There is something beautiful in our capacity to accommodate atrocity, even If it can also be our undoing.
There is something beautiful in our capacity to accommodate atrocity, even If it can also be our undoing.
I don't want to go to the gym, or work, or do any kind of adulting today so I'm procrastinating with this hefty library find and a cup of tea ☕️ Anyone else just wishing to enjoy the summer without the responsibilities???
When I see a book I want to read but then notice the length...
I'll admit it, this blurb 💯percent sold me on this book. And so far, it's everything Karen Russell (my real Patronus, no matter what the Pottermore quiz said) claimed it would be. (Also: cameo from Jesmyn Ward!) #bestblurb #seasonsreadings2016
I couldn't put this book down. O'Connor's imagining of the lives of Jefferson and Hemings was totally compelling.
I tried to put it away, because it's so hard to read this indictment. But reading it is the least I can do for Sally Hemings and her descendants. And this tome is amazingly written, and cool and strange, too. I'm afraid it's gotten lost in the shuffle of the other books on slavery this year, and it should definitely not be. It's not as thick as it looks, There's loads of white space. Plenty of room for the chatter of my mind. #Recommendsday
I already read one new novel on Jefferson and Flemings this year. I seriously had no intention of reading this one so soon. Especially since it is longish. But I bought it, for when I was ready. And Nothing else was working. And it's smart. And It still matters. And It's like my thing with WWII, I always think just one more book will help me understand it. Well, I think I'm hooked, that magical, magical feeling.
I already read one new novel on Jefferson and Flemings this year. I seriously had no intention of reading this one so soon. Especially since it is longish. But I bought it, for when I was ready. And Nothing else was working. And it's smart. And It still matters. And It's like my thing with WWII, I always think just one more book will help me understand it. Well, I think I'm hooked, that magical, magical feeling.
How is it that a man who seems so fully alive and complexly real to himself might fade from existence as rapidly as a lie exposed by truth?