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Chosen By A Horse
Chosen By A Horse: How A Broken Horse Fixed A Broken Heart | Susan Richards
5 posts | 10 read | 12 to read
How a broken horse fixed a broken heart. When Susan Richards agrees to take on one of the abused horses just rescued by the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a new chapter opens in her turbulent life. Caring for this astonishingly trusting creature, she begins a relationship that will change her view of the world. Susan Richards lost her mother at the age of five and was raised by uncaring relatives; married unhappily and divorced, she had also become an alcoholic. At forty-three, she found herself living with just horses for company: the diva-like Georgia, boyish Tempo and hopeless romantic, Hotshot. While Susan is vainly attempting to capture the rescued horse assigned to her, a skeletal mare called Lay Me Down walks into the horse trailer of her own volition. Susan takes her home, and this broken and badly treated animal proves to her that trust is not just for dreamers. Beautifully-written, poignant, and often sharply funny, this memoir is an inspiring must-read for anyone who has ever loved a horse, and anyone who has ever lost their way in life.
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Eggs Perfect 🐎🩶🐎 3mo
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Eggs Sounds so good 😊 2y
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I first read this book in 2010. The audio version was on sale one day with Audible so I decided to explore it again.

My goodness, the audio version was far better than the print. The author herself narrated it and you can feel the emotion right in your own bones. This was a story of how a rescue horse shattered the wall Susan built up around her heart.

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Just started reading. . .

Tanzy13 loved that book 📚🐴♥️ 8y
Sumi Totally made me cry like a crying thing. 8y
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"Beautifully-written, poignant, and often sharply funny, this memoir is an inspiring must-read for anyone who has ever loved a horse, and anyone who has ever lost their way in life."

Couldn't agree more, I think this perfectly describes this book.

(photo: The horse that chose me, she is such an amazing horse, I am so lucky #lovethismare) ♥️?

pppooraikul I love this photo. So beautiful! 8y
syasutake Beautiful photo! 8y
LitHousewife I'll have to get this for my daughters. Thanks for the recommendation! 8y
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Tanzy13 thank you ♥️ 8y
Tanzy13 @LitHousewife I would also recommend Hope Rising and or Bridge Called Hope both by Kim Meeder if your daughters like horses, and I hope they love Chosen By a Horse as much as I did 😊📚♥️🐴 8y
Grrlbrarian Lovely horse, great review! On my TBR pile as of now 👍 8y
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