I‘m wondering if this is another one that my eyes would have liked more than my ears did 🤷🏻♀️
I‘m wondering if this is another one that my eyes would have liked more than my ears did 🤷🏻♀️
This Bitmoji is either an expert in sarcasm like me, or a Ms. Positive Pants!
It‘s rainy and the Monday after a four-day weekend and why can‘t I have the option to stay in bed and read my book this morning?
Have a colorful day, readers! 🌈
The endless rain we have had all winter is getting me down & hearing Isaac‘s voice made me happy and reminded me of the love I have for his film, Unzipped. I even wore my hair like he styled it for Cindy Crawford- top bun pinned down to resemble a bow. (I will still wear it that way from time to time.) I also was introduced to DeBussy through that movie and his playing. He is a quirky guy, and I think I am going to enjoy hearing his memoir.