Amazing. That‘s really all I can say. I just finished and am still wrapping my head around this man‘s testimony.
Amazing. That‘s really all I can say. I just finished and am still wrapping my head around this man‘s testimony.
This book has an amazing message. My only complaints are it‘s not chronological because he did mention within he started writing his testimony down much later. Plus reliving some of his most painful moments I sure was difficult to describe to us on the outside. I didn‘t personally relate, but loss due to Tragedy is something I am familiar with. Thank you Mr Camp for making your story known.
I had to go out grocery shopping for supplies. I have anxiety so when the crowds got too much I panicked, but found myself in the book section. This book I wanted to see the movie to with my bible study group. With the theaters closed this will be the next best thing. I stared at this to get me through the line. Thank goodness for books 💛
#FriYayIntro @4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads
1. I Still Believe
2. Audio
3. *see above
4. @hes7