I just remembered having read an interview with the author some time ago and went through my pile of old true crime magazines and found it. The pictures give it a quite eerie notion of the novel.
I just remembered having read an interview with the author some time ago and went through my pile of old true crime magazines and found it. The pictures give it a quite eerie notion of the novel.
Wow, I did not expect anything like that of a novel about a computer game, but I ended up reading the almost 500 pages in two days. I could not put it down. The story is definitely fast-paced and I did immerse myself in the story like Nick did with Erebos. Hopefully, the second part will be as good as the first one. ♟️♟️♟️
I withdraw my consent from reality. I deny it my assistance. I dedicate myself to the temptations of escapism, and throw myself wholeheartedly into the endlessness of unreality.
New in ?? Mega gespannt ob es mir gefällt. Und mal was anderes als meine geliebte Fantasy ?. #neuzugang #newin #erebos #german #reader #loewe #thriller #gespannt #germanreader
Unique, thrilling and unpredictable. This book is one of dystopia, mystery, and even a tiny hint of romance. A real page turner, it will leave you wondering what's next. Very entertaining.