Double comfort just about sums up these gentle mysteries set in Botswana. This time round Precious Ramotswe is asked to investigate an allegedly unfaithful husband and find a tourist guide who has been left a legacy. Also, Mma Makutsi's romance has run into difficulties.
Another excellent addition to the series. Love how Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makustsi brought in reinforcements to help deal with Phuti Radiphuti‘s aunt. Mma Pokowane is truly a force to be reckoned with!
Someday I do hope I will be able to go visit Botswana to see this land so beloved by Mma Romatswe and the rest of the cast of this series. I would love to have a safari while I‘m there, to see all the animals listed, but not seen, while Precious and Grace were detecting a case in the wild part of the country.
Sietje will have to stay home 🏡😊.
@Cinfhen #weeklyforecast
I‘m reserving judgement about Mexican Gothic... about a third through and not loving it so far, but this is not a genre I often read.
The Double Comfort Safari Club is another delightful Mma Romotswe story, 11th in the series, and I was able to get the audio from my library, which I think is the best way to enjoy these books.
I hope later this week to return to Middlegame and get started on Delicious Foods.
#comfort #quotsymay18
I just love this series.
What can be more bountiful than friendship and Mma Potokwani‘s Persuasive Fruit Cake?
The friendship between Mma Potokwani, head of the local orphanage, and Mma Ramotswe of the No. 1 Ladies‘ Detective Agency is a cornerstone of this series. Whenever Mma Ramotswe goes to chat with Mma Potokwani they usually solve any problem over generous slices of fruit cake.
I adored this book! I've read all of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency books up to and including this one. As the Winston-Salem Journal said, "These novels lift the spirits. They make the reader feel good -- about life, the world, the basic decency of people. They are wise." And honestly, don't we all need more of that these days?
This entire passage just cracks me up! Way to go, Mma Matutsi! I've often heard men were the head, but women were the neck. 😂