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Wilder Rose
Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert
8 posts | 9 read | 10 to read
The Little House books, which chronicled the pioneer adventures of Laura Ingalls Wilder, are among the most beloved books in the American literary canon. Lesser known is the secret, concealed for decades, of how they came to be. Now, bestselling author Susan Wittig Albert reimagines the fascinating story of Laura s daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, an intrepid world traveler and writer who returned to her parents Ozark farm, Rocky Ridge, in 1928. There she began a collaboration with her mother on the pioneer stories that would captivate generations of readers around the world.Despite the books success, Rose s involvement would remain a secret long after both women died. A vivid account of a great literary deception, "A Wilder Rose" is a spellbinding tale of a complicated mother-daughter relationship set against the brutal backdrop of the Great Depression."
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A Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert
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#BigJuneReadathon #BigJuneReadathonPhotoChallenge

I have a few other books with #AnyFlowerInTitle in my stacks but roses seem to be the winner. 🌹 Here‘s six from my #read & #TBR stacks.

A Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert

I grew up reading Laura Ingalls Wilder and became enamored with the writer and her stories. I read them over and over. Now, I know the truth.

Albert did a fantastic job explaining why Rose Wilder Lane felt obligated to help her mother create such classics during the Depression.

Fabulous research went into the writing. I want to read Lane's work.

#bookspin 1 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 4y
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A Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert
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I wrote that every American is governed by the principle of personal responsibility and that his or her most important freedom is the absolute freedom to flourish or fail.

Rose Wilder Lane

A Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert

But at the same time, I saw many more people who, as individuals, free individuals, were finding their own way to survive the impositions of the bureaucracy, using the American wealth of resources and their own wealth of creativity. I saw farmers who refused to accept checks drawn on the public funds. I saw men and women quietly paying their debts and going about cheerfully in the daytime, finding God only knows what strength during the night.

A Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert
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@TheAromaofBooks is doing a neat way to read your tbr books that you own. On the second of each month, she will spin a number and that will be what you read. #bookspin

TheAromaofBooks Oooo nice list!! I'll be sure to tag you when I draw the number tomorrow - thanks for joining!! 5y
HeathHof This is awesome! I need to get in on this! @TheAromaofBooks @Butterfinger 5y
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TheAromaofBooks @Mynameisacolour - isn't it fun?? I can't even explain exactly why lol I added you to my list of people to tag at the end of January so you can join us for the February spin!! 5y
Butterfinger @TheAromaofBooks @Mynameisacolour I think it is the build up of anticipation. The week before summer, my girls and I make a list of things we want to do and each day we take turns drawing. It is just fun to see. Thank you for coming up with the idea. 5y
TheAromaofBooks What a FUN idea! I love it! You're right, the anticipation is definitely part of it - and it always helps when there are no bad choices!! I think it's also a good feeling to not have the pressure of the choice - let the fates decide! 😁 5y
rather_be_reading haha creative! 4y
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A Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert
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#roses #literarylove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88
❤️ reading about Rose Wilder Lane

Eggs Thanks for the looove ❤️🌹❤️🌹 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks (edited) 5y
vkois88 How pretty! 5y
Eggs Thank you @vkois88 💖💖 5y
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A Wilder Rose | Susan Wittig Albert
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I couldn't resist this $1.99 Amazon deal - a story about Rose Wilder - Laura Ingalls Wilder's daughter!

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