currently reading 📖
currently reading 📖
Next up from the uni TBR... this has a brilliant rating on Goodreads (over 4 stars⭐️) so I‘m excited and expecting big things!
This is an interesting one. Overall I think it bugged me that we didn‘t really know any of the characters because the narrator(s) shielded themselves and much of the detail of the lives of the girls appeared to be speculation. Also really bugged me that they kept referring to “exhibits” of photographs and belongings of the girls, although I‘m not sure why it bugged me so much. I did like the writing and would try another book by Eugenides. 2.5⭐️.
This one is taking me forever to get through but I‘m determined to persevere with it! Have been reading a lot alongside it so going to get through my uni TBR and then focus on it when I have a little more time!
Next up... cover boasts that it is “a Catcher in the Rye for our time”, here‘s hoping it‘s a little better than Catcher in the Rye, which I just read and did not particularly enjoy!🤞🏼🤞🏼 Loving the shiny cover so it already has bonus points!
finished this a couple of days ago and still unsure how I feel! for me the blurb is misleading as the story is almost completely set before Jeanette leaves home and it‘s not really what the book is about. nonetheless, I did enjoy it, but disliked some of the fables/teachings it digressed into and found myself rushing over them to get back to the story proper. 3⭐️
“Write what you know is reasonable advice. Read what you don‘t know is better advice.” 🍊📖
Flew through this over the last 2 days. A great concept with good execution, a quick but enjoyable read all in all, 4🌟 It‘s released in August, would recommend anyone who likes a good crime novel to pick it up if they see it!
Thanks to my neighbour for passing this on, it‘s not out until August so challenging myself to fit this somewhere into my TBR soon so that I can read it before it‘s out! 🔍
Finally got my Gatsby cover print that I got for Christmas up on the wall! Ended up as one of those little jobs that I never got round to but very pleased with how it looks and I even managed to get it straight! 🖼
Not very far into this but I am struggling with the style of narration so far. Hopefully the plot will start to pick up soon! Enjoying reading it nonetheless thanks to the glorious weather here☀️
No review I write could do justice to this memoir. Miller‘s writing is absolutely exquisite and she tells her story beautifully. I love the way she links back to her childhood throughout. All I can do is leave you with Chanel‘s words from the Democratic Women‘s Caucus hosted online today, we must ensure that “women‘s bodies are treated as carefully as men‘s reputations”. Everyone should read this, 5🌟.
Recently people have been sharing some amazing books by BAME authors, many of which I have added to my TBR. However, I am currently doing a personal sustainability challenge which includes no new books (other than for uni) until I‘ve cut my owned-TBR at least in half😬 So I went to my shelves and picked 3 books by BAME authors that are
going to be my next reads, starting with Know My Name.
#BAMEauthors #readingforecast
This was tough, but good. I loved its cyclical nature and the way it told the life of a woman from girlhood to death on Union Street, but through the lives of several intertwined women. Very cleverly written, but I imagine it‘s not for everyone. 4🌟
just over the halfway mark with this one, definitely a tough read in terms of the topics that are explored, but Barker writes with striking realism and grit that means you just can‘t help turn the page, definitely going to need to read something lighter once I‘m done!
#bookmail ✉️
all the books for my feminist fiction class starting next semester have arrived so time to get reading! finished The Bell Jar a few weeks ago and next up is Union Street, which I am getting started on now.
anyone see any favourites here? 📚
Took me a while to get through this as I‘ve been busy this week and haven‘t done much reading for pleasure but it was very enjoyable and fast paced when I was reading it. Not my favourite Sophie Kinsella (because nothing beats the Shopaholic series) but a fun read nonetheless! 3.5🌟
#lockdownlowdown thanks for the tag @Shaleen
1. sunny (at the moment!) England☀️
2. fiction - The Bell Jar 📚 non-fiction - Asking for It
3. I don‘t mind! as long as it keeps me engaged throughout it can be as long as it wants! 📖
4. @ulyssesartmiller @intothehallofbooks @Joanne1
This was brilliant. Harding brings in countless examples and studies whilst still using her own voice and keeping the focus on rape culture specifically. It is a very well-researched and thought through book. I love her voice and her use of sarcasm, because, as she says, if we can‘t laugh about some of this we‘ll just cry. This should be required reading for everyone everywhere, as she presents some solutions to the problems highlighted, 5🌟
having a lazy Saturday out in the garden, alternating between this and the Sophie Kinsella I have on the go. Complete opposites but enjoying both and definitely needing the breaks from the difficult subject of Asking for It.
in the mood for something a bit lighter after my last few reads, and I‘m always a sucker for a new(ish) Sophie Kinsella novel📖
I finished this last night but needed time to let it sink in before reviewing. I‘m reading it for a feminist fiction class, so this may have skewed my overall perspective but I thought it was absolutely brilliant and the writing was exquisite. I found that it really picked up after the first couple of chapters and after that I couldn‘t put it down, 5🌟
The weather here has been all over the place today so it‘s been a sit inside and do some dissertation research kind of day📑📚
Has anyone read this and do you recommend it?
