This book was a fun snarky romp through the unexpected magazine career of Dana Brown who somehow jumps from a restaurant bar back to assistant to Vanity Fair editor Grayson Carter
This book was a fun snarky romp through the unexpected magazine career of Dana Brown who somehow jumps from a restaurant bar back to assistant to Vanity Fair editor Grayson Carter
New glitter bookmark from my Etsy shop LiterinaDesigns. Decoupaged cherry pink watercolor with a succulent sticker and a pale pink frayed chiffon bow
Glitter Blueberry “READ” bookmark featured in my newly opened Etsy shop LiterinaDesigns
This book made me so mad at some of the characters but I couldn‘t stop reading so it‘s a 5 star for me!
I really wanted to like this book. I love New Orleans and wanted to learn more about New Orleans East where the author is from but it was too disjointed to follow. This book rambled all over the place and really needed a good editor.
Loved this book! Didn‘t want it to end.
Call me a monster but by almost halfway through this book I could care less about these characters. Started feeling it was too contrived. Here‘s a cute picture of my cat, who I do care about!
I literally hated every character in this book!
I took a watercolor pen drawing class with my daughter:). Books were my subject of choice naturally!
This book is sooo confusing. What the hell happened the last half of the book?
Author talk and book signing was a great night out. He played songs on his guitar inspired by the book. Line was too long both to buy the book and to get it signed - I'm not a patient person and the bookstore was super crowded. Almost claustrophobic! Fun fact: I live on the same street as the bookstore which is in a gorgeous old house. Too far to walk but a 5 minute drive:)
I can't turn the pages fast enough! This book is crack-a-lackin!
Found this little book appropriately enough at Octavia Books on my trip to New Orleans. Took an Uber specifically there as last time I was here I didn't get to go to one bookstore😢
My daughter's Christmas gift from my mom! She's beyond excited to start it! Makes my heart happy:)
Omg I know I'm really late to the party but I can't stop reading! I'm in a work meeting and keep sneaking my book when the boss isn't looking!
I'm finally here Littens! Powells Books in Portland Oregon!!! Only bought 2 books but I'm going back tomorrow. I picked our hotel based on its location around the corner from Powells haha
My friend's daughter is turning 12. She loves books and requested Suzanne Nelson. My own daughter loved Lauren Myracle so took a chance on that one. The birthday girl is also a huge animal lover so threw in Dr Doolittle, which I loved at her age!
A little brain candy tonight. Enjoying this read!
Does anyone here watch The Middle? You've got to love Brick! Please tell me someone here knows what I'm talking about!
Almost finished but too scary to read alone at night! I told my husband he had to stay up because I was reading a scary book but he said no dice! So now I'm going to go to bed and read something pleasant on my kindle #alwaysprepared
I'm really enjoying this one! Even if you don't know who she is (like my mom) I think anyone would enjoy her story and a glimpse inside show business!
Anyone else kill the books/literature category in Jeopardy while their partner has no chance!
From my daughter I've been molding into a reader since day one. Of course book has been immediately ordered!!
This innocent looking darling has started waking me up at 4 am for no good reason. So now I can't stay up late to finish the latest Stephanie Plum. He's going to be in big trouble if he dares to do it again tonight!😹
Holy smokes this book just blew my mind! Could NOT put this one down until I found out how it ended. Don't want to spoil it by saying too much. Truth really is stranger than fiction
Lots of good wildlife encounter details which makes for a juicy read! Makes me want to go on safari and his self-deprecating humor made me laugh!
State of emergency declared here due to rain and flooding so no work tomorrow. It will be a day of reading for me, I've got a stack here just waiting!
I got my 19 year old daughter hooked on this series. I have been molding her into a reader since she was born and am not above putting an addictive, some may even say shallow, read into her hands just to keep her reading. However I do believe my work here may be done as she is voraciously gobbling these up! She calls them her "olden time" books! #evilgeniusbwahaha
I got this for my trick or treat giveaway last year but I wanted to read it first so now it's in this years giveaway! It's pretty cute! I loved books about witches when I was younger but I missed this one somehow. I thought my mom was a witch because she had black hair! Totally overlooked the fact that I had black hair too!
After I finished this book I had the biggest book hangover. Still can't get it out of my mind years later! I bought a copy for my stepdaughter so I could have someone to talk to about it. It blew her away also. I emailed the author and she answered me back! What a thrill that was!!
Had to make two posts to include everything my secret Santa spoiled me with! This awesome funny cat book which I'm thinking my profile picture of my adored Scamp may have given a hint I'm a big cat lover and love to read about cats! I'm also a Harry Potter fan and love these clever book marks:). The candles come scented in Old Books, Book Store, Oxford Library and Book Cellar! How fun is that??? Thank you again!
Wow! Was so excited to open this earlier but couldn't post until now. I'm so excited to read these books and little notebooks are my passion and these look like library cards!!!fabulous! And how special to learn that chocolate covered cherries are a family tradition:). They won't last long in my house! Thank you so much yamich49! #secretsantabookexchange
Just helped a lost grandma find this book for her granddaughter at our local Barnes and Noble. I showed her how to use the computer to locate books but she didn't want to try it so I did it for her. No employees in sight I think they were swamped on another floor. I always wanted to work in a bookstore!
I don't want this book to ever end! All his books are so good!
Fun read from a waiter in a high end exclusive LA restaurant. And yes there are details of celebrity encounters!
I'm excited to start this! The library here has a new program where popular best sellers are labeled Lucky Day (As in its your lucky day to get this book!) They are on a special shelf, can only be checked out for two weeks with no renewals and they are left at the library they are returned to. I got to read the new Harry Potter that way when I was like 150 on the waiting list! Good things have happened at our libraries with the better economy
Book mail from my high school best friend for my birthday. Her passive aggressive way to force me to read her choice of books! I did the same with her to get her to read HP if you can believe it! Cannot wait to start this but have library books that need to be read first...
Table full of books I'm giving away for Halloween. Don't worry we're giving away candy too!
One of my favorite hiking books! Pretty crazy they did it barefoot as that's how they were raised. The funny thing is the thought of hiking horrifies me but I Iove reading about it. Especially when I'm nice and cozy at home!
Enjoying this book as much as her first two which I think she self-published.
This riveting read left me with an excruciatingly bad book hangover! Someone please get me some hair of the dog to recover!
I am so loving this book! I forget it's read as a screen play while reading. Don't want to finish it!!! But it's a library book so I have to:)