Thought this would be a perfect book to start today with the amazing news of yesterday. This has been stuck in my head all day that “ Rosa sat so Ruby could walk so Kamala could run!!!” 💙💙💙💙
Thought this would be a perfect book to start today with the amazing news of yesterday. This has been stuck in my head all day that “ Rosa sat so Ruby could walk so Kamala could run!!!” 💙💙💙💙
This B novel takes us inside a hard year of an African American teenager. The book shows the struggle this girl has to go through during segregation times in Alabama in 1963. Being a child of a famous baseball player she experienced amazing opportunities in her life, but at the same time she was the only black kid at her school and her family (especially her brother) was struggling to live up to her father‘s name. #UCFLAE3414SP20
Tim Tingle, Sharon Robinson, Da Chen and Daniel Jose Older (moderator, out of frame) at the “Power of Story” panel talking history, memoir and diversity.
#bookexpo19 #bookexpo #BEA