Very The Fault In Our Stars coded!
Five feet apart is a good book if you like things like Romeo and juliet, The fault in our starts, and Me before you. A book about falling and love and feeling connected but having so much love that you have to let it go. The theme is romance and letting go which is portraits through Stella falling inlove with Will but Will making the deduction to leave to protect her
This book is in alternating 1st person. Stella was born with cystic fibrosis as well as her best friend poe. While she is in for a visit she notices Will. Will has B Cepatia meaning they can never be near each other. Always staying five feet apart. Poe passes away the day of them confessing their love and risking their lives together. Stella gets her new lungs and Will loves her so much he leaves because he could infect her.
I enjoyed the book, but I wanted to enjoy it more than I actually did. I struggled to connect with the characters, and so I didn't find the ending as emotional as most people. It was still a good book, one that I liked, but not a favorite of mine.
I just finished this book!!! My mom had bought it for me when it came out. I loved this book, it had me crying and cheering for the characters. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars. This is book 3 for the #JoysofJune readathon @Andrew65
I finished this book last night and i fell in love with it. Its beautiful but also sad. I found the movie today and decided to watch. I am so happy that they kept it like the book. I cried watching it. I highly recomend.
5/5⭐️ to both❤️
Five feet apart is about these two teens who are discovering the love they have for each other and there uncertain of their future. Stella a main character is an overachiever and manages her medication and treatment . Her lover who is soon to be enighteen believes he‘s gonna die soon from his illness and plans to stop his treatment to travel before he dies .
5✨ I absolutely loved this book. It has been a high anticipated read for me that I never took the time to read. I am so glad I finally got to read it. We spend the majority of the time I the hospital with 3 cystic fibrosis patients that cannot be less than 6 feet apart. Stella and Poe have been friends since her first visit to the hospital, but they meet new rebel Will who changes their lives forever.
I started reading this book the other day. Five feet apart is a book but it is also a movie. I have seen the movie so many times it‘s one of my favourites. I am very curious to see the differences and similarities between the book and the movie. I can‘t wait to compare and see which one I like better. Since I liked the movie, I‘m hoping I will like the book.
I‘ve been in a cheesy YA mood lately😅 I remember watching this movie with some friends some years ago and thinking “I need to read this book”. It finally happened✨
I honestly don‘t know what to say. I don‘t think I will recover from this book anytime soon but I‘m not mad about it, it deserves that. I did not follow my friend‘s advice from when I started reading: “Don‘t get too attached.” But it was already too late and so, as one might expect, I cried. A lot.
(I also read the ending right before class and had to keep in my tears for an hour!)
I smile at him, and take just that one more stolen step, until we're five feet apart.
“I will love you forever.“
“The only thing I want is to be with you. But I need for you to be safe. Safe from me.“
“People in the movies are always saying, 'You have to love someone enough to let them.'“ He shakes his head, swallowing, struggling to speak. “I always thought that was such bullshit. But seeing you almost die..“
His voice trails off, and my fingers curl against the cool window, wanting to smash it, but I can barely manage a knock. “In that moment nothing else mattered to me. Nothing. Except your life.“
I love her.
I used to always be searching for something. Searching from every rooftop for something that would give me a purpose.
And now I've found it.
Abby smiles wider now. “I need you to live, okay? Live, Stella. For me.“
“Your life is everything, Stella. You affect people more than you know.“ He touches his chest, putting his hand over his heart. “I speak from experience.“
We smile at each other, and even though there are a million reasons why I shouldn't, looking at her now, I can't help feeling like I'm falling in love with her.
“There‘s one theory I like that says in order to understand death, we have to look at birth.”
She fidgets with the ribbon in her hair as she talks.
“So, while we‘re in the womb, we‘re living that existence, right? We have no idea that our next existence is just an inch away.”
She shrugs and looks at me. “Maybe death is the same. Maybe it‘s just the next life. An inch away.”
“I don‘t have a present for you!”
Can she get any cuter?
I tap her leg with the pool cue, but for once I‘m not kidding. There‘s something I actually want. “How ‘bout a promise, then? To stick around for the next one?”
She looks surprised, and then nods. “I promise.”
“After all that CF has stolen from me—from us—I‘m stealing something back.”
She holds up the pool cue defiantly, fighting for every one of us. “I‘m stealing three hundred and four point eight millimeters. Twelve whole inches. One fucking foot of space, distance, length.”
I stare at the video in total admiration.
“Cystic fibrosis will steal no more from me. From now on, I am the thief.”
I stare at the drawing I did earlier of myself as the Grim Reaper, the blade of my scythe reading “LOVE.”
I didn‘t know it was possible to want something so bad you could feel it in your arms and your legs and in every breath you take.
Every minute of my life is a what-if, and it would be no different with Will.
But I can already tell one thing. It‘ll be different without him.
“You‘re going to be just fine, Stella.”
His voice is deep. Soft. I know in that moment, even though it could not be more ridiculous, that if I die in there, I won‘t die without falling in love.
“I want to draw you,” I say before I can stop myself.
“What?” she says, shaking her head adamantly. “No.”
“Why not?” I ask. “You‘re beautiful.”
I went to the library with @Sharv_Sona and some other friends and got a bunch of books I‘m so excited to read! I got: Five feet apart, Afterlove and Gearbreakers.
absolutely loved this book. definitely had me in my feels closer to the end. it took me awhile to get into the good part but the ending makes up for it.
Five Feet Apart was a romantic and truly poignant young adult novel. I did find that the plot moved somewhat slowly at times throughout the book and that it speaks up on some rather sensitive topics, but aside from that I think that it would appeal to those interested in reading Realistic Fiction or just genuinely heartwarming novels.
I personally feel like the book takes awhile to actually get into a good story flow. I‘m still a little twisted on why Stella doesn‘t bring up her sister passing away to Will until he figures it out himself. Other then that the book is a pretty good pick, but I would definitely choose something different next time. @MrsBabki
Wow must read this before film
Sunbath, kindle wine chill
This is a beautiful and hopeful story of two teenagers trying to fight their destiny. Both the characters, Stella and Will are really likeable. This book has equal parts humour and heart.