October 5 - The Daily Photo Challenge - Prompt: ghost
#scarathlondailyprompts #theghostseekers #scarathlon22 #teammonstermash #scarathlon #ghost #dailyphotochallenge #devontaylor
October 5 - The Daily Photo Challenge - Prompt: ghost
#scarathlondailyprompts #theghostseekers #scarathlon22 #teammonstermash #scarathlon #ghost #dailyphotochallenge #devontaylor
The conclusion of this duology, this picks where book 1 left off with the Harbinger, a ship ferrying the souls of the dead to their next destination, has been sunk and lost. The ship's crew, the Syllektors, are rent asunder with half believing our lost hero Rhett is responsible for the ship going down & the other believing he is the "twice born son" who can find and resurrect the ship. Lots of action both physically and emotionally. Great YA read!