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Rabbit Redux
Rabbit Redux | John Updike
In this sequel to Rabbit, Run, John Updike resumes the spiritual quest of his anxious Everyman, Harry Rabbit Angstrom. Ten years have passed; the impulsive former athlete has become a paunchy thirty-six-year-old conservative, and Eisenhowers becalmed America has become 1969s lurid turmoil of technology, fantasy, drugs, and violence. Rabbit is abandoned by his family, his home invaded by a runaway and a radical, his past reduced to a ruined inner landscape; still he clings to semblances of decency and responsibility, and yearns to belong and to believe.
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Rabbit Redux | John Updike
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Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom, now 36 (and a doughy reactionary), deals with the implosion of his marriage and job by allowing the radical summer of ‘69 to literally take up residence in his bland suburban living room…with hilarious and tragic results. What a character: passive, depressed, noble and weak, fiercely traditional yet intrigued by doomed rebels and angered by the narrow-minded neighbors. Updike is on fire, with a fierce, hypnotic style.

Rabbit Redux | John Updike

Interesting enough in an anthropological sort of way, but reading it's like putting a drain clog in your mouth. It's foul.

Always feel compelled to finish series I've started. :(

Liz_M I have not been able to convince myself that I need to read the rest of the Rabbit novels. 6y
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Rabbit Redux | John Updike
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#litsyatoz complete! And goodreads challenge - 110 books! 1969 rabbit finds himself dealing with changes in his marriage, society, and his mother‘s illness. some parts were graphic and disturbing, the overall sense was of rabbit trying to figure out his life as the world moved past him. in 2016 he would be a trump voter- this book gave me a better understanding of that mindset than anything else I‘ve read. White man in rust belt struggling.

Cinfhen Yay!!! Congrats 🎉🎉🎉 7y
Jas16 🙌🏽 7y
PurpleyPumpkin Yay, well done!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
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Rabbit Redux | John Updike
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When you‘re not allowed into the basketball game because you brought a backpack...you start a new book while the rest of your family watches the game. This is my last for #litsyatoz #u and the book has this timely and still accurate quote “the republicans don‘t do a thing for the little man.”

Jas16 Seriously? Because of a backpack? Do they allow purses? 7y
Blaire @Jas16 new NCAA rule this season - no backpacks at all and only clear purses. I had no idea. 7y
Jas16 @Blaire I has not heard this. I am so glad you had your Kindle with you. 7y
Blaire @jas16 yes - it is essential. 7y
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Rabbit Redux | John Updike
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More than a year after the first of the series, I read this second part. It didn't matter much, I recognized Harry Angstrom immediately. You have to like him, even though he is disgusting at times. In this novel he is a lousy father, starts with a very conservative political view, is horrible towards Jill, the 18-years old runaway who comes to live with him, lets her be abused by Skeeder etc. And still... He has his good sides as well. #1001books

Rabbit Redux | John Updike
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The second book of this cycle is set ca. 10 years after the first. Rabbit is still a difficult character to follow along on a journey. He is anxious and irrational and seems like he never really grew up, but he also has these moments of utter clarity.

The bigger picture though is what Updike is able to portrait of society at the time. It is easily incorporated in the story and I think that's where the author really shines.

ValerieAndBooks I really like Updike. He wrote each of the Rabbit books about every 10 years. Every time I come across one of his titles I pick it up if I don't already have it. In fact I found another one yesterday 😊. But he was so prolific that I've only read about half so far 😂! 7y
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Rabbit Redux | John Updike
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Rabbit Redux | John Updike
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The Rabbit series harsh language, but some of it is just utterly beautiful.

Rabbit Redux | John Updike
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I've officially catalogued every book in my apartment... except for this bear of a shelf. It's basically 95% of my husband's books and a lot are huge hardcovers, so my poor, weak arms are hurting just thinking about all of the book hauling I'll have to do. I don't think this will push us over 1000 books, but it could get close. 📚📚📚📚💪🏼 Nearly done with one of my #bookishresolutions and it's only January 2nd! #iwin

KellyHerself How are you cataloging? An app? Excel? 8y
erinreads @KellyHerself With the app Libib. It allows you to scan the books in by their UPC label. And your library can be accessed through their website as well to tag and search. It's really simple, but I like it! 8y
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BethFishReads I used Libib too. I've done all physical books, half my eBooks, and none of my audios. But they WILL all be added soonish 8y
erinreads @BethFishReads I completely forgot about adding ebooks! I can do that from the comfort of my bed, though, so I'll probably get to those before this bookcase. 8y
BethFishReads It's a longer process cause you can't scan, but I want all books in a single database! 8y
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