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Joined April 2016

My favorite things are reading, baking, and reading about food.
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I love Jennifer Ryan‘s books - especially when I need some happily ever after. That‘s not to say there‘s never sorrow or loss in her book, but there‘s always hope in the end. I discovered this other WW2 era book that uses the same stock photo. Both books were published this year.

LinesUponAPage My next reading choice. Thanks for the suggestion! 2y
Aims42 The same stock photo being used is hilarious 😂 I guess once it goes to print there‘s no turning back lol 2y
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The Ellery women have always had magic and they have used it as a positive force. Daisy‘s abilities manifest in being able to infuse her baked goods calm, confidence, and even death. Through a referrals only process Daisy assists women in getting justice or in ridding themselves of abusive men. She struggles with whether or not she is using her power appropriately. . More feminist than I expected. I loved this book!

Must Love Books | Shauna Robinson
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I‘m looking forward to reading this! I received this from @Aims42 as part of the #recipeswap exchange. Funny story - it‘s the May selection for a reading challenge I‘m participating in! I can‘t wait to try the soup recipes since the PNW spring has been wet & cold. @BennettBookworm

LeahBergen Nice! And I love soup recipes. 😊 2y
Aims42 Yay, perfect timing for you to receive this book, it was meant to be 😁 I hope you enjoy the soup recipes, they‘re so nice to just throw everything in and a few hours later *BOOM* dinner! 2y
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Braiding Sweetgrass | Robin Wall Kimmerer
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Libro.fm is having a great audiobook sale! These books were all $5 each. There are lots of great titles and you can support your local independent bookstore at the same time. I had the tagged audiobook from the library, but I‘m enjoying it enough that I think I‘ll want to listen to it again at some point.

Feed | Mira Grant
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I admit to being a Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire fangirl who is finally getting to this series. This is a well built world with interesting characters. This won‘t be everyone‘s cup of tea considering the last 2 years, but I appreciate the research she puts into her books. I also love her sense of humor - danger seeking bloggers are called Irwins & the MC is named for George Romero.

Untitled | Unknown
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I dropped my #LitsyRecipeSwap package to @Aims42 off at the post office this afternoon! Thanks again to @BennettBookworm for hosting this swap.

Aims42 Awww fun!! Thank you 😍I almost sent yours in a BOTM box too 😆 2y
AWahle @Aims42 Everything that fits gets wrapped in a BOTM box around here! My kids always know a package is from me because of those boxes too. 2y
Aims42 @AWahle LOL, that‘s awesome! They‘re great boxes for sure, nice & sturdy 👍 2y
BennettBookworm Yayyy! 2y
Aims42 I got your box today 😍 C‘mon May 15th, hurry up! 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Received my package for the #LitsyRecipeSwap from @Aims42 today. Waiting until May 15th to open it will be tough. My package will go out this week. 📦 Thanks to @BennettBookworm for hosting this swap!

Aims42 Oh yay!! Tracking when I last looked was saying Friday 😆 Glad it arrived early and safe 🙌 2y
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The weather has been crazy with snow/hail/cold temps and I hit a reading slump. My husband checked out all the Scott Pilgrim books on Hoopla so I am reading those. Having fun & loving the books even more than the movie. This is from book 2 I think.

Kaikeyi: A Novel | Vaishnavi Patel
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Someone at BOTM decided I only needed the tagged book. I‘m waiting to hear back from customer service about True Biz. This is the first issue I‘ve had in 6 years of membership so I‘m happy. There was the box that was almost destroyed, but that was USPS!

BarbaraTheBibliophage Hopefully they‘ll add an extra credit after they replace True Biz. Just for your inconvenience. They‘ve done that for me when books are goofed up! 2y
AWahle @BarbaraTheBibliophage I would never turn down an additional credit! I‘ve been picking 2 books every month this year. 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AWahle I hear ya. Just don‘t be afraid to ask! 2y
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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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I have really enjoyed other books by Bethany C. Morrow, but this one didn‘t stick the landing for me. This was a creative idea but Farrah‘s inability to see what was happening & her lack of curiosity bothered me. I‘ve seen it compared to The Other Black Girl, but I enjoyed that one more.

AWahle I also took exception with The Whipping Boy being called an antique when it was published in 1986. 2y
Megabooks Then I‘m older than antique!! 😂😂 didn‘t care for this one either. 2y
AWahle @Megabooks I was sad I didn‘t like this more because I was so excited when I first heard about it last year. At least it was interesting enough that I didn‘t DNF it. 2y
BookLineNSinker I'm older than it too!! The idea of a modern day whipping boy has so much potential but it was done so poorly and was so unclear. It's also hard to believe Farrah's parents were that checked out but I guess I shouldn't be in this day and age. I had many issues but I kept turning the pages! 2y
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Plain Bad Heroines | Emily Danforth
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I am so happy I am reading this indoors while there is still a chill in the air because I would be freaking out about flying insects if I was reading this outdoors in the Summer.

