Next! I haven‘t had a reading marathon day in forever! Book 3!
I liked it. Gritty and somewhat difficult to read. Not only some of the subject matter but also the disjointed diary style of writing. as someone who has worked in child protective services there are a lot of truths in this book. Generations of poverty, victims, system breakdown. Hassman got it right.
Library run 🏃 📚 . The Time Traveler's Wife and The Help have been on my TBR list forever.
As a Girl Scout mother, I was drawn in by the cover, “Rory Hendrix is the least likely of Girl Scouts. She hasn't got a troop or even a badge to call her own.” Heart wrenching & difficult to read at times. The language & complexity grows as Rory does. She reads the GS Handbook for tips on how to get out of the Reno trailer park where she lives with her mother. The advice is surreal when juxtaposed against the harsh realities of her life.
#RecommendsDay This is the story of a child raised in a trailer park in Reno. Which was all I needed to know to pick up this book. Hassman's writing is fabulous. There are some amazing scenes in this book.
When in Santa Cruz, CA... Head to Book Shop Santa Cruz! The first time of the many times I have been there, was to attend #BooktopiaCA at which Tupelo Hassmam talked about the blacked out section of the book, 'Girlchild'. There *are* words underneath, but TH isn't ready to share them; but you should know they do exist! The bookstore itself is vibrant w/energy, and full of new & used books to discover #getindie
My #funfridayphoto is of Rory Hemdrix from Girlchild. She's born into ruin and finds her way out. Rory's been told she is one of the "third-generation bastards surely on the road to whoredom." I can relate. This book was so good it inspired me to write a poem based on it. If anyone wants to read it, let me know!