Loved the illustrations, more so than the story. #BBRC #A2Z #picturebooks
Loved the illustrations, more so than the story. #BBRC #A2Z #picturebooks
A cute little book full of diverse characters and art. What more can you want?
4⭐️ A girl is bored while walking through the art museum with her mother. Everything she does seems to get her in trouble. Until the guard helped her see that she is similar to the paintings. This story ended differently than I expected, and that made it even better. I really liked that the illustrator used real art work and not just random illustrations or illustrations of real artwork.
I received this book from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I aimed a little high for my daughter with this pick. She is still a bit too young for it. Some of the bright colors caught her attention but mostly she didn't have a reaction. It was a cute, fun book. I really like that the book featured actual paintings/other artwork throughout. The info about each piece was in a glossary at the end of the book. My rating is actually a 3.5🌟