | Jeff Lemiere
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This #readathon brought to you by graphic novels. #deweysoct2020 #deweysreadathon #deweys24hour readathon

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“I appear to have misplaced the fucks I give for what you think”
—love my new mug!

LibrarianRyan Lucky. I have been thinking of ordering a shirt. I love this designs to go with his books. 4y
CareBear @LibrarianRyan you totally should! I agree...I love the new “am I not merciful” merch 4y
CaraTK Love that mug!!! 4y
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The Searcher | Tana French
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One of the few perks of Stay in Place orders...I get to see Dennis Lehane and Tana French talk about words 🥰

Hazel2019 So cool 🙂 4y
valeriegeary Sweet! Where was this? Through a bookstore? 4y
CareBear @valeriegeary yes, through a bookstore! She has a bunch of other virtual events scheduled, so check out her website if you‘re interested! 4y
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Hooked_on_books Wow, that‘s a pairing! I‘m envious. 4y
MyNamesParadise Ahh so awesome! I‘d love to hear her speak! 4y
MyNamesParadise Oh wow, I‘d love to be able to hear her speak! 4y
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My bestie has joined Litsy! Please welcome @CaraTK ♥️ @LitsyWelcomeWagon and get her started on people to follow!

julesG Welcome @CaraTK ! 4y
hannah-leeloo Thank you for the tag and welcome @CaraTK I hope you have a great time here. Happy reading hun 4y
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DrexEdit Welcome to Litsy @CaraTK ! 😊👋 4y
Sleepswithbooks Welcome to the place of fun 📚💛 4y
Jas16 Welcome @CaraTK 4y
JessClark78 Welcome to Litsy! @CaraTK 🙂📚 4y
Caroline2 Hello 👋 😀 4y
slategreyskies Welcome to Litsy!! :) 4y
Ruthiella Welcome @CaraTK 😀 (edited) 4y
Deblovestoread Welcome to Litsy! @CaraTK 4y
TK-421 @CaraTK Welcome to Litsy! 😀 4y
Librarybelle Welcome to Litsy, @CaraTK ! Thanks for the tag, @Birdsong28 ! 4y
LeahBergen Hello, @CaraTK ! 👋🏻 4y
veritysalter Hi @CaraTK welcome to Litsy 👋🏻 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy @CaraTK 🥳🌷🥳 4y
Eggs Thank you 🙏🏻 @Birdsong28 4y
BookmarkTavern Welcome @CaraTK ! And thanks @Birdsong28 ! 🎉📚🎉 4y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy @CaraTK 🌼 4y
CaraTK @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you!! Following. I just started China Rich Girlfriend (it‘s the way my library holds panned out) and on audiobook Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. These days I always have a fantasy book in the mix! 4y
FashionableObserver Welcome-welcome!!! 🤓 4y
maich Welcome @CaraTK 💕 Thanks for tagging me @Birdsong28 😘 4y
Libby1 Hi, @CaraTK . Thanks again for the tag, lovely @Birdsong28 💜 4y
CaraTK Hi @FashionableObserver @maich @Libby1 ! @Birdsong28 what a great community of readers ❤️ 4y
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That Book Store, LLC | Wethersfield, CT (Bookstore)
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Yesterday‘s #indiebookstoreday haul!

Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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Beautiful morning reading with my girls 😻 #catsoflitsy

Riveted_Reader_Melissa So pretty, and so inspiring...my girls do not get along so nicely. 4y
rubyslippersreads @Riveted_Reader_Melissa My girl and boy don‘t either. 😼 4y
CareBear @rubyslippersreads @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think it helps that they are litter mates and have always been together 4y
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rubyslippersreads @CareBear @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Mine are too. They were close when they were younger, but Nicky is such a mommy‘s boy, he‘s jealous of any attention Imshow to Sadie. 🙀 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CareBear I think that helps. When I was younger I had 2 litter mates too, and they were always at least friendly to each other. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @rubyslippersreads That‘s the problem I have with my girls now, they are all rescues that came at different times, and the newest always needed a lot of care because of that, so the older always got super jealous. 4y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Your fur babies are adorable!!🐈❤️ 4y
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Hidden kitty 😻

ju.ca.no ♥️ 4y
wanderinglynn ❤️🐱 4y
slategreyskies 🐱❤️!! 4y
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valeriegeary Cute! 😍 4y
Ruthiella Peekaboo! 🐱❤️🐱❤️🐱❤️ 4y
CarolynM Cute! 4y
VeganCleopatra Can't help but notice the resemblance to the stuffed animal on the other shelf. 😏 Does he knock the books over much? 4y
Scochrane26 So cute! 4y
StolenBookmobile Awwwwwww 4y
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The Changeling | Victor LaValle
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Lazy, rainy Sunday working on my current reads 📚

kspenmoll Thinking of you in this power outage time- hope you & your husband are ok. 4y
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I love their podcast and am super excited to start this! Reading it together with one of my own big friends ♥️

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Feeling this a lot lately.

SamanthaMarie This is good. 4y
kspenmoll 😃 4y
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When your foster cat is using your stack of current reads as his pillow #bookishproblems

wanderinglynn Aw, so cute! ❤️🐱 4y
HeatherBlue Adorable!! 4y
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Kindred | Octavia E. Butler
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Quoting from the blurb on the back because I couldn‘t word it better:

“One cannot finish Kindred without feeling changed. It is a shattering work of art with much to say about love, hate, slavery, and racial dilemmas, then and now.”

