Read this for #nonfiction2020 #somethingaboutacurrentwar . A simple book that is to the point on the conditions of war and how it affects its populace. It is amazing how power hungry individuals can affect the history of their nations...
Read this for #nonfiction2020 #somethingaboutacurrentwar . A simple book that is to the point on the conditions of war and how it affects its populace. It is amazing how power hungry individuals can affect the history of their nations...
Another book about war, but from the point of view of a little girl...
This book reminded me of Zlata's Diary, and it also reminded me that I still have to read Anne Frank's diary...
I find it always interesting to read war testimonies from insiders. In this book, there is the day-to-day account of Bana, but also some parts written by her mother, which I found quite interesting.
Overall a fairly good & fast read about a war that is still on...
Wow, I didn't expect to be so touched by this simple little book. I have no idea if she actually wrote the thing (I mean, honestly, she was 7 at the time). Maybe her mom or a ghostwriter wrote it. But it's very simple and sweet and super sad. I learned a lot and I was completely engrossed. I read it in one sitting.
You are never too small to have a big voice. Starting little Miss Bana‘s book tonight.
Bana, Mohamed, and Noor will forever be in my heart and I will share her book with everyone. This is definitely one of my #favoriteread2018
Hmmm, I don't feel like I've been overly emotional due to being pregnant. * picks up this book* 😭😭😭😭😭
A very important and quick read but damn what a gut punch.
Wow! This #nonfiction book is deceptively simple. Told from the perspective of a 7 year old girl, this book tells of her experiences in #Aleppo as#war reigns down upon her world.
This is a child‘s account of war, devastation, and the need for refuge, augmented by affecting letters from her mom and family photographs that document the deterioration and destruction of life under civil war in the ancient city of Aleppo, Syria. Highly recommended, particularly for children and parents, and anyone who needs a dose of empathy. #HolidayGiftgiving #Recommendsday
The 8 yo author Bana is giving a firsthand account of her family's experiences in the Syrian war.
I think this is appropriate reading for a child around the authors age. For me personally, I didn't get much out of it.
Bought this book for one reason: my daughter and Bana were born in the same year. It hurts my heart ❤️ that this little lady has already been through so much in her short eight years. I want my daughter to meet Bana so she can grow her heart ❤️ for those who are not so fortunate as her.
I was so proud of myself yesterday when I walked past the Costco book section... yeah... and the today happened.