For all the murderinos out there. Remember: You're in a cult. Call your Dad. SSDGM😍
Gayan I am all over this. 8y
Bookladylinda Hmmmm I'm thinking on this one??!???? 8y
JenniferJarrell thanks for posting this! 8y
See All 8 Comments
callunakeep OH HELL YES!! And it is a free read on Kindle Unlimited!! DOUBLE HELL YES!! Thank you for sharing!! @DiruVamp (edited) 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 Um, yes please. 8y
dylanisreading Yes! A fellow murderino! ❤ 8y
Clare-Dragonfly Whoa, that's awesome! Thanks! 8y
Readingnomad Book lover & a fellow murderino?! 🙌🏻 8y