The wonderful Alyssa Palombo is today's #read99women guest, recommending FROM UNSEEN FIRE by @CassRMorris -- check out the blogpost: http://www.greermacallister.com/blog/2020/2/24/read99women-alyssa-palombo
The wonderful Alyssa Palombo is today's #read99women guest, recommending FROM UNSEEN FIRE by @CassRMorris -- check out the blogpost: http://www.greermacallister.com/blog/2020/2/24/read99women-alyssa-palombo
While obviously a first novel, this is the book #GRRM should read! It shows historical “realities” without glorifying rape and torture. Finally, a book about men and women in power, their political intrigue, and the consequences of personal vendettas on a nation where women can and will use their limited power for themselves and their families. 4/5 stars, read if you like #GoT, but demand less rape. Set in Ancient Rome with gods granted magic.
OMG thank you so much @Avanders I‘m so excited for this book, my cool new cards and my reading log. Thanks for the selection of teas (perfect for work!) and my yummy chocolate! I HAVE to know, where did you get the Lisa Frank stickers??
Pacing was bumpy and while the characters had interesting backstories, they were also a bit flat.
“Earth supports, Air directs; Water nourishes, Fire protects; Spirit inspires, Light reveals; Time measures, Shadow conceals; Fracture marks the lines between; Thus do all the Nine convene”
Enjoyed the blurb anyway 😊
Huh...not horrible but the pacing was all over the place and the ending...I know it's a series but that was hella unsatisfying
1. I think a Book Riot article? And then I had to wait because I'm an Android user.
2. Goodreads, a Google spreadsheet and a written journal.
3. Yes, of course! But I'm an easy sell!
4. Hoping to finish up Rage and From Unseen Fire while I do a little computer work (catching up on Edelweiss reviews for @FountainBookstore newsletter- I haven't forgotten!).
Really enjoying this fantasy set in Aven (which would be ancient Rome with magic). I could do with more magic in my every day.
Getting back to work has been good, and tonight I got to host a debut author's release day! There was a great turn out and the author and the book are both fabulous!