Last review for now. I'm not a mother yet but I still appreciated the poems about the joy and difficulty of motherhood. There was a poem about losing a pregnancy that hit me pretty hard given my summer, but it was beautiful all the same
Last review for now. I'm not a mother yet but I still appreciated the poems about the joy and difficulty of motherhood. There was a poem about losing a pregnancy that hit me pretty hard given my summer, but it was beautiful all the same
While I couldn't relate to every poem: my kids have slept through the night since infants, and my husband is an equal helpmate and engaged father, I could embrace the emotions that accompany parenthood. These poems are short and sweet and to the point without being all philosophical and vague. Spend an hour with Bunmi, she gets it and can put all those feelings down on paper. ♡
Thia book y'all. THIS BOOK. Motherhood is such an alienating role to adorn yourself in, even when your brain tells you you're not alone, that millions have done it before you and survived. But this book of poetry came closer to making me feel less alone, to think "she gets it." SHE GETS IT. She gets the toughness and love and vulnerability and guilt. She understands how important it is to love yourself and let things go. All the stars and hearts.
This book is a mix of funny and serious and thought-provoking poetry about motherhood, but specifically, about the early, exhausting, lonely, joyful days of early motherhood. This would have been more relatable for me when my kids were smaller, I think. The one thing I didn‘t like were the poems that put mothers up on a pedestal and made it sound like entire identities were defined by it. A mixed bag, but good overall.
I'm loving this collection. Equal parts funny, truthful and endearing.
I went and spent half my B&N gift card and am now sitting in the driveway enjoying this beautiful weather and being the tool fetcher for my husband. Best birthday ever 🎂 📖 ☕
#ReadHarderChallenge #collectionofpoetrysince2014 . I hadn‘t known what poetry I wanted to read until I saw this book in the store. I did expect more humor. She has one humor section and then other sections, and some do get quite dark. But a lot of them are just beautiful and made my heart swell up and made me Teary eyed.
Really feeling this after the news of late. 💗😭😭💗
A beautiful collection of #poetry that celebrates the joys and struggles of mothering.
Book 152/165 4/29/19