Square3 | MIRA. GRANT
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Mira Grant (Seanan McGuire) is an automatic buy author. I can count on my husband giving me Subterranean Press editions. When the rifts open Susan is on the side of a reality she recognizes; her sister Katharine is stuck in a twisted, dark version of our world. Susan becomes a scientist to study the rifts and search for a way to reach her sister. I loved this & would welcome more stories in this world.

Plain Bad Heroines | Emily Danforth
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Lots of book mail today! 📚My BOTM choices for March, tagged book for #challengeyourshelf run by Bettie‘s Pages in Lowell, MI and the mystery looked fun. Sticker is from the same challenge.

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The Love Hypothesis | Ali Hazelwood
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A little thing that made a big difference to me. When commenting on someone‘s poor food choices Olive says they‘re going to develop Type 2 Diabetes. I love that she made the distinction from T1. So much confusion between the two & they are very different.

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1. Seanan McGuire/Mira Grant & Catherynne Valente
2. A cozy couch
3. Nope. Weekends are too crazy & I read a lot anyway.
#wondouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thanks for joining in 🙏🏻📚🤗 2y
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This book was fine. The library aspects were fascinating & I‘d be interested in nonfiction about rare books. I don‘t mind not liking any of the characters but I really disliked Leisl. Her decisions & behavior drove me crazy.

AWahle When an employee doesn‘t show up for work or call in, you do a welfare check. Leisl waiting almost 2 weeks really bothered me. 2y
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This is a fascinating look at how the Home Ec I took in high school came to be. There is so much more to it than I ever knew. My grandmother was a Home Ec teacher. My grandfather was a County Extension Agent - a career that owes a lot to Home Ec. Pics are from a 1943 textbook I found at a used bookstore recently.

LeahBergen Love it! 2y
LeahBergen And it‘s nice to see you back again. 😊 2y
AWahle @Leahbergen Thank you! 2y
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Enjoying an unexpected snow day by reading and cuddling with Chloe. #booked2019 #IrishAuthor

mcipher Wait, is your Chloe a tuxedo kitty too?!? 😆 5y
AWahle @mcipher Not really. She's grey with white on her face and socks. She is also a bit of a pain. (edited) 5y
mcipher All cats are! Someone at work today asked how my cats are and I told him terrible, but that‘s what you sign up for when you get cats. Disdainful glares, shredded furniture, late-night yowling... 😻😹 5y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! Missing you on here! ❤️❤️ 5y
AWahle @LeahBergen Thanks! I‘ve been gone longer than I thought! 5y
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1. Lemon Crinkle Cookies
2. The tagged book - I went shopping on the 2nd.
3. 29
4. Retellings of Tam Lin, both novels & picture books. Mermaid stories.
5. Hopefully to Canada, but all other planned trips (so far) are stateside.

wanderinglynn I love lemon cookies & those look delicious! 😋 6y
AWahle @wanderinglynn They were pretty awesome. I think it was a Cook's Illustrated recipe. I can scan & email it if you want it. 6y
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Sleeping Beauties | Stephen King, Owen King

Ugh. Please don't bring me a book to borrow unless I request it because then I feel obligated to finish it. I am halfway through and I just don't care, but the coworker who brought it in for me expects to talk about it. There are so many other things I'd rather be reading.

LeahBergen Exactly! Ugh. 😑 6y
Tamra Oh, I hate that too. It‘s also part of the reason I don‘t schedule books or have goals. I‘m a mood reader. (edited) 6y
Weaponxgirl Oh I had someone do this to me last year. It was a self published book by her father in law and a thriller of the sort I‘d never read. Read the first page “moody man, rough, rugged blah blah blah” then I randomly opened to the middle and read “she sighed as he played with her flaps” I couldn‘t stop myself from cracking up right there! 😬 (I didn‘t read the book) 6y
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AWahle @Weaponxgirl Oh my! I think I would have asked if she read it and then showed her that passage! That's the most cringeworthy sentence I've seen in a while. 6y
AWahle @Tamra I still do challenges, but in my own time & I mostly fill them with books already on my TBR. I'm a bit of a moody reader too - that's why I can have multiple books going at a time. And don't give me a 700 page book unless I asked for it! 😶 6y
Weaponxgirl @AWahle she hadn‘t read it as she isn‘t a reader so assumes that because I read quickly that you can throw any old book at me and I‘ll get straight to it. I read the passage out loud to them. 😂 6y
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An interesting take on the vaccine/no vaccines debate. What happens when compromised herd immunity opens the door to a new form of measles that has devastating effects on the survivors? I don‘t want to give too much away, but it is so easy to see how some of the uglier behavior in this book could happen. I love Mira Grant (Seanan McGuire) and the attention to detail she gives to the science in her horror stories A great start to 2019!

