I wanna be a Mean Girl! 😍💪💣
Bought this because I was really interested in the second book of this but I wanted to read this first. Extremely short and a bit all over the place but I‘m absolutely in love with the 50s looks, the art design and color scheme, and a raging feminist plot. Will read the next one but most likely will get it at the library.
#graphicnovel #meangirls #novella #feminism #mpls #twincities
Found this at library and did not know what to expect. It seems to be just a comic about a bunch of badass babes drawn in a 50s-era, pinup style art. All these women run the Mean Girls Club and they are tough criminals who cause mayhem and swear like sailors. Kinda reminiscent of underground comix. This story is pure chaos and does not take itself seriously 😂 cool read so far tho
Rockabilly sensibility stirred with Kill Bill plot lines. Fun, violent, and absolutely over the top. Love the art, love all of it!