Adorable. Just what I was in the mood for. 16 yr old Maisie chronicles her vacation full of family, friendship, romantic prospect, body image issues, oh and throw in a beauty pageant. Reminiscent of Dumplin‘, yet unique and fun. Book 5 #YApril @Eggs
Adorable. Just what I was in the mood for. 16 yr old Maisie chronicles her vacation full of family, friendship, romantic prospect, body image issues, oh and throw in a beauty pageant. Reminiscent of Dumplin‘, yet unique and fun. Book 5 #YApril @Eggs
July Wrap-up 📚
What I Like About Me 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Friend Request (ebook) 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Third session: agonies of love. With James Moloney and Jenna Guillaume. It's all about lurve. #writersfestivals #bwf19
Pop culture currency at Melbourne Writer's festival with Jenna Guillame
Hairdresser reading!!
#aussieauthors #awwc #postcard #answersincomments
The children take forever to wake up so getting so early reading in