Meg Tilly does not disappoint. Seriously, her characters are lovebale and you never see the full twist coming. I can‘t believe she hasn‘t been writing romantic suspense all her life- this is where her talent lies. Book 1/6 for #bfc
Meg Tilly does not disappoint. Seriously, her characters are lovebale and you never see the full twist coming. I can‘t believe she hasn‘t been writing romantic suspense all her life- this is where her talent lies. Book 1/6 for #bfc
This was a book I wanted to like more than I did. I think it would have benefited from focusing on the romance, which was fun and well-written, and dumping the thriller aspect, which felt clunky, especially since most of the thriller part was the bad guy being sexually aroused thinking about kidnapping Eve - that got old fast! Alright read, but not stellar. First book for #20BooksofSummer !
She's stayed in the relationship longer than she should have, trying to save him. One day, after he'd surfaced after a three-day bender, she'd realized the only person she could save was herself.
Here are my first five reads for #20BooksofSummer - I'm especially excited about Foolish Hearts, as I have really enjoyed the other two Emma Mills books I've read. Also interested to read my first Linwood Barclay book!
Does anyone else on Litsy participate in #20BooksofSummer? It's a super relaxing and fun challenge hosted by Cathy over at 756Books - check out her post!
I have my list picked out, so we will see what happens!! My full list is here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/2019/05/27/20booksofsummer-the-2019-list/
The challenge starts June 3, so I'll post a pic of my first five books then!