A odd book. 3.5/5
Read for the April - #Buzzwordathon - Space words
A odd book. 3.5/5
Read for the April - #Buzzwordathon - Space words
So I was really loving this book. 1/2 through and I was sure it was going to be a five star!
And then it took a strange and .... weird turn.
Ending up a 2 star.
It‘s a sad thing, but it‘s the truth.
A fun book with an almost "too smart" 16 year old girl. Squidapus thought the book sets up a cute mystery with a spaceship that lands in a quiet Massachusetts town and does...nothing. He thought it mostly paid off. The lighthearted and comedic story and dialogue hits a jarring change midway through when stuff behind to get real, keeping a comedic tone but it's almost like a different story. Both parts were good, just not seamlessly transitioned
We've been reading so much big fantasy lately it seemed about time for a little sci fi. The first few pages of this have a really fun tone that Squidapus really liked. He still can't get over how good The Belles were, just absolutely enjoyable throughout
It started slow, which is fine with me bc you get a good feel for the characters before ship hits the fan (😂). The main character is a sarcastic witty delight, though the books is not spent entirely focused on her. The aliens are incredibly unique & I loved them, even if some of their abilities totally freak me out (not gonna spoil how, but I‘m going to quietly curse my 8yo who keeps unknowingly doing this to me).
Now I gotta find book 2
Finally finished this book on my lunch break, now that grad school isn't quite as crazy! Even though it took me so long to read, I did enjoy it overall. Especially once the ship did something! I really liked Annie's character, and I thought the idea of the aliens was clever and different. 👽🛸
@Shadowfat I will get it in the mail to you this week, probably on Wednesday
Since I ran out of SAOP books I thought I would venture away from the anime/manga realm to test getting back into the swing of reading. 😊 My 8yo got this book for me, so I can‘t wait to see how well she knows me. 😉
Finally getting through this book! (Its not the books fault, it's my crazy busy life's...)
@Shadowfat this is your book, correct? I will be working to finish it this week!
This book started picking up about 3/4 of the way through, but I still felt like the ending fell a little flat for me. It‘ll be on its way to the next reader shortly. #lmpbc
Working on the tagged book for #lmpbc with my sleeping hound next to me #dogsoflitsy #readinthenewyear
Happy New Year Littens!
The Spaceship Next Door has it all – the X Files mystery, the sweetness of Sarah Addison Allen-esque characters, the helicopter view of Neal Stephenson... It's the perfect book. Full review: http://bit.ly/2OdNFGX
A small town in Massachusetts has a spaceship land in a field and....nothing happens. I really liked this exploration of people puzzled by a town's non reaction to an extraordinary event.
This is written in a deceptively simple manner, like a 50s sci-fi film: engaging, cheerful & just interesting enough. The 50s feeling comes from the idea that humans are kinder/smarter/nicer than aliens, which feels out-of-date--these days we seem to instinctively turn to a tribe of superheroes. But I did stay up half the night to read it. #scifi #aliens. #50s