LauraJ Sounds like something I would like! Stacking 🖤 6y
CouronneDhiver Oh dear... 😳 6y
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By Chance Or Providence | Becky Cloonan
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We celebrated the New Year and 2nd Christmas with friends last night. These titles snuck in as my last book acquisitions of 2018. Having great friends who know your taste in books is such a blessing! Here's to a happy, healthy 2019 with lots of 5 star reads!

The Agony House | Cherie Priest
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Cherie Priest is great at creepy! Denise finds a comic hidden in the attic of the house her folks are fixing up in NOLA. Pages from the comic are interspersed w/the prose. Bad things start to happen when Denise reads the comic. I love the attention to detail on the book cover and jacket. Tara O'Connor is one of my favorite comic writers/illustrators and I love Cherie Priest. Double win for me!

My Lazy Cat | Christine Roussey
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1. Chloe and I are chilling while we wait for everyone else to wake up.
2. I‘m off work until January 3rd, so I hope so!
3. No shoes right now, but blue slippers are on the floor beside me.
4. Bed, 2 dressers, 2 side tables (full of books), a trunk, and a small bookshelf.
5. A burger and BBQ Chips at my favorite tavern.
@MinDea #HumpDayPost

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Books from some of my favorite authors and noise cancelling headphones. My husband knows and loves me! And Barda finally able to get back under the tree now that we've opened presents. The Charles De Lint & Mira Grant are limited runs from Subterranean Press. Merry Christmas!

Hard Times | Charles Dickens
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I'm revising the view I've held on this book for 30 years. I hated it when I had to read it in college. But you have to admire a character who throws shade like Mrs. Sparsit. My new thought is that Dickens is best performed because I thoroughly enjoyed the BBC audiobook. This was my "Read a Book You Hated" for Bookriot's #ReadHarder2018 challenge.

How We Decide | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Jonah Lehrer
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I took the quiz twice because I couldn't decide if I wanted to Smash More Patriarchy or Take More Baths. Both results are good, but I really need to work on my TBR. Diversity in my reading is really pretty good.

mcipher I totally went with baths and I do need to read more diversity. I‘m bad at that. 6y
AWahle @mcipher Ideally I would take more baths after smashing. Of the books I've finished this year 62% were by women, but I do need to get my # by POC higher than 20%. I didn't keep track of whether an author was LGBTQ or not. 6y
DGRachel I read over 160 books this year and this quiz had the nerve to tell me I need to read more. Not more diversely, just more. 😒 6y
AWahle @DGRachel Huh! Are you actually sleeping and spending time with your family? ? If you answered 100+ to that question, the result "Read More" should automatically be discarded. IMHO 6y
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Started this on the drive home tonight. Very disappointed that Mr. Pollan began by incorrectly saying the bee working in his garden was a “he.” “A bumblebee would probably would probably also regard himself as a subject in the garden and the bloom he‘s plundering for its drop of nectar as an object. But we know this is just a failure of his imagination.” Sigh. My 7 year old neighbor would be happy to explain that the worker bees are all female.

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1. I really don‘t know, but I do get tired of multiple viewings of A Christmas Story. Rare Exports is my favorite with Die Hard a close second.
2. Morning. I need something to help wake me up.
3. It was Kay. When I got married, I changed it to Weston - my maiden name. Now my initials are “AWW.”
4. Housework, errands, reading.
#friyayintro @howjessreads

Bird Box: A Novel | Josh Malerman
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A creepy audiobook made more so by the gloomy drive home. What a terrifying situation to be in! I'm looking forward to the movie when it airs on Netflix. Now excuse me while I go make sure all the curtains are closed.

