"I Never" is a bit better, but you can spot the Cyrano de Bergerac plot coming a mile away.
"I Never" is a bit better, but you can spot the Cyrano de Bergerac plot coming a mile away.
Another story down. This one was okay, but a bit hard to read because the protagonist thinks it's a dandy idea to get drunk and wave around a gun, and the story takes no position on this.
Another story down. This one was okay, but super-predictable, and with very heavy-handed foreshadowing. The #scifi references just amounted to so much name-dropping, too. The worst sin was that most of the characters' interactions happened 'off-screen'. Show up, mention some scifi words, fade to black. Don't just tell us 'they became friends', show it happening!
So far, I've read only the first story in this one: "Once you're a Jedi, you're a Jedi all the way". It's kind of mediocre--it all seems rather superficial. You could tell the same story without the geeky backdrop and it'd be about the same. Here's hoping the other stories are better.
These short stories are turning into some perfect bedtime reading.
I am SOOO EXCITED!! Look what I just ordered for my granddaughter for Christmas!! They have five more books in different fandoms, including Supernatural, that I am going to get her for her birthday! Myfirstfandom.com
Heavy on the graphic novels, with a sprinkling of short stories, nonfiction, essays, and more on the Kindle.
Who else is signed up for next weekend's 24 in 48 Readathon? It's my first readathon and I am sooooooo excited!