I may have to read this book. Here‘s the last sentence in his obituary: “People in this country are starved for the truth.”
I may have to read this book. Here‘s the last sentence in his obituary: “People in this country are starved for the truth.”
It's less silly and dumb than you think- its really a philosophy book on what "bullshit" means, with the answer being insightful, and appliable to many forms of speech where one suspects the speaker really only cares about how they look over being truthful. A short and fun read, but be warned: big words and complex sentences abound.
This is a Trump-era-related reread. The first sentence in the book is, “One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit.” This book (academic paper, really) was written in 2005. I wonder what the first sentence would be were it written in 2019.
What a wonderful piece! This short, pithy essay absorbs the reader in attempting to pin down a seemingly amorphous concept (a common feature across the pop-lexical landscape)—bullshit. He uses definitional & idiomatic starting points and builds from those. Easy to understand, yet induced serious “ah-hah” reflection from me. A fun read for anyone who enjoys language.
#PairWith: a spot of piping English Breakfast or a few shots of American Honey.
Can I get a round of #thisisbullshit!? It‘s 2018 and women are still getting paid less than men for the same job? Come on, it‘s time for this to change!
Okay, I am not reading this book right now, but Brené Brown uses this quote in her book, Braving the Wilderness, and now I can wait to read this. The next quote I'm going to post is her continuation of this.
I feel my liberal arts degrees provided me with some inoculation against BS but this looks like a fun refresher. http://callingbullshit.org/syllabus.html#Big
Yo, Amazon. Could you do me a solid and chill out with the AH-Mazing deals?
There I was, adrift. It was 11/9. And what should arrive in the mail but "On Bullshit." This is a serious monograph (67 pp) on the subject that attempts to define its subject, placing it outside the truth/lie continuum, but finding it more dangerous to the truth than lies, because truth-tellers & liars both acknowledge that there IS a truth, but BSers are "unconnected to a concern with the truth." Five necessary stars.
My first few posts were quote photos from the books I was reading. I'd check Litsy now & then, add some of my books to see if anyone else had posted about them, but I didn't know what else to do! It wasn't until I stumbled across the Sept photo challenge that I found a way to participate. Thank you @RealLifeReading @TheSpinecrackersBookClub @LibrarianRyan @QueenAnne for the photo challenges! I love this community! #Booktober #FirstEverLitsyPost