The Queen of Spells | Dahlov Zorach Ipcar
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I was able to fill the Winter section of the #booked2019 challenge with 2or 3 titles I already own for every category except Podcast. These are my current plans:
1. Female Detective - Aunty Lee's Delights
2. Fairytale Retelling - The Queen of Spells
3. Happy Place - Homemade Life (kitchen)
4. Podcast - Monsoon Mansion (The Reading Women)
5. Irish author- The Secrets of Roscarbury Hall
6. New to me author - The Child Finder

BarbaraTheBibliophage Some good picks! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m so excited to see all the different titles and I‘m super curious about 6y
Bklover I loved The Child Finder!! 6y
AWahle @Bklover It was already on my "want to read" list and I lucked out finding a copy for $2 at a library sale! ? 6y
KendylChamberlain The Child Finder was an emotional read. A tough one for many in my group as well. Well written but sad!! 6y
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World's Best Fairy Tales | Reader's Digest Editors
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1. I read this entire book the Summer I was 9 or 10. Between climbing trees & going swimming.
2. Pie, if it is peach or pecan. Otherwise, give me cake!
3. Baking. And crafty dabbling.
4. Victoria B.C.
#friyayintro. @howjessreads

Puddin' | Julie Murphy
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Loving this as much as I did Dumplin'! Looking forward to seeing both on the big screen. There is so much in these books that remind me of my own high school days in Texas! No one else understands mums...

JoScho ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Purrfectpages Great quote. 6y
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Ghost Road | Charis Cotter
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This was my favorite type of book when I was a tween - a curse, a family mystery to solve and a brave, intelligent narrator. Ruth has been sent to live with her Great Aunt Doll in Newfoundland for the Summer. She meets her cousin Ruby and learns that both their mothers (twins) died on the same day. The girls learn about a family curse that always leaves the new generation of twin daughters motherless at a young age. Can they solve the mystery?

AWahle I received this book from Librarything as an early reviewer giveaway. A longer review will be posted there. 6y
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I'll Eat When I'm Dead | Barbara Bourland
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My current book and audio book selections. I thought these made a good pairing. Especially ironic since, when left to my own devices, I tend to favor jeans and t-shirts these days.

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1. Cats
2. Dragons
3. Spiders 🕷 They are beautiful & can be beneficial, but they freak me out. They stay outside, they stay alive.
4. My patronus is the Nebelung Cat.
5. In case you haven‘t guessed, I‘d be a cat.

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 😀 6y
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Thursday Night Widows | Claudia Pieiro
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Traveling to the opposite coast for work means lots of reading. Finished this on the flight to Baltimore. I was interested enough to finish this story about the "Haves" and the issues they face in the Argentinian financial collapse of the 90's-00's but I'm not going to rush out and tell anyone else to read it. This fulfills my book in translation/translated by a woman for the Reading Woman Challenge.

arubabookwoman Ooh— I recognize that bookmark! 6y
AWahle @arubabookwoman It's s great bookmark! I didn't realize it had conversions on the back! Thank you. ❤️📚 6y
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While this look at life in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban was fascinating, there has been a lot of controversy about the author endangering the women she wrote about. My problem was her wanting Afghanistan to bend to her way of life. She complains that Xmas was just like any other winter day and wants her husband to be more affectionate. She became a 2nd wife, but is hurt when the 1st wife gets pregnant. Sigh. It was still interesting.

CouronneDhiver I remember enjoying this book. 😊 6y
AWahle I didn't not like it. The articles about the controversies probably color my view a bit. And her (and her husband's) unwillingness to meet each other half way was frustrating. 6y
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Oh my goodness! This is my embarrassment of riches from @CSeydel in the #hometownswap Too generous! The coffee smells amazing and I didn't even think about music - looking forward to listening to the CD. Thank you for the sweet letter. My hubby is going to love the Snoop Dogg book! All the book choices sound great too!

MicrobeMom Wow! Great package! 6y
CSeydel I admit I felt a little silly sending coffee to the land of Peets, Starbucks, et al.! I didn‘t really know what Long Beach foods would be, though. I went a little crazy with the books because I tried to represent as many of the diverse SoCal cultures as I could! I hope you love them! The Snoop Dogg book was a great find 😂 6y
AWahle @CSeydel I'm looking forward to the coffee - I rarely drink Starbucks because we prefer the little roasters who are local. I'm thrilled with the diversity! 6y
Reviewsbylola Great package! All Involved is good! 6y
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So I'm a little older than the kids in this story - but I still like the '80's setting. I've finished volume 2 and am still deciding how much I like it. Rick Remender has a tendency to go for the easy tropes, but there are great bits like this scene.

Us Against You | Fredrik Backman
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Of course the library has this on CD instead of an MP3 file just as we hit what counts as a heat wave in the PNW. I know I could download it to my phone, but I'm too lazy to load 11 CDs!

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The worst thing about this book is that it is the 1st in a trilogy and isn't even out until Oct. so I have to wait a minimum of a year to find out what happens next. Yumeko, a half Kitsune girl, narrates alternating chapters with Tatsumi, the demon slayer of the Shadow Clan. She is protecting a scroll he is seeking for his master. This book was exciting & full of surprises. That said, I would have loved a glossary. Does anyone do those anymore?

