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There Will Be Lies
There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
12 posts | 15 read | 1 reading | 7 to read
Shelby Jane Cooper is seventeen, pretty and quiet. It's just Shelby and her mom, Shaylene, a court stenographer who wears pyjama jeans, stitches tapestry, eats ice-cream for dinner and likes to keep Shelby safe. So safe she barely goes out. So safe she doesn't go to school. Because anything could happen, to a girl like Shelby. Anything. When Shelby gets knocked down by a car, it's not just her leg that's broken: Shelby's world is shattered. Her mom turns up to collect her and drives off into the night, like it's the beginning of a road trip, like two criminals on the run, like Thelma and Louise or Bonnie and Clyde. And somehow, everywhere she looks, there's a coyote watching her, talking to her, telling her not to believe. Who is Shelby Jane Cooper? If the person who keeps you safe also tells you lies, who can you trust?
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There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
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Well, this book went places I wasn't expecting! Shelby just thinks her mother is a little overprotective, but when Shelby is hit by a car outside the library, it launches a series of events that changes her life forever. Oh, and Coyote shows up to show her how to walk into the Dreaming and tells her she has to save the world. No pressure!

#ReadySetRead2023 - a book with "lies" in the title

SaunteringVaguelyDownwards There were some things that really cemented this book as YA, such as the fact that Shelby is deaf being presented as a huge reveal a few chapters in, when I thought it was presented so obviously through details like italics for speech and watching TV with closed captions that I actually skimmed back through the opening chapters thinking I had missed that part of the character description. 10mo
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There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
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Day 14 #BigJuneReadathon photo challenge
* truth/lies

I haven‘t read this one yet. My daughter has chosen it for our July read.

Clwojick Cute cover! 🐺 2y
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There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
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9/10 -I guessed the plot from the beginning but I was swayed otherwise during the story. I did not see it coming that Shelby was deaf. I thought I was gonna hate the Dreaming, but it turned out to be a super cool alternative universe? I liked that the story didn‘t go the way I expected. I was super into it by the end but it can be kind of a slow start especially with the dreaming stuff but that‘s my only complaint really.

There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake

Just gotta say it...I'm not digging the authors decision to have no quotation marks in the book. It's super confusing, and I find myself having to go back and re-read sentences/paragraphs to make sense of what is dialogue or the protagonists narration.

There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
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Reading before class and work today. Gotta squeeze that reading time in where you can! #Can'tStop #Won'tStop

There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
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Great book so far! Love the writing style and the way the plot is slowly unfolding...

There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
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Too beautiful to be indoors, even waiting for pick-up. Hot day, cold drink, good book.

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There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
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Currently reading and thoroughly enjoying There Will Be Lies in preparation for the UKLA book awards next month. With a strong protagonist, an interesting dual narrative with elements of Native American style folklore and crime thriller this is a fab YA book!

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There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake
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"But, you know, life goes on. The blank page is turned, and there is writing on the other side."

There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake

I really liked this book. Extremely gripping and fantastic characters. A very strong contestant in the Carnegie Medal Shortlist.

IzzyRKing This was so good 💪🏼 8y
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There Will Be Lies | Nick Lake

Shelby's been overprotected her whole life, but when she gets hit by a car her mum takes her on the run for reasons unknown. Also there's a mystical coyote who keeps appearing. It's way better than it sounds - read it!

Laura317 I'm intrigued! And who wouldn't like a talking coyote? 8y
BookAndABrew There are also talking elk 😃 8y
BookAndABrew @Laura317 forgot to tag, sorry! 8y
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