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Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel
Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel | Ilona Andrews, Andrews
Kate Daniels likes her sword a little too much, and she has a hard time controlling her mouth. The magic in her blood makes her a target, and she's spent most of her life hiding in plain sight. But when Kate's guardian is murdered, she must choose to do nothing and remain safe or to pursue his preternatural killer.
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Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel | Ilona Andrews, Andrews
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I‘m so excited to have my KD shirt! Kiddo already wants to steal it, just because of the cat.

5feet.of.fury Awesome! 12mo
HeyT Omg I got the innkeeper shirt this round and two bdh stickers I love them so much 12mo
ravenlee @HeyT I wanted All. The. Things! I knew I wanted this shirt but everything else was fun, too. So hard to decide. 12mo
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Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel | Ilona Andrews, Andrews
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I am super annoyed by something I just noticed. Curran is the one who says "it has to be Crest", when Kate offers the upir as an explanation. It fits all the facts, but it's Curran who leaps to the assumption that the monster is Crest. Curran is then absolutely furious with Kate for being wrong... about Crest, even though it's entirely possible at that point that she's still right about the upir.

Ugh, what a dick he can be at this point.

Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel | Ilona Andrews, Andrews

Turns out this is a great read in the (long) intervals of cutscenes in FFXIV when you're running through the Praetorium dungeon for Tomestones of Pageantry... It's familiar, so it's easy to pick up and put down when Gaius' speeches end.

That whole paragraph probably makes very little sense if you don't play FFXIV. 😅

P.S. Please do not comment telling me you don't have time to waste on video games, etc. Let me read -- or not -- in my own way.

shanaqui It annoys me I even have to say that, but anytime I mention being a fan of gaming lately, another reader just has to jump in to proclaim about how they couldn't possibly game because reading is soooo much better. Reading is great. So is gaming. I spent enough of my life doing things I'm obligated to do on some level (work, study, housework, volunteering); the attitude that reading “ought“ to be my primary hobby almost sucked all the joy out of it. 3y
Hestapleton Ugh that sucks. :( I‘m not a big gamer, but I love playing games in my reading slumps! And I love watching my husband play too. Stories are stories, no matter how they are told! 3y
dylanisreading So much yes to video games. I'm sorry people are being snobby about reading. 3y
rwmg Sorry to hear you have to put up with that nonsense. I'd rather read than game, but so what? You're not me and I'm not you. 🤷‍♂️ 3y
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Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel | Ilona Andrews, Andrews

My brain's really tired from my essay submission, and I'm... really, really tempted to just... reread this again. It's fun, it's funny, it's got more world-building than I ever expected when I was being a silly snob who wouldn't read it, and it starts off a fascinating story arc...