(or if you have any [non-fiction] recommendations for any books on this kind of topic I‘m all ears!)
I have to say I wasn‘t greatly keen on reading this book originally based on the blurb, but after hearing so many good things about it I was excited to start and I really enjoyed it! Kent‘s writing is absolutely fantastic and I love the way she tells the story with the flashbacks of Agnes‘ life. The only thing I didn‘t really enjoy was the ending which felt a bit rushed and all in all fell a bit flat for me. Great read though, 4🌟
beautiful day here for some reading/sunbathing☀️
next up! heard a lot of great things about this book so really excited to get started!
This is an interesting one to rate. I really did enjoy it, but at the same time I don‘t think it was at all what the title/blurb suggested it was going to be. It‘s perhaps a little heavy on the advice, but it‘s told in an entertaining way. I did also feel like it jumped around quite a bit and wasn‘t as chronological as I would have liked, but overall a good read, especially if you‘re interested in Alyssa‘s career and women in politics. 4🌟
took a little break from reading earlier to make this for my window✨ huge shoutout to all the key workers on Litsy and beyond, thank you!👏🏼
“The Roosevelt Room is a stately conference space where FDR once kept an aquarium and several mounted fish; today, it‘s decorated in subtle beiges, with a painting of Teddy on a horse in Rough Riders gear and a little statue of a buffalo. It was there that I announced the West Wing would be installing a tampon dispenser in the woman‘s restroom that day. No one said a word, but it felt really good” 🙌🏼
hmm... I‘m not exactly sure how I felt about this, not a fan of war settings so perhaps I wouldn‘t have read it had I realised how much of it was war-flashback chapters. I did like it a fair amount overall and it was cleverly written but the chronology confused me and the plot seems really rather far fetched. I can definitely think of several ways I would have preferred it to have been structured. 2.5⭐️
little throwback to my favourite reading spot, Florida I miss you (and being able to sunbathe in December!)☀️
Loved this, the Shopaholic books are my guilty pleasure and this was the perfect Christmas pool read!
about a quarter of the way through this one, enjoying it so far (although finding the writing style a little difficult at times) I think Marco approves🐱
#booksandcats #catsoflitsy
the floating bookshelf of TBR! first up... The Good Liar
I have recently redownloaded Litsy after a long break and I think many of those that I am following no longer use the app :( so please tag your favourite Litsy friends below👇🏼 as I am in need of some new people to follow to brighten up my feed! thank you✨
quarantine perks: finally got round to reorganising the book shelf! now to start on the mountain that is my TBR list!
after this sign, it was never going to end well for my bookshelf... 📚📚📚
5 bookshops and 24 books later... this is what happens when my dad and I take a trip to the secondhand bookshops in London, we can't be trusted!!
(note: if you're visiting London, Any Amount of Books on Charing Cross Road is THE place to go)
#bookhaul #aaob #secondhand #tbr
Book or doorstop? - Seriously it's over 900 pages long..!
I liked this a surprising amount, for a book aimed at the 12+ audience, perhaps because it came with polaroids, cut-out hearts and a cd..! I mean seriously, that's some effort for an arc (published April 2017). All in all, engaging plot line with an ending I didn't expect and a quick read. 4🌟s
all 12 books from my #willoughbybookclub subscription which has come to an end this month, can't say I've read them all... yet!! but my favourite so far has definitely been Gavin Extence's 'The Universe Versus Alex Woods'. Well worth the read📚📦
#wbc #iheartwbc #bookmail
(double posting because how beautiful is this cover?! 😍)
#wbc #willoughbybookclub #iheartwbc #bookmail #bookworm
book mail!!!! ✉️
#willoughbybookclub #wbc #bookmail #bookworm #iheartwbc
currently reading this📖 (although I've probably spent more time admiring the pretty cover than actually reading!!)
I absolutely adore Marcus Sedgwick so was super excited to randomly come across this in my local Waterstones yesterday!💙
Let the Christmas Day reading commence!🎄 side note: if you haven't read this series (the first one is The Rook) you're totally missing out..! My whole family loves it so much we bought it as a Christmas present for almost everyone!😂
A copy of the 2015 reading challenge I put together for family and friends (the idea being if they don't attempt it they're not allowed back at the end of the year!). Currently putting one together for 2017 (but last minute, we're handing them out today) and would welcome any suggestions for categories..! #readingchallenge #2017
latest delivery from the willoughby book club!📦 - looking forward to getting started on this one
#wbc #willoughbybookclub #bookworm #christmasreads #iheartwbc
about 80 pages in (out of just over 900!!!) but really enjoying this so far📖
A little bit of J.D. Salinger to help me out of a reading slump🌟
Happy National Read A Book Day Litsy!
I've read Tennessee Williams' 'A Streetcar Named Desire' today (just in time for English class on Thursday!)
#nationalreadabookday #nationalreadabookday2016