My first Butler but certainly not my last #authoramonth

ScientistSam Shattering is a good description. So well written 4y
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Special Friendships: A Novel | Roger Peyrefitte
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For the last two years around this time, I‘ve met up with my local Litsy friends at RJ Julia‘s for some great times. I am missing all of you today and hoping to see you again soon. ❤️

Ncostell Yes, it is that time of year again. Who could have foreseen this crazy situation last year? I miss our meet ups too and look forward to seeing everyone again! 💕 4y
KatieDid927 Aww. 😔 Looking forward to being able to congregate once again! (edited) 4y
Amiable Has it been a year already? Wow! Time flies when you are in quarantine. 😬😖 4y
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mcipher Wow! Time does fly. I cannot WAIT to get back out to a bookstore and get to chat books in person!!! 4y
j9brown That was such a nice day 😊 Can't wait until we can have another meetup! 4y
ScientistSam That was a great day! And I can't wait to see everyone again and talk books😀 4y
mrozzz We will have to do it again as soon as we are able 💜💜💜 4y
kspenmoll Wonderful photos!!! 4y
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Trial Series | Lizzy Ford
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My May #bookspin theme is to continue series that I‘ve started! I‘ll never be able to read 20 in one month but I can‘t wait to try!

TheAromaofBooks Great list!!! 4y
Bookzombie I love your theme! I may have to do that one month. 🙂 4y
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Loved this one! I follow her on IG (@bodyposipanda) and I love her so much. Well-written and engaging and a message we all need to hear.

JoScho And her sister 💜💜💜 4y
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I finished my first book for #readathon! I really enjoyed it but I thought it was a stand-alone but based on the cliffhanger looks like nope and that‘s frustrating to me. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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I‘m ready, guys! Let‘s get this party started! 🥳


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My stack for #deweys #readathon this weekend! Currently reading the bottom two ... hoping to finish those and make a serious dent in the rest of the pile!

Loving the tagged book!

A God in Ruins | Kate Atkinson
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#7books7days (Day 4)

Interested, @RamsFan1963 ?

CarolynM I loved this book too❤️ 4y
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#7days7books (Day 3)

@hes7 if you haven‘t been tagged yet and want to play!

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American Gods | Neil Gaiman
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#7days7books (Day 2)

We present here 7 books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much; changed us. No further comments!

Tagged if you want to play, @Laurenabeth

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#7days7books (day 1)

We present here 7 books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much; changed us. No further comments!

Thanks for the tag, @LazyOwl ! I tag @Ncostell if you‘re interested 💜

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I‘m having a hard time getting into anything these days, but the familiarity of an old tale and a new twist seems to be doing the trick so far.

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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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I mean, every weekend feels like a #readathon weekend these days but this one has always been my favorite 💕


RiaWritten Sorry to be a newbie but where does one sign up? I'm interested. :) 4y
CareBear @RiaWritten no need to apologize! I edited the post to include the link :) 4y
RiaWritten Thank you, @CareBear !!!! 4y
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Substituting the tagged book for no. 13‘s April #bookspin

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This really struck me. Sending love to each of you. ❤️

CrowCAH So fitting at this time of the Corona virus. 4y
CareBear @CrowCAH I thought so too. 4y
Trashcanman Be safe Carrie! ♥️😊 4y
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BookmarkTavern Love this quote! ❤️ 4y
Ncostell Great quote! Stay safe! 4y
Texreader Excellent timing 4y
CareBear You too, George and Nicole! ♥️ @Trashcanman @Ncostell (edited) 4y
kspenmoll This is so apt. How are you???? 4y
CareBear @kspenmoll I‘m hanging in there! Good days and bad, I‘m sure like everyone else. How are you and your fam doing? 4y
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IQ84 | Haruki Murakami
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I loved this; loved the writing and the characters and the dialogue and just all of it, really. Super impressed with Murakami‘s brilliance.

SShiney I have been dying to read this! 4y
Velvetfur Oohh I was given this a few years ago and haven't got around to reading yet - I'm a Murakami fan but this book is so big...! (books 1 and 2 together) I'm glad to see you enjoyed it! 😊 4y
Amiable Excellent job completing #chunksterchallenge2020 ! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 4y
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CareBear @Amiable thanks for hosting!! 4y
CareBear @Velvetfur I did it 100 pages per week with the chunkster challenge and that made it much easier! 4y
Velvetfur @CareBear Oh that sounds good, to set a weekly goal, haha! Thanks for that 😊👍 4y
Amiable @CareBear 100 pages per week makes it totally doable, doesn‘t it? That‘s been the secret to my success in getting through a lot of chunksters! 4y
Soubhiville Logged, that‘s 4📚 I‘m impressed, this one is huge! 4y
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1Q84 | Haruki Murakami
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Change of scenery...this one of my current fosters, Loki. Glad I brought two books with me since he‘s using one as a pillow 🤣

#catsoflitsy #stayhome24in48

Reviewsbylola 😍😂 4y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 4y
Erofan 😻 4y
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Great Catsby | Kathi Daley
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Mid-reach for my hand. He paws at me when he wants to be pet 🙄 I honestly think he can sense my stress because he‘s been super cuddly all week. And I‘m glad to have some company for #stayhome24in48 !

Crazeedi I ❤ your fur friend, so adorable 😻 4y
Velvetfur Aaw what a gorgeous boy! I love when they reach out and pat their humans; our elderly girl does this to us too 💜 4y
AmyG Ha! He is not too thrilled with you. 4y
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CareBear @AmyG lol heaven forbid I stop petting him for one second! 4y
Bookzombie Aww, so sweet! 💕🐱 4y
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Readathon storybook: Oshindonga & English | Dorian Haarhoff, Linekela Shipindo Moshindonga, Sarie Maritz
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My plans next weekend have been cancelled so I‘m all in for this. #stayhome24in48

Trashcanman 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼🤗 4y
Scochrane26 My plans for the next month have been cancelled. I‘ll be able to read a lot & save $ though. 😕 4y
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