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1. Going to Bellingham to see my daughter since she has to work on her birthday next week & can't come home for the 4th
2. 5
3. Summer I guess; Winters in the PNW are too grey & wet. I don't like the heat, but my husband's garden is beautiful.
4. Nick Cave - last year or the first time I saw him in 2008. Both shows we're electrifying.
5. 🙂

arubabookwoman Is your daughter at WWU? 3 of my kids went there. I always enjoyed visiting Bellingham. 6y
AWahle @arubabookwoman She's at Whatcom CC while she decides what she wants to major in. WWU doesn't let you take art classes if you aren't an art major. 6y
LapReader I saw him in my hometown last year too. So preacher like. I loved it. I cried. 6y
AWahle @LapReader Did he come out into the audience? We went up to Vancouver BC because he didn't come to Seattle like he usually does. It was incredible, wasn't it? 6y
LapReader He didn‘t but he was very affectionate with them. 6y
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The Woman Warrior: China Men | Maxine Hong Kingston
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What do you do when you're VERY early to book club even after visiting the independent bookstore and the comic shop next door? You go ahead and order a cider and start in on one of the new acquisitions.

mrozzz 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 6y
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I was thrilled to receive this book from LibraryThing Early Reviewers because I love to bake! ❤️ Both recipes I've tried so far have been hits - Butterscotch Potato Chip Balls & Curried Candied Cashews. I appreciate how the author explains where she got each recipe and how she tweaked it. Chocolate Molasses Crinkles or Mexican Hot Chocolate Bavarian Pie will be next. The photographs are beautiful.

LeahBergen This sounds marvellous! 6y
RealLifeReading Butterscotch potato chip balls sounds both weird and awesome! 6y
AWahle @RealLifeReading They are both weird and awesome. I love salty-sweet combos so they check all the boxes for me! 6y
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Christine YES to salty-sweet combos and baking all the things! ❤️ 6y
arubabookwoman Those cookies in the photo look 😋 6y
AWahle @arubabookwoman Too late to include the recipe in your #LetsCook box cause I mailed it today, but I can email it to you! 6y
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My used copy of the tagged book showed up with its own forgotten bookmarks! I love finding what other people used to mark their place when I buy a second hand book.

LeahBergen I do, too! 6y
Christine So fun! 6y
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The Recipe Box | Sandra Lee
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@arubabookwoman totally spoiled me in the #LetsCook swap. A notebook with lots of yummy recipes, tea, a rosemary planting kit, a mermaid notepad, a journal, and a bookmark summing up my philosophy. I can't take a picture of the chocolate bar cause I already ate it! Thank you for all the wonderful goodies!

LazyDays Yay!😊💖 6y
arubabookwoman Wow! That was fast! Hope you like the recipes! 6y
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Delicious! | Ruth Reichl
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Finally getting my #LetsCook package out to @Austen_Nerd My package to @arubabookwoman will go out soon - I'm waiting for something & she lives closer so it won't take long to get to her. I hope they like my recipes!

LazyDays 😊💖 6y
arubabookwoman I sent mine out today to both of you. I hope you are not disappointed—I didn‘t wrap anything—Sorry I didn‘t think to do so. Can‘t wait to see the recipes. @austen_nerd @lazydays 6y
Austen_Nerd ok, thanks to depression and crazy family can someone email me the list again, i can not find the email with address and info. Sorry, I seemed to have lost 3 weeks of my life and now playing catch-up 6y
Austen_Nerd @AWahle @arubabookwoman @LazyDays sorry, my email is kayakgirlntn@gmail. com Thanks 6y
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Red | Warren Ellis, Cully Hamner
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1. Helen Mirren - always, but especially in the movie based on the tagged book.
2. Yes. I aim for 10:30.
3. Fiction
4. The mixer. I'm a baker...
5. Library is closer. Ironically the library I use the most is not the one closest to my house.

Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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1. Gerbera Daisies - they are so cheerful and bright!
2. Asparagus or butternut squash
3. My husband has both - flower garden, no veggies except my tomatoes. 🍅
4. The tagged book. Claire runs a catering business. She uses the flowers and edible herbs she grows in her garden. Her food has a magical effect on people. She never uses the apples from the tree in her backyard though - you‘ll have to read to find out why.

mom2bugnbee Loooooooooove SAA! 6y
AWahle @mom2bugnbee I have all of her books. She does magical realism like no one else! 6y
REPollock I love that you used your own flower picture for the graphic!! 6y
AWahle @REPollock Thanks! I was hoping you wouldn't mind. 6y
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