More interesting than the first I think. The books are too short in my opinion but I also understand that they are targeted for a you get audience than me 😂😂
More interesting than the first I think. The books are too short in my opinion but I also understand that they are targeted for a you get audience than me 😂😂
An average love story. Some plot points were simply glazed over too quickly and didn‘t have enough reaction for the depth that they required.
I am disappointed really. The first two books in this series are amazing. The first still being my favorite. Of course Pip has trauma. I recognize that. But, Pip turned into someone completely different and I feel as if her decision to kill was one just to extend the story. I wasn‘t really a fan of the ending either. Anyways, I still whole heartedly recommend the first two books, just beware that this one is very very different.
Colleen Hoover does a wonderful job of giving an inside look to an abusive relationship and pointing out how unfair it is for the general public to make assumptions about people who go back to their abusers.
I really don‘t have a review for this one yet. A lot of times I felt like large parts of the plot went too fast and other parts of the book dragged. Was there very interesting parts? Yes. But I found myself reading just so I could finish and move on to another book
10/10 Miss Holly Jackson never disappoints me. I NEED to get my hands on the 3rd book!
7/10 didn‘t know if I‘d be able to get into it. I had a few gripes but overall a good story.
8/10 first book of 2022!!! Honestly, it took me a second to get into. But, i really did enjoy it by the end. Beautiful and heartbreaking and somehow heart mending as well.
9/10 I really loved the full circle way this book ended. I really like the progression of the characters and the way the author acknowledges how cheesy the trope is in her writing. Makes it even better
9/10 I really do just enjoy this series. I hope there‘s another, although I don‘t know that here will be.
8/10 I get wanting a series to continue and honestly it was interesting. I did have to take points away though for the awkwardness of just having a whole brand new setting on the 4th book. Overall not bad, I wish David was in it more. Compared to the others it did feel a tad rushed.
9/10 I really did enjoy this one. Was cheesy sometimes but overall a good heartfelt read.
9/10 my only complaint is that the flashbacks always occur at the best parts of the book, but it‘s okay because the flashbacks usually get pretty intense too. I think this was my favorite of them all despite David being an asshole until he wasn‘t.
9/10 I really do like this series. All the pieces fit. I‘m very excited for the next book.
8/10 I love a mystery. It ended kind of abruptly but that‘s okay because I already have the second book on hand!
10/10 ugly cried for the whole last 50 pages. I felt like i was feeling all of her pain. The younger years killed me. So pure. So heartbreaking
I ended up likening it at the end, but it did take me a hot second to get into. 8/10
After hearing such good things about the TV show, I‘m hoping this will be a good read!!
9/10 I‘m a sucker for a good enemy to lovers trope. I have another Christina Lauren book on the way and I‘m very excited!!
4/10 I adore the selection series and this one..it‘s just not the same. SO fast paced just to kill everyone off in a paragraph??? Weird. I literally almost stopped reading. Weird relationships w characters, nothing felt final? It all felt just half done. And that made me SO sad because I really wanted this to live up to the selection series. :(
10/10 i loved this series. I am genuinely so sad that I‘m done. But also Remus and Tonks and Fred deserved better. 😭 And why wasn‘t one of Harry‘s kids named after lupin. Why. Anyways, I‘m sure I‘ll read all of these again. Off to the movies now.
9/10 ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Poor kid. Can‘t catch a break
This one is SO long. Do I think it dragged sometimes…maybe a little. Also can we talk about J. K. Rowling‘s sudden obsession with the word “groped”??? Towards the end I just kept seeing it! Sometimes in two sentences in a row. 😂 Anyways, I‘m in love with the characters way too much to ever judge these stories too harshly. 9/10
6/10 The first half of the book is just not gripping, the suspense gets better yet I feel like character development really lacks in a lot of characters. Not the worst thriller I‘ve ever read but definitely not the best.
Moving into college has totally hurt my motivation to read. Everything is new and overwhelming, but today on a dark Sunday, I am getting back in my groove. It took me a second to get into it, but I‘m excited for classes to start and to go back to my comfort hobby which is reading. Everything‘s going to be okay.
?/10 this book was SO hyped and I feel a little dissatisfied? Idk it feels like a cop out with the supernatural element but it made me cry nevertheless. Still heartbreaking, but I just also feel like they built up so much suspension to the fire and there are holes? It just speeds by I feel like. It‘s hard to explain. I also feel like the author relies to much on the whole “we are different people in the summer” to not explain the characters.
10/10 I read it in one day easily and I‘m SO excited for the sequel!!! Very very good mystery and I loved the continuous puzzles!
10/10 I loved all three of the events in the triwizard tournament. Did not guess who the death eater was. It was great and probably also the most emotionally advanced book. I really can‘t wait to watch the movie for this one.
10/10 they just keep getting better. My fav so far.
10/10 I cannot believe I am 18 years old and this is my first time reading through the series. I am in love and I can‘t wait to keep reading and then watch all the movies!!!
8/10 It took a second to get into not gonna lie. I hated the foreshadowing of the phrase “little did I know it would be our last festival.” Unnecessary. Also hated the phrase “I held onto her braid like a lifeline.” What? I just imagine him pulling her head back and it‘s not as romantic as I think the author wanted LOL. Overall super heartwarming and all I can say is THANK GOD it didn‘t end the way I expected.
9/10 Perfect final line. While not very happy, a perfect ending. It wasn‘t the most crazy mystery I‘ve ever read but regardless it was a really tender and good story.
4/10 I found myself frustrated with relationships in the book. I hate that it took so long to figure out Darth Vader when it was very obvious. Our main character got happiness/closure for half a page? I think the book was just too young for me. Probably a better read for a preteen. Not bad by any means just not my cup of tea.
My newest book came in!! Can‘t wait to read next 🤩
6/10 A weird parent trap? I didn‘t hate the storylines of the girls but a lot of it was just weird? The grandparent stuff felt forced. Some dialogue was skipped over. Not a horrible book. Could‘ve been like 50 pages shorter.
10/10 BEST BOOK THIS YEAR. I read in about 4 hours total, hooked COMPLETELY. New plot twists every few chapters. Genuinely didn‘t guess who the killer was. LOVE. Read as fast as you can
9/10 There are some plot holes that I feel are overlooked just because the story is kept short. I feel like both halves could‘ve been longer than 250 ish pages each. I really loved Gemma the entire time but it took much longer to warm up to Lyra. Maybe that‘s the point but I don‘t like that I found myself only wanting to hear Lyras point of view.
8/10 It took me awhile to get into it. I credit that to complex names and confusing side characters. But I ended up really loving the main characters. I didn‘t like certain holes in the plot line but as soon as I read the second side of the story it comes together totally. Both relationships are very quick and cliche...but trauma bonds right? Can‘t wait to read the sequel.
9/10 I had to read this for my writing class. It was super informative though, and he was super honest and relatable. It didn‘t feel like academic reading most of the time which was very nice.
9/10 because screw you for making me cry (even though I already knew what was going to happen lol). It is still a great story about love and it was heartbreaking but I loved it a lot regardless.
9/10 -I guessed the plot from the beginning but I was swayed otherwise during the story. I did not see it coming that Shelby was deaf. I thought I was gonna hate the Dreaming, but it turned out to be a super cool alternative universe? I liked that the story didn‘t go the way I expected. I was super into it by the end but it can be kind of a slow start especially with the dreaming stuff but that‘s my only complaint really.
10/10 -I loved it. Can‘t believe I saved it for last because I thought it would be cheesy. It was real and heartbreaking and lovely and beautiful at the same time. Also I may be biased because my boyfriend is a tennis boy but I loved it.
6/10 -I like what the author was trying to do with stereotypes in racially diverse families. I also appreciate the mental health awareness, I just feel like the overall structure was sometimes hard to follow. It was hard to tell how much time passed. I feel like many characters were underdeveloped. Not a bad storyline, but could use some better organization.
8/10 -sooooo cheesy. But I‘m a sucker for cheesy so what can I say? Cute characters-I‘m kind of like prudence lol. The story was cohesive and interesting, although a little childish.
9/10 I loved it. A unique love story, a little cliche about the pregnancy. Very visual, and I liked it a lot. Glad